How can we use this to our advantage? A huge network of decentralized leftists, cucks, and SJWs waiting for something big to happen. I suggest we form our own coalitions utilizing this infrastructure, divide and fucking conquer.

Other urls found in this thread:

Looking here, Indivisible seems to be more of a loose coalition of individual local groups than a centralized top-down organization. Having looked at some of the groups on there that are in my area, it seems to be pretty broad, including mainline Dem committees, "progressives", woman's clubs, antifa, etc. Based on what I've read, their plan seems to be to try to take power at the local level, which is obviously pretty dangerous if they can actually get organized. Most organization is done through Zuckbook. Have a look at your local chapter.

I think its funded by a Soros connection. While I don't doubt it, I haven't actually dug into it myself. It's probably worthwhile to look into (((who))) is actually behind this and see if there's any connections to the usual suspects.

Their guide:

Yeah it's a bunch of fb pages, now if someone was to organize an event, say "MARCH TO END WHITE SUPREMACY" or "BLM D DAY" we could shill for it and pretend to be niggers, get a bunch of people arrested

oh and Soros owns this, they don't even hide it

Yeah, most of it seems to be run by gen Xers and boomers. Very low OpSec. We could have a damn field day with this organization.

Should we roll call our meme war veterans?

absolutely, I live in Berkeley and went to every march recently, I can and always be a high level sleeper cell member. Also in contact with Kyle Chapman

What the fuck is this commie shit?

Soros backed unilateral opposition building, pretty impressive networking actually. The thing ties together facebook groups from around the country. People can even hop on bus systems to organize more effectively. Now we need to infiltrate these meetings, I want all of us to go to these chapters, acquire information, and report back.

These folks have an app that emails, faxes, calls, and texts their local congressmen over issues.
1. I'm pretty sure their congress members block automatic shit like that
2. I bet the app is full of data mining

I just joined my local group on kikebook to spy. Jeez, these people are good at local organization.

Best defense; Attack

Go to their meetings and act like a super far leftist and create divide between liberals and leftists, make up fake issues about race and sex..... pull an occupy wall street tactic, like how that movement got destroyed by identity politics

I think the red pill they need is a suppository at his point



>Organizers of January’s Women’s March on Washington and leaders of Indivisible will make presentations later this week to the Democracy Alliance when the influential donor coalition holds its private spring meeting in Washington, the group’s president Gara LaMarche said.

>LaMarche said he already has sought to connect alliance contributors to Indivisible, one of the groups at the forefront of anti-Trump efforts. Its organizers, led by former Democratic congressional aides, have created a how-to manual “for resisting the Trump agenda” that is modeled on conservative Tea Party tactics and has encouraged shows of opposition at congressional town hall meetings.

>More than 5,500 local groups are using the guide to fight administration policies, organizers say.

>“Everybody is impressed by what’s come up in a grassroots sense and doing what we can to support that and connect that up to a larger infrastructure,” LaMarche told USA TODAY.

>The alliance, aligned with billionaire financier George Soros, also is weighing building a pool of money that can be deployed for “rapid response” work by other liberal groups on an array of issues, such as challenging the Trump administration on the deportation of undocumented immigrants.

>Ezra Levin, a former congressional aide who helped start Indivisible with his wife, Leah Greenberg, and other ex-Capitol Hill staffers, said the group is “is very much led on the ground” by activists who are determined to take action against Trump and is not under the sway of any one donor or group.

>Levin said the group has received more than 10,000 donations totaling more than $500,000 since last January through ActBlue, a fundraising engine for liberal candidates and causes. Levin said the group wants to continue to have a broad fundraising base, even as it looks to groups such as the Democracy Alliance for additional help.

>“We’re certainly not looking for anybody to own it by providing like some kind of enormous amount,” he said. "That’s not our model.”


>Tfw someone copies your OP from a failed thread and uses it to mobilize cuckchan

T-Thanks for paying attention to everything

Some of their tactics

>Sometimes the Sup Forums crowd should take a page from their book and show up to these town hall / local events.

Bump for justice