Blacks rape white woman "to teach her lesson about dating blacks"

Coal was burned. Toll was paid.

>The woman said that they told her, “We’re going to teach you a lesson about dating a black man and white [women] don’t mean [expletive] in this town.”

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I don't think I'd ever say this, but BASED black man

>believing fake news

It's around 27,000 WW raped by BM every year in the US, right?

That smugness. That smile. Give me link to article, op.

Niggers are animals.


Nothing I hate more than mug shots where violent criminals try to act cute.
The plus side is that the judge gets to see those at some point before sentencing. He gets to see that utter lack of remorse, that total disdain for society and the good people in it.

Sorry forgot to link article:


In her rape, everything appears fair.

Burn the coal, pay the toll.

>The victim said she was “just hanging out with friends” at a home in the 1000 block of Disston Avenue when a friend, Rodney “Coop” Cooper, pushed her inside the home and into a bedroom, according to the report.

She was hanging out with these 2 guys and they were planning to rape her from the beginning or she cheated and made up the whole story. Either way, sounds like she's retarded.

Probably for every case like that there's 100 other thug incidents that never get caught or even reported. That's just of the white women, men, and children who aren't murdered after.


Based black men

>Rodney "Coop" Cooper

Haha yo, das my nigga coop. what up widdit?

Well I hope she learned her lesson.

That picture is a work of fucking art

Even niggers are waking up

Guess who many white women give a fuck about "the white women, men, and children who are murdered"?

Pretty useless without the reference or source of the stats

lol white boys will see this shit and not kill the first random nigger they see. you people deserve extinction for your cowardice.

All of them would. The thing is, they're never informed about it; so they continue being clueless idiots, putting themselves at risk.


They're (((brainwashed))) by self-hatred and false statistics. Their entire world view is in a distortion field inside a bubble. Worse yet, men and women who aren't willing to witness reality even in videos and images aren't mentally equipped to have an opinion pertaining to that reality. Witnessing reality is an important part of reality.

It's only hate crime when done by a white, this is reparation crime

Yeah and it's 0-5 for black women getting raped by white men, but the margin of error is 5 so it's really just 0.

There's a link further down in the thread.