Richard Spencer

>I'm a socialist
>I hate the right wing
What did he mean by this Sup Forums?

He's a Nazi and doesn't understand the socialist part of Nat soc wasn't actually socialism.

Either that or he's clever and confusing retarded commie lefties on purpose

He means that he's an obvious plant and anyone who doesn't see that is retarded.


The altright is a collectivist movement fuck off to all the ayn rand bs white socialism can work white people can make anything work

>edited (read: massacred) video released by irrelevant libertarian faggots
>socialism done right
socialism works in racially homogeneous (read: white) countries. are you trying to deny this. the reason social benifits and welfare states don't work in america is A)because there is a large nonwhite population leeching of a much smaller group of earners, and B) read robert putnam's study about diversity and social cohesion
>I hate the right wing
Aside from the fact that spencer never said this in the video i think the message that he's trying to onvey is that a majority of the American right wing is made up of traitorous neocons (that deserve the rope) and cuck libertarian losers (that also deserve the rope)

Was the purpose of this thread to make specner look intelligent and reasonable? Because if so, good job

>video published by Bradford County Libertarian Party of Florida


This desu.

one follow up before i close this window:
Once a white ethnostate is established, I don't give a shit about economic policy. We could go full demorcatic socialist like the nordic countries or remain free market (internally that is, as long as global trade and liberalism is eradicated)

I don't worship some vague economic idea, whatever system serves our people is fine with me

He's a third positionist, a true fascist, remember that we're against capitalism and communism, fuck both, the (((left))) and the (((right)))


He's not right wing
>I love INTERNATIONAL socialism


I don't give a fuck desu. As long as someone is aware on the jq then they're fine by me

The guy just says whatever to get a response from people. He has no actual ideas.

Fucking this, most of the mainstream right wing is fucking cancer, and he's right to shit on it.

The idea that 'right wing thought' is defined by fellating the free market is ridiculous

Retard never heard of Third Position, therefore it's not real.

There's literally nothing wrong with the government lending a hand to poor white people.

Look at me. Look at me.

I'm the white supremacist now.


>gib me dat cheese muhfugguh know'm'sayin?

Pretty much.

What has libertarianism done other than transform our nations into kike controlled business and money transform stations? What are the benefits of allowing arab oil tycoons and Chinese technocrats to park their billions driving up real estate prices and inviting the entirety of the third world to come here to pick crops for four dollars an hour irreversibly altering our demographics?

>think of the AH-KAHN-NO-MEE goy, never mind the fact that your formerly white town transformed into a combination of Tijuana and Mogadishu goy

Worshippers at the altar of the (((free market))) get the rope.

I just want America to be back to 80% plus white. I want people to be made aware of Jewish propaganda. But then I'd like as much freedom as possible. What does that make me?


(((Neocons))) are "right wing."


Fwiw I don't think whites should be in Africa either.

>real estate belongs to ethnicities because reasons
yeah, definitely spooked

>thinking people in power give that much of a shit about your fertility rate

How do you hope to accomplish this? Just wanting something to happen with no idea of how it can be done pretty much makes you a communist

Why not? Whites in africa actually built those nations, the schools, the roads, the hospitals. They should only leave if they can take all of that with them

>pretty much makes you a communist
As in comunists are retarded btw

Yep. Spencer has complimented the Soviet Union and quotes Dugin. He's a Nazbol with a Duginist mindset.


Well, he did support Israel. But I still think he's COINTELPRO.

I'm actually alright with nazbols desu. Most of them are racially aware and reject communism despite using communist imagery. Not to mention, they're technically third position.

both go into the oven


he's getting fat

He didn't say "I hate the right wing" or I have selective hearing

He meant that he is a media plant intended to create decisiveness on the right and youre a msm pawn if you listen to him

>eew Richard Spencer that's icky!

does he legitimately have autism? What the hell is going on? I don't understand why anyone would consider this guy their leader.

hail victhory

>effiminate chad who makes all of his money off of a cotton plantation and uses it to cuck the black race
>rich and has everything anyone could ever want
>still chooses to fight for the white race
You wish you could be as alpha as him user.

They were building roads and the Autobahn, literally commie statists.

pic related, no edits

>be homonigger
>campaign for ron paul
>start falling for Russian propaganda
>get recruited by Putin
>"listen goy we're gonna have international socialism, but this time whites are in charge teehee seriously"
>unironically falls for it
>marries and impregnates the Georgian ogre known as Nina Byzantina
>LARPs as the gayest nazi in history
>amasses a following of Russian internet shills and gullible white social rejects

and now we're here. What could the future have in store for ol' implicit Dick?

Great mix of facts and paranoia.

Are you jewish?


>Spencer wants socialized healthcare
>He shills for pro-amnesty Democrat named Tulsi Gabbard
>He thinks racemixing is totally ok
>He thinks ethnic-nationalism is for idiots
>He has made numerous pro-Israel comments in the past
>He thinks the Holocaust was real
>He thinks the Ukrainian genocide was a simple famine caused by natural disasters
>He turned his back on Trump and now openly hates him


Forgot to add:

>He was anti-Brexit
>He thinks homosexuality is the perfect example of white nationalism
>He has a fetish for trannies.
>Was mentored by (((Paul Gottfried))), the kike who coined the term "alternative right"
>He was against Marine Le Pen and thought she was a weak candidate

That's the funniest thing I've heard all day

>Retweeted someone who said that Hillary should have won instead of Trump
>Has openly called Trump a cuck on numerous occasions

>real pictures of reality

pick 1



I don't see how that's relevant. I refuse to answer on principle.


>real pictures of reality

pic related: its you

this is huh, wow...

based on these pictures, the alt-right is based af. count this 'pede in.

>ecelebs = white nationalists
Ok I'm bailing, user has me in stitches




nice try Spencer

here i circled all the symptoms of shill you're showing rabbi

you realize hillary and MSM were the ones that made Richard Spencer more popular with the mainstream masses.

dudes a lol

I don't understand why white nationalists get butthurt when people ask them to define "whiteness". It's as if they know deep down that it's a social construct, but are for some reason unwilling to admit it.

because its semantics. people who make "define whiteness" threads, make threads calling us white boys with small dicks 10 minutes later

you will only ever deconstruct white identity when you have something to gain from it. when you have something to gain from seeing us a group its "cum skin" this and "white boy" that

well yeah it is semantics. And if you're in the business of edifying a "white" ethno-state, it's pretty important to talk about what "white" means.

the idea that we cant figure out whos white or not with our eyes is pure fiction

This, an all-white community will always form a high-trust homogenous society in which people help each other out if needed because of our pathological altruism which will no longer be exploited and directed towards hostile out-groups. A large state will not be needed to regulate crime and behaviour because the social contract will be held to a high-standard because of our greater feeling of guilt in comparison to other races.

This means that we will have to waste less money on trying to police criminal outgroups. Should the society choose to be collectivist, it will be able to direct a bigger proportion of wealth towards the improvement of society instead of just barely holding together the radical social of multiculturalism from collapse.

The way in which shekels are distributed is almost irrelevant to how functioning the society will be. White people are the custodians of civilisation. If we do not exist, civilisation does not exist. If we become displaced, civilisation fractures. Anything we do will always be civilised.

It is jews that have framed the political spectrum around one that is focused on how shekels are obtained and distributed because they are only focused on obtaining and controlling the distribution of our resources, regardless of civility. It is a frame that aims to deracialise political discourse, detail it and to centre it around abstract humanist principles rather than "what is best for the survival of my people?".

Economic idealism needs to end, it is far less important than achieving a cleansed, homogenous ethnostate. We can all debate between capitalism vs individualism in the white ethnostate.

OK, so if they "look white", they're fine? What about white Syrians? or Lebanese jews? Or "hispanic whites"?


*between collectivism vs individualism

idont see alt right walking around with faggot ass comic book tier flags and t shirts

Only Northern European Whites.
The rest have lived to close to the land of the Jew and have been tainted eternally.

if you're white enough to lose your life in a race war situation. you're white enough to vouch for white interests

its really as simple as that

>all those "white" people in the bottom left pic

so this is the power of white nationalism.

Socialism works great in a homogeneous White society (Sweden, Norway, etc...). Laissez-Faire Libertarianism ALSO works great in a homogeneous White society (Czech Republic, Estonia, the USA per-Industrialization) Mixed economies work great in homogeneous White societies. It takes a special breed of Boomer-cuckservative retard to fail to see the common thread here. The economic arrangements of a homogeneous White society are simply not important. If you're someone who thinks Right-vs-Left = degrees of authoritarianism in how your damned shekels are distributed, then please kill yourself.

so in that case, George Zimmerman is white? Would you let George Zimmerman marry your daughter?


OK guys. don't buy into this shitty ARvAL meme. I know there's a strong sentiment that the kekistanis have appropriated Sup Forums culture or whatever. REEE normies get out, right? Embrace that you've become popular. The alt-lite are the weakling faggots who are going to introduce you to the hot chicks at the party, so just be cool.
Think of them as stones in the path to redpills. walking billboards that say, "redpills do exist."

White Anglo-American is the ethnic group that makes up le 62%, which is what American white nationalists should be focused on, and cutting out all outside immigration. We can't really have a proper racial definition though considering our 'white' comes from across Europe, and sometimes there is Native American or middle eastern admixture.

nobody ever thought george zimmerman was white bar the media and some salty black people trying to pin his murders on white people

George is honorary aryan though


bitch this isnt a debate, its a statement of fact

but i thought whiteness didnt exist. you're really blowing my mind here

I remember when Hillary Clinton appointed Richard Spencer as our leader

This. He just came out saying they need to "destroy"...right wing personalities. Okay dude, no divide and conquer going here on at all..

America is not 62% Anglo-Saxon. Maybe 15%. The vast majority of whites here are Italian/Irish/German mutts

>socialism can work white people can make anything work
Then let's make capitalism work and kill all commie scum
>inb4 socialism isn't commu is
Socialism always leads to communism

Spencer is controlled opposition along with David Duke/Andrew Anglin et. al

These people intentionally make themselves into political arsenic and then rub themselves all over whatever political candidate they don't want to win.

>t. literal retard

read a book. And no, I'm not insulting you by calling you stupid or something, I'm telling you to read a book instead of getting all your nigger-tier opinions from Sup Forums infographs.

>white socialism can work white people can make anything work

>what is eastern germany?

American English primary speakers is what I meant by Anglo, including any passable whites.

Oh ok. Well in that case maybe you shouldn't repurpose words at random. kind of clouds the message, 2bh. nebulizing

>what is eastern Germany
Technically less degenerate than western Germany


Richard Spencer is a fucking cancer..

I hate the (((right wing))) as well.
I can agree with Spencer on this.