Does anyone else want the Chinese to dominate?

>Christianity growing in China while it shrinks in the west
>China becoming more capitalistic over time while the west becomes more socialistic
>China is experiencing population growth and is relaxing their birth restrictions while the west continues to breed below replacement levels

The future is looking good for China, it's still a hellhole right now but it seems to be the only place that's actually improving.

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i want them to build their fair share of the enterprise. if they are going to travel through space with us, then they need to pony up. also they are not allowed to cook on it

No, their entire philosophical conception of things is completely alien to the one of Northern and Western Europeans. Simply put they are not as good and moral as they/we are.

No, I don't want it.

But it's inevitable, because we think we can hamstring everything by keeping everyone tethered to oil.

They're playing the longer future, we're playing the now.

>being this delusional
china will colonize the stars alone. whites have chosen their fate, extinction.

Is it time for Another Chink Hate Thread?

No. but at least their growth puts pressure on us to put them in place. so theirs that.

warp drive will change that. also does anyone got that info on how asians evolved from that giant beetle creature?

The Chinese are disgusting. I have worked and lived with chinks and they are foul creatures. Not even "human", more like insectoid beasts.

>Earth's sole legacy will be disgusting chinks raping and colonising planets en masse

Fuck me.

To be fair, we allowed this to happen. We fucking chose our fate.

>insectoid beasts

Can you name examples based off your experience? i'm just curious

No, I do not want to live in an even shittier version of the USSR.

Fuck China they have been doing this weird soft power thing where they are trying to take the moral high ground as much as possible now. M a while they are militarily expanding in the South China Sea and pissing all their neighbors off. It just all comes off as fake as fuck.

They're going to have a monopoly on the elements you need to progress your technology.

You understand this, right?

>wanting china to dominate
Those morons were genociding their own people less than 2 generations ago. Only a dumb NEET would confuse the artificial boom they were allowed create on the back of trade deals that disadvantaged the U.S. with intellect or savvy.

Yes those wonderful Western values of throwing money at refugees with no strings attached and diversity politics are really paying dividends these days

>2 generations ago

Yes, because that totally encompasses the philosophy and moral actions of Westerners vs. the Chinese.
Do you really not see how obviously morally superior to virtually everybody else in the world white Western/Northern Europeans are, and why we should try to make sure that those countries are the ones which determine our future?

>Christianity growing in China

You think thats a good thing? Have you ever been to an Asian church? Non-white Christians ALWAYS end up mixing in some of their culture's pagan beliefs/rituals until it's just a parody of European Christianity. Like the spics with Guadalupe, worshiping death, hatians with voodoo saints and the various Chink Jesus/Lao Tzu hybrids figures that came after the Portuguese missionaries tried to convert Japan and Southern China.

>Do you really not see how obviously morally superior to virtually everybody else in the world white Western/Northern Europeans are
No, not really.

I never know what to think of your flag. Are you a legit muslim?

no keep the chinks in china

Oh yes, Europeans are the pinnacle of moral superiority. The fact that they persecuted each other for centuries is only a testament to that. And when they stopped doing that they turned on the entire world and made it its bitch. And when they got bored of that they conquered the remaining world with drugs and biological warfare only to turn back on each other again.

Only for the burgers to come around and go "you know what the middle east needs? some good old fashioned western moral superiority". No, you're delusional if you think the insectoid hivemind of Asians is in any way inferior to the amount of shit Europeans have thrown at each other and the rest of the fucking world.

>Christfag rots his own country from the inside and looks to new host flesh

That philosophy used to work when westerners were surrounded by their own kind. Oil based transport, vaccines, and inoculations muddied the waters. I really think we might see old school slavery come back. Look at this list of races who abolished slavery. Notice something? Whites and a select few Asians were the only people to value each other's company enough to think slavery was wrong. When the shitskins take over, so will the logic of the jungle.

>rots his own country from the inside
The west has abandoned Christianity, their decay is of their own doing.

Christfaggotry was the undoing of the west. The Chinese will all be CRISPR engineered super people soon because you fags banned that kind of research in the west.

And then as Christianity grows in China you'll be dealing with a super-human Christian nation. You guys are screwed.

Christcuck backstabbers turned american into spics and niggers, then runaway and wash their hands. Your day will come. The gooks will harvest your organs when you become a threat.

Chinese can't even dominate themselves. They can't even take over a bitch-ass country like the Philippians.

>not allowed to cook on it

Dude, if you're worried just leave the pets at home

>Christianity growing in China while it shrinks in the west

Then they will rot like all Christcucked countries.

Sandnigger religions are cancer.

>Christcuck backstabbers turned American into spics and niggers
It is not Christianity that is causing our refugee and immigration crisis, it your own Godless degeneracy. The fall of the west is the natural result of turning away from God.

>mixing in some of their culture's pagan beliefs/rituals until it's just a parody of European Christianity don't think European Christianity is a mixture of Euro pagan beliefs/rituals?

All the refugee charities are christian. You Christcucks are blight on the limbs.

they already are
just look at your local university.
an entire generation of chinese will one day have power of everyone else.
I hope our jewish overlords intrvene.

Fuck CHYNA. They're a bunch of cheating lying swindlers worse than jews

Once a country grows large enough, internal conflict is what becomes the most prominent enemy. China and Russian armies are structures(Commissar system) to enslave the people. They are not very effective against other countries and instead rely on waves of numerical superiority. They are designed to be half assed so they can never come together to overthrow the state. It's been that way for a long time. Chinese have not been allowed to own weapons/swords for over a thousand years.

The future is yellow. Whites abandoned their God and ambitions.

no, i just want them to wipe out leftist scum everywhere. oh, and muslims. we should team up on that

>falling for the jewish space communism propaganda

And yet who is bringing the refugees in? Atheist Europe. Complain about Christianity all you want, it is the atheists of Europe that are suffering from their own policies.

Whites embraced a jew god and it lead to suicide.

China is literally garbage. Anybody saying China is become based has never been to fucking China. None of what you said is at all beneficial in the short or long term of chinese dominion. Fuck off, LARPing faggot.

No, it's the Christians bringing in the refugees. Bible promotes universalism. Atheism leads to race realism.

You're so frucking deluded. Commies are the leftist scum. They use leftism as a honeypot and then switch over to military dictatorship when they are on top.

>Christianity growing in China while it shrinks in the west

More proof that Christianity leads to cuckoldry. Why the fuck would you roof for a rival?


believe it not, the CCP is not in the habit of installing puppet gov'ts. shocking, ain't it?

Wow I guess that suicide lasted over a 1000 years

Meanwhile Canada just got its own version of the Sesame system.

Because it's a parasitic religion that needs a new host after the first dies off.

>Athiesm leads to race realism

You're either trolling or an idiot.

>No, it's the Christians bringing in the refugees
Really, cause Poland, Greece, and Romania don't seem to have nearly the same refugee problem as Norway, Germany, or Sweden.

>falling for the china is communist meme


It did. Christianity did it's best to snuff out human instinct and Greek intellectualism. It was a hard fight, but it finally sucked us dry.

The enterprise didn't have cooks, it hat molecular replicators that simply made the meal already cooked.

Even Kirk's enterprise had those things you stuck a card in, glowed for a minute, and spat out ice cream.

Cooking was a recreational activity on Star Trek.

Christianity is still under 2% in China so it's a long way off of being the majority religion and the Christians in China don't have a lot of political power. In their current state China would be awful if it became the hegemon, even if it became Christian majority it would probably still be awful but we'll have to see.


bullshit. look how many papal bulls were written attempting to penetrate buddism and then retracted after china denied the attempts.

its because Trump is so villainized. A random person on the street only knows "trump is hateful and loud," so Xi Jinping can come in and act like a global savior even with zero credentials to back it up.

Ha no fk China they're the ones funding the Soros initiatives that harm the West. Slimy little two faced rats who read too much SUN TZU art of MUH WAR and now think we can't see thru their little games

reminder of the last time China flirted with Christianity

>Chink immediately claims to be Jesus' brother, cult sweeps the countryside
>Other chink claims to be Jesus himself reincarnated, bow down
> Chink #3 claims to be God, demands first two divine chinks kowtow to their father
> God is assassinated, civil war ensues

20 million die over the course of 15 years

>Atheists don't want to vote for turbo-christian, George Bush, anti-abortion, "sign me up fer another dubya dubya two while yer at it!", cowboy-fags

>former atheist, communist states(Poland, Romania) don't have problems with christcuck degradation
>Greece isn't a bunch of retarded, christian shitskins

Only if they grow big cocks, otherwise no

>former atheist, communist states
And currently Christian states

Are you having a giggle?

>supermajority of athiest voters chose candidate that unironically campaigned on "blame whitey" and "import terrorists because diversity"
>are "on the road to race realism"

Is literally oxymoronic to your claim that atheism leads to race realism. If anything, I'd have more credibility claiming that atheism leaves a gaping moral vacuum that most people fill with utopian ideologies that destroy everything they touch.

*wipes tear
That'll be us one day, but with a bunch of spics rolling heads down pyramid shaped skyscrapers.

>Cuckstianity growing in China
Maybe you mean Africa?

if anything this chart illustrates that republicans only win when independents get tired of the democrats' bullshit

>Cuckstianity growing in China
They're not even really communist, they just use the title so they can keep authoritarian control over the economy. And while they do oppose Christianity, it continues to grow regardless of their efforts to suppress it.

Normies take time to be corrupted. You'll get them soon enough, just keep at it. Maybe not Romania, as they have Muslims next door.

Most atheists are normies who go with the flow. Modern colleges are not allowed to teach race realism. The atheists simply inherit the christcuck morality that was drilled into their heads and try and outdo it.

>Christcuck promoting the not real communism meme

fyi: the dog eating festival was banned

also this is a good read on how things are changing in china:

>Christcuck promoting the not real communism meme
I didn't want to come across like that, it's just that the closest thing to "true communism" we have ever seen is North Korea, so I think it is important to recognize that China is liberalizing their economy slowly but steadily. They're still nowhere near western standards for economic freedom, but they're getting a little better.

>And while they do oppose Christianity, it continues to grow regardless of their efforts to suppress it.
>source: my ass
Chinks may be subhuman, but they aren't stupid enough to fall for petty jewish tricks.

"Communism" is about turning the lower classes into Marx reciting slaves and letting the inducted party members sell their labor profits abroad. It's always been that way.

That's right goy! Vicariously enjoy the "conservatism" of shitskins while ignoring your duty to your own race! OYYYYY VEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111

>muh based christian chinks
get real faggot

>>Christianity growing in China while it shrinks in the west

Christianity is a small minority religion in China, and will stay that way. Western sources love to give inflated numbers about the number of Christians in China, and completely unrealistic extrapolations claiming China will become Christian, but actual studies don't support that thesis.

>Controversy exists regarding the veracity of estimates published by some sources. For example, Gerda Wielander (2013) has claimed that estimates of the number of Christians in China that have been spread by Western media may have been highly inflated.[5] For instance, according to Asia Harvest, a US non-profit organization and "inter-denominational Christian ministry", there were 105 millions Christians in China in 2011. The compiler of these figures, Paul Hattaway, indicates that his figures are his own estimate, based on more than 2,000 published sources such as Internet reports, journals, and books, as well as interviews with house church leaders.[72] The study points out that “owing to the difficulties of conducting such a [study] in China today – not the least of which is the sheer size of the country – there is [in the study’s rough estimation] a margin of error of 20 percent.”[65] Citing one of the aforementioned surveys, Gerda Wielander says that the actual number of Christians is around 30 million.[5] Similarly, missionary researcher Tony Lambert has highlighted that an estimate of "one hundred million Chinese Christians" was already being spread by American Christian media in 1983, and has been further exaggerated, through a chain of misquotations, in the 2000s.[73] Christopher Marsh (2011) too has been critical of these overestimations.[74]

But keep dreaming, christcucks

>Most atheists are normies who go with the flow. Modern colleges are not allowed to teach race realism. The atheists simply inherit the christcuck morality that was drilled into their heads and try and outdo it.

How pray tell is that supposed to lead to "race realism"? Sounds more like to me that you'd have more luck teaching "race realism" than attempting to root out Christianity first since the Christians are the only ones at least voting to stop the bleeding right now.

>You'll get them soon enough, just keep at it
You mean if they become atheist nations?

Well that "Jewish trick" is spreading whether they like it or not, you can't oppose God, and China will embrace it sooner or later just as the Romans did.

The west is breeding just fine, look at all the Mexicans, muzzies, and niggers doing the work for us!

Yeah, if China/Russia take over I might hide for a little bit but I feel like it wouldn't be that big of a problem. If they got rid of niggers, hell I'd welcome them!

Don't forget that asians are insectoid creatures

Race realism can only be believed if someone also believes in natural selection.

Western, Christian colleges consider race realism taboo. Western students never learn of it. It's that simple. Christians promoted universalism to their kids since childhood. It's hard to break such an ingrained pattern of behavior.

Christcuckery had nothing to do with old school race laws. Christianity was all about tearing that down and promoting universalism.

Wtf I love China now!

>Christianity growing in China while it shrinks in the west
>Christianity growing in China

Is this true? Christ can civilize anyone. If this trend keeps up China will be based before the turn of the century, mark my words.

well shit, I guess it's time to learn mandarin then
oh wait, I can already speak perfect mandarin
inb4 ching chong ling dong qiang
that's cantonese, BIG difference

Is he right? Is Christianity becoming big in china?


christianity is growing like a contagious virus in chinese countryside as well as in the city, it's getting worrisome from the chinese govt (if not more than Islam)

>>Christianity growing in China
Yes, faster than any other place in the world.

Many of the most religious Christians in the US vote Republican despite a less friendly refugee policy platform, not because of it.
Literally just google "evangelical refugee trump" and you'll get tons of hits. Christians support Republicans because gay marriage and abortion have been the most salient issues for them.

I don't even dislike Christianity or religion in general even though I'm not religious. It's just a straight up fact that Christians support taking in refugees because they believe in the equal worth of every soul. There's a reason why some of the first classical liberals (eg, Locke) premised their entire theories of human equality on people being God's creations.

You're not fooling anyone Zhang

China is going to be a very interesting place in the coming years. Americans and Europeans have been living large on borrowed money and enslaving their children to debt whereas the Chinese have been enslaving each other this entire time for the long haul.

I can imagine in 100 years seeing them as the global leaders with control over half the world including most of Africa.

You mean bunch of sects exiled from Europe, right?

No. Asians are insects that should be eradicated.

t. almost Jewish, Byzantine posers

>americans and europeans
I think you mean Jews.