So what does Sup Forums think about Hillary?

So what does Sup Forums think about Hillary?

>So what does Sup Forums think about Hillary?
Redpill me on "X" threads are bannable offenses.

Saged/reported. Go ruin some other site shill.

I'd like to forget about her. Please stop bringing up her and her uselessness.

Enjoy your ban

Hilly a cute!


Big fans. No really, everyone here has a generally positive opinion on her.


Glad shes dead

kill yourself shill rat

before you know it, WHAMMO, shes out cold!

hillary for prison

Fuck off Trumptard

You fuckin idiot


Fuckin bitch.

Ill punch you dead motherfucker

Damn dude did you forget that everyone's id's are displayed

She was the wrong choice for 2016. People were sick of the status quo, and the insincerity she exuded did her zero favors.

That said she was certainly the lesser of two evils, if she were in charge we'd have at least a functioning government, and wouldn't be discussing how many millions of people to take off of health insurance, nor would we be discussing whether Hillary collided with a foreign power.

Trumptard, piss off.

She may as well be a literal demon but she's still MILES ahead of the jew-loving faggot you guys memed into office and furiously masturbate to all day

surprised you only replied to me once lol



Piece of shit

Obamacare was a fucking mess, and the only reason they're discussing whether Trump collided with Russia is because the legacy media is so cucked they make Justin Trudeau look redpilled.

GTFO, libtard faggot.