As someone with same sex attraction who understands being homosexual is immoral n knows how damaging it is to society...

As someone with same sex attraction who understands being homosexual is immoral n knows how damaging it is to society, how do I deal with it, should I just be celibate for the rest of my life, do I end my life, or start a hetero relationship? but how? Leave your suggestions !

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Leverage your victim status to be an outspoken advocate of the nuclear family, and identify the elitist conspiracy to groom your culture into being an aggressive, divisive agent to erode traditional values

Well I guess it seems you homos have as bad as the rest of it, thanks to the Jews.

It's too bad my gay best friend took a gun to his head over it. It was hell running through his computer
>oh please be polite

That was the best of it. Got a [I won't say] shoved up his ass when he finally found a boyfriend. Horrible.

an hermit

Thanks, will do !

Just fuck boys, there's no going back now. What's immoral is the acceptance, the celebration and promotion of sodomy by society, not so much the act itself. "God" will destroy us in any case, so enjoy your manhole while you can you piece of shit faggot.


Senpai, as someone who has also had homo ideations. Just fuck a girl with an amazing ass doggystyle. Literally the cure for homo

Fap to hetero everyday until it becomes likeable.

I think ending your life would be good, but it would be even better if your life served a purpose and you killed a bunch of muslims or lefties before offing yourself.

Suck my dick, please?

It's called sacrifice. Is the future of your race more important to you than your own sexual gratification? Then find a women of the same race and have children. Is your own sexual gratification is more important to you then the furtherance of your race? Then go be degenerate. There is no wrong answer, your life, the choice is yours.

First of all, stop taking moral advice from Sup Forums. Don't be celibate, just avoid buttsex because it can legitimately damage your sphincter. Also keep it in the home because if you do the majority of people legitimately won't care. It's not like the most extreme Sup Forumstards are ever going to rise to power and implement sodomy laws.


You could just not be a fairy, and not shove it in everyone's face. That's what bugs me the most about the "LGBTQP+++" shit. They shift culture itself into degeneracy.

They know that they're doing it, and they don't care.

become a better Milo

Call out blatant public degeneracy. "Quit being gross. This is why nobody likes us."

Stop masturbating and watching porn. You're not gay, you think you're gay. Homosexuality is not an orientation, it is a lust for a dopamine rush brought about by taboo sex. Men have been fucking each other for centuries but they used to grow up and have wives/raise children until the Jews told them they were gay for life.

Everybody has homosexual thoughts or intrusive urges, even if it is .05%, there is gay in everyone. It is not right, it is lust and it is Satan.

Do not defile yourself with another man.

go to gay neighborhoods in your area and cut-loose and have fun. keep the overt and overly degenerate shit there.
and to the people with families, don't take your fucking kids to that neighborhood until you're ready to explain homosex to your kids.
everyone needs a reserve where they can be themselves.
if you don't like it, don't go there.

I was going to be an edgelord, but then the first post was the best post and I ended up just giving up

i am capable of fapping to girls but its a totally hollow feeling that makes me depressed
is it just wanting sex? if thats all it was for me I would just cut out the thoughts and try to be normal.

It's not immoral. Procreation just isn't as high a priority to you as taking it in the ass.

Milo was such a disappointment. As much as he claimed to be a "conservative" who was for traditionalism and against the gay lifestyle, he turned out to be just as much of a degenerate, attention-seeking whore as your average basic-bitch fag. It's sad, really.

if you're actually serious, just keep it quiet and find some other faggot and leave your faggotry in the bedroom. It's one thing to be a faggot in private, and another to openly promote faggotry in society like those cancerous (((pride))) events. Yeah yeah being a faggot is still degenerate but honestly, as long you don't get on gibs and have a job like any other functional contributing human being, nobody will give a shit.

People are right to hate flaming sex-crazed obnoxious fags whose sexuality is their identity. People do not actually hate private faggots, because they cannot detect them unless they go full faggot

t. "straight-acting" faggot

Wise choice ! Wish others did the same.

Try to marry and have White children, if you want kids, via adoption or surrogacy. Try to be happy and don't listen to Sup Forums they fear gays in power.

Serbia, Luxembourg, and Ireland have not collapsed so far.

Will do !

Be like Yukio Mishima, marry with a womyn, raise a conservative family with her, while you have a sidefag to do all the sordid things you wanna do.
Its kinda like how conservative men went after prostitus to satisfy their fetishes.

The mental illness is probably passed down so not breeding is preferable here.

No, don't deny it feel shame for your nature. If you are truly homosexual, a a marriage with a woman will be suffering and your kids will be screwed in the head. Meet a nice man and get married, publicly speak out against degeneracy in the gay community. Call out the pride marches, latex dog suit guys and dildo costumes.

Remain celibate, a heterosexual relationship just wouldn't work when you aren't attracted to the woman plus your illness is probably genetic so breeding might make your kids or grandkids suffer the same fate.

Not about sex, will take your advice !

I agree !

> serbia literal gypsys
>ireland literal gypsys
> Luxembourg full of niggers

Yeah i guess youre right.


I would only consider being a foster parent or surrogacy if I somehow get that kind of money.
It's a big lie that gay adoption would help children. Kids with no ongoing custody attachments (the ones that don't get stuck in foster) are in huge demand by infertile straight couples and letting gays compete with them doesn't help anyone.

That's just not true. There are far more children up for adoption than there are parents who want them, especially for older children.

More than 101,000 children wait for permanent homes in the United States. Most are school-aged or older. Many have emotional, physical, or learning disabilities. There are brothers and sisters who need to stay together. More than half of the children come from minority cultures.

But that's exactly wrong. A child needs a mother and a father. You don't get to get out of it that easy.

>t childless
>and not wanting to shack up with a guy

Dude people think masturbation is immoral. Sex is sex. So long as it's consensual you should be in the clear.

But if you don't feel comfortable with sex, then you might not be a sexual person. That's fine too.

Just don't force yourself to do anything you feel uncomfortable with and you should be fine.

Personally I'd just be gay, do what you have to do, but be discreet about it.

It's more a question of not actively promoting it as an equivalent to heterosexual married life to young people.

As people get older they understand that homosexuality is a reality, but kids shouldn't see it as a competing lifestyle option... there is an objectively 'best' way for society, and that needs to be promoted as the norm.

Some people won't fit into the norm - it's always been that way - but they should always be a subculture, and never attempt to push themselves into the mainstream.

Unfortunately the gay lifestyle, is fundamentally incompatible with healthy family life.. and healthy family life is required for a functioning society.

It's hard for gays, but in some ways they can occupy a niche that can be useful and fulfilling -- just not at the centre.

Thats fair - there is probably more kids that will go to permanent homes overall with the homos being allowed.
My primary concern is that many newborn orphans who could still have an optimal life with a mom and dad get fucked over because sjw social workers put them with homos instead.

I mean they don't literally need a mom and dad to live but point taken. I know whats its like to have missing parents.

>I mean they don't literally need a mom and dad
Yes they do. That's why moms & dads make babies and homos don't

>to live

You want to tell us what it's like with missing parents user, or worse?

I'm no stranger to this.

There is no evidence outside of Catholic-funded stuff that a child does better with a mom and a dad. All research so far (and granted there hasn't been a ton) shows that gay MARRIED parents are equivalent to straight married parents. Most studies against gays as parents measure broken homes where (heterosexual) parents divorced upon learning one was gay.

Become an hetero

>how do I deal with it

wtf does the img have to do with the topic
saved it tho. thanks eh

I like you (also hello), but we're going to have to disagree on that.

Children are not statistics.

that picture severely angers me for some reason.

Fuck off, Oprah. You're supposed to live like Ronldo. A boxer bf. Athletic. Lots of money. Seems Christian. And two different surrogacied children

Well no but I think what matters is that you have two people who can split the chores, not their gender. If you care so much about gender than have an aunt or a grandmother around to visit a lot.

>If you care so much about gender than have an aunt or a grandmother around to visit a lot.
Don't be selfish. That's part of normal family life anyway.

It is the most giving spirit to want kids. They require a lot out of you. There is just no hard evidence that kids require parents of both genders to succeed in life. What matters is hopefully a two-parent, stable, married family.

>There is no evidence outside of Catholic-funded stuff
>evidence that doesn't support my belief are not evidence

that's not very scientific

>Most studies against gays as parents measure broken homes where (heterosexual) parents divorced upon learning one was gay.

because surely lesbian couples are not statistically most likely to physically abuse each other, or that fags cheat?

Look, I'm not saying that homo's can't be good parents. But hetero couples are just the most natural way to raise children, it's far from being "equivalent". Kids are going to get bullied, they're going to get confused, they're just going to have a harder time coping with fag parents and no amount of cultural marxism can change that. Kids aren't statistics for wanking off how good homos can be, they need proper hetero households in order to integrate and prioritizing traditional homes are what's important.

Again, before you get defensive I'm not saying homo's can't be good parents. I've had this discussion before and they just kept citing their own biased statistics, discrediting studies they don't like while cherrypicking families. As a homo myself, don't be deluded. Kids need good homes.

I think you know that we agree. But here I am insisting on non-absolute language.
I guess its just because I know I could be 10x better than my parents were even with this handicap. But then of course as soon as I deny them a mother I'm no better am I? Don't worry dude. It's not gonna happen.

Well my point is more that it is illogical shitty research that is funded to deny gays rights in courts rather than advance scientific knowledge.

>There is just no hard evidence that kids require parents of both genders to succeed in life.
I suppose we could get in to science, if you're really this deranged.

Don't push it. We're willing to allow gays to hook up and do whatever and whatever. You start reappropirating the children and that's something different.

Spread your Aryan white genes. Rape, consent, I don't care. If we're going to win the race war, we have to beat the niggers at their own game, god damnit!

If you don't want to have kids as a homosexual, that is fine, but you don't get to deny others that right.

>get some nasty disease
>go to a gay orgy
>infect as many fags as you can
>be hero of Sup Forums

user, sometimes our issues overwhelm us, but you cant kill your self without going to hell.

In the Ten Commandments God proclaims “You shall not kill” (Exodus 20:13, repeated in Deuteronomy 5:17).

That verb refers specifically to illegitimate taking of life, by an heroing, thats exactly what you are doing.

Also bear in mind that homosexuals wont inherit the kingdom of god.

Think about it for a fucking sec, suicide is not an option, it doesnt end your problems, it just ends any possibility of making things better.

Now for the fag part, fall in love with a nice beautiful pussy find something to take your mind off the homo stuffz

Shit can be overwelming, but try and do something off your bucket list, talk to your friends or family or someone who cares or listens to you.

>worried about fairytales in old books

Well, it's not unusual if you don't want to talk about yourself, and it's admirable that you want to do better in life.

It's not like I want to know the details about some kid's situation only to learn that he has a younger brother he figures is the priority to take care of.

Dont fall in love with a hoe, get a QT3.1416 wife (must be female no trans shit).

1 Corinthians 7:7,8

He's real rather you like it or not faggot.

I'll say a prayer for you homo friend.

which goes on both way. You simply cannot deny that "illogical shitty research" is also done by scientists with clear agendas and bias. Don't play this game.

>rather than advance scientific knowledge.
>homos raising kids is advancing scientific knowledge

get real. I've worked with actual researchers. The problem with modern science is a different topic altogether rife with number fudging and messing with data to get state funding. Funding which, comes from with agendas. How scientific. Don't play this game either.

I'm not "denying" any right. I am being realistic. Kids need good homes, you can't prioritize ideology over a proper upbringing.

It's hard to cope that the MAJORITY of fags are utterly depraved sex-crazed abusive degenerates instead of model citizens. But it's the truth, and we've got to stop ourselves from ruining more lives and build up an actual respectful reputation instead of continuing to be depraved sex-crazed abusive degenerates while simultaneously saying we're good people.

Well we don't have big enough samples so far of gay married parents who raised their kids married the entire time. So it is largely shitposting on both sides.

I think a gay monogamous couple can be a good home. I don't think drug addicts or sex addicts should compromise rights for the larger class.

don't go celibate, just don't be an annoying flaming fag. keep it to yourself and family/friends. there are other ways you can help society, and the west in general.

good luck, gaynon.

Also, allowing gay men to parents gives us a sense of purpose that can drive us away from drugs and casual sex. You can't just say this group is behaving poorly so we have to restrict their rights so that they keep behaving poorly. We deserve a chance to improve. HIV rates for White gays have been falling in the UK and US lately.

Notice how fetishes develop? You aren't born with them. First you're exposed, then over time it becomes stronger. Based on this, I have trained myself out of shemale loving degeneracy.

>Watch porn of lesbians. Every day (no dick to trigger your defective circuitry)
>Don't expect or force anything, just watch it. >Avoid gay / trap / shemale porn.

Over time you will slowly become more used to it, and indeed enjoy it.

Women are MUCH better - I promise you'll be glad if you can power through this, user. There's simply no comparison.

The idea that you were born with a "terminal illness" (as far as evolution is concerned) is laughably ridiculous. Your brain will work just as well as any other male's, if you give it a chance and don't pressure / beat yourself up.

Bulletproof argument here. Go back to your bed time stories.

Of course you feel hollow when you fap to porn. Afterall watching porn is basically the budget version of visiting a strip cub or hiring a prositute.

Gays are just being used as a weapon by the kikes, call the evil fuckers out whenever you can

>Well we don't have big enough samples so far of gay married parents who raised their kids married the entire time.
And do you want to know why? I'll fucking say it. I've had my own experience, and my other homo friends in the same circle can all attest. Before it's cried "anecdote!", let's just be honest here, this is kids we're talking about: Homo couples are just not as stable as hetero ones. The culture, the people, it is an internal problem NOT everyone else. Bringing kids into this environment can fuck them up.

>I think a gay monogamous couple can be a good home.
I'm not saying they can't. But we've got to acknowledge our own flaws instead of pushing an ideology. Kids need to be prioritized good, stable, traditional hetero homes. The majority thrive in that kind of environment, because surprise surprise, the majority of people are hetero.

>I don't think drug addicts or sex addicts should compromise rights for the larger class.
Most fags live in the cities so I don't know what you're trying to prove. I live in the city myself, and that's no coincidence. It's representative.

>You can't just say this group is behaving poorly so we have to restrict their rights so that they keep behaving poorly.
>they keep behaving poorly

How about they IMPROVE first instead of blindly trusting them with children just because? Giving irresponsible people more responsibility will not magically make them more responsible!

>HIV rates for White gays have been falling in the UK and US lately.
Good. It should continue trending down and gay culture should just die already. So tired of being lumped with degenerates. Being gay has been like a cult rather than just simple fucking sexual preference.

Because gays have only been legally allowed to marry nationwide since 2015.

How do we improve without the rights and responsibilities others bear? 10% of gays are married now, that's a lot of people. More gays are in monogamous relationships than ever before.


Sorry faggot a family of a man and women have the best success while children of gays have mental , drug , sex problems . You fail again.

Of course but its different if I'm focusing on a female.
I don't think I can really explain it. It's mechanical and alien, theres no pleasure in it at all.

cut your balls off


"But what if the child consents tho"

Consent is not enough you pedophile
Should a father fuck his daughter because she's of age and "consents"? No

>Because gays have only been legally allowed to marry nationwide since 2015.
>gay couples have only been a thing since 2015
>all data about the instability of gay couples are thus invalid!

Just stop. You are too deep into your own ideology not to see that yes, it's actually not perfect.

>How do we improve without the rights and responsibilities others bear?
uh gee, I don't know, by improving ourselves first?

You are so quick to blame other people it's not even funny. We've got to look at a mirror.

>10% of gays are married now, that's a lot of people. More gays are in monogamous relationships than ever before.
This doesn't mean that they will all be magically good parents. I'm not saying they can't, but don't push an agenda just to prove it when the lives of children are involved.

Is it the shitty coloring maybe? The art itself isn't all that, but the coloring is downright cancer

Well, no thanks to people like you, we already have the right to marry and adopt and I hope we do the best we can.

be a faggot.. be a super faggot. walk in a parade with other faggots doing faggot things...

but after you do all that... think about your neighbors and your country and do whatever you can to make them better. You can be a big faggot and still a patriot.

The flaming gays more than act gay they often look feminine. How exactly does one hide that? It is likely genetic.

Different guy obviously, but you're so wrong it hurts. It's an axiom of psychology: the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

Change your behavior for the better first, THEN comes reward. In this case, cut out the promiscuity and drugs before even any thought of children.

You want a sense of purpose? Find one yourself that is valid with or without children, otherwise you get empty nest syndrome.

For fucks sake
>hey please let us adopt this baby
>yeah we're fucking random people and using meth but once we have the baby we'll stop we swear
>what? no. until we get the baby why should we stop?
Now, clearly this is a strawman, but it does illustrate my point.

In nature, birds build a nest before the eggs hatch. Why should your life be any different?

Op you are not alone. I'm ok giving up on sex to be honest. Homosexuality is a fucking assisted suicide cult. To be honest I see no future for what would be my dream family so what would be the point of trying.

I guess I'll do something like take care of the elderly and disabled. Better than dealing with niggers

Being gay is altruistic in a way as it leaves straight men with more women and women with less unwanted male attention - win-win!

Gay hook-up culture can definitely be dangerous but I don't see a problem with two men in a healthy relationship.

We have lived in an artificial environment restricted from having children under our terms for so long.

People who use meth are not going to be given babies to adopt. Your example is retarded.

This. and PRAY.

Serious question and this is not to belittle you are anything. Have you ever been in a relationship with a women?

You're welcome. People like me are what keeps us in check instead of permanently going full faggot, losing everyone's respect even more. People like me are what you use as positive "representatives" in your studies while the unstable degenerate flaming faggots are called "outliers in isolated cases". You owe me, and you will listen to what people like me have to say.

Get your head the clouds and stop pretending every homo is a perfect little angel. Being gay was supposed to just be a sexual preference, the faggots that turn it into a lifestyle is what burns it to the ground and keeps us chained to pure ideology.

They can't hide it. If someone's a flaming faggot, best to just move on and not associate or encourage them if you don't agree with their lifestyle. But not all gay people need be flaming faggot.

It's still disputed if it's genetic, but the risk shouldn't be taken and I personally don't agree that gay people should reproduce through alternative means. Faggotry is in many ways a curse, especially modern fag culture.

ive never been with anyone

Homo here
OP just has internalized homophobia
It's okay to be gay

If the family you create is successful and expand, you get to be reborn in the future

Just act like a regular person, and you're fine in my books. I can't stand the gays who make their sexuality their entire lifestyle, as well as the feminine ones. But if you're gay and otherwise normal, that's cool, I don't wanna hear about your bedroom activities but I'd still be your friend and have no problem meeting your partner/spouse. And if you were my pal, I'd celebrate your wedding while also disagreeing with it. Not as a hypocrite, but on the grounds that it's not my right to tell you what to do even if I don't like it. No different than that I'm a vegetarian but I still go out to eat with friends who eat meat, and also hangout with friends who don't recycle.