New name for natsoc?

Can we get a new name for National Socialism? Particularly the "Socialism" part. All it does is trigger Lolbergtarians into a shitposting frenzy and turn away deciding people who mix us up with Marxists.

What do you nazis think of national syndicalism?

I'm still partial to NutSac myself.

National Socialism is flawed. National Captitalism is the most effective system.


how about national totalitarians? because that's all you faggots are.

National volunterism

>and turn away deciding people who mix us up with Marxists
anyone considering either ideology is probably a moron anyway

want proof? check this autistic post out

A superficial (and ultimately temporary) preservation of property rights doesn't make the totalitarian state any less Marxist. Socialism is socialism. In every socialist state, a few people have "rights" and the masses are a resource for the powerful people. When the party turns against you, you're fucked. National socialism, in practice, does not functionally differ from any other kind of socialism.



remember when Hitler led his workers and soldiers, and didn't hide underground mismanaging the war effort before killing himself


Liberals will open fucking wide if we just call it Islam


Social nationalism





The Dark Slayers Guild



Hitler killed himself in his bunker like a cuck while he made 12-16 year old boys of the Hitler Youth die by the thousands in a last stand to defend Berlin from the soviets. The same soviets he brought upon Germany by deciding to invade Poland and start ww2.

Hitler was the worst thing to happen to Europe, no jew could even dream about killing as many white men as Hitler killed by starting ww2.

How about National Socialislam?


Civic Nationalism

>caring about (((shekeltarian))) feelings

Just call yourself National Socialists. Don't shy away from what you believe. Jews will always see through your guise and understand the threat you pose to their rule. Embrace your beliefs with all your passion and strength. It's what a national socialist, pro-white, anti-kike, warrior would do.

Source on what? The Hitler Youth existing? Hitler killing himself like a cuck? Even stormfronters acknowledge everything I stated.

>doesn't have source
thx k bye

Uhmm.... social nationalism. Whadda ya think?

National Conservatism.

Point out that Hitler privatized many industries.

National Moralism

Your doing something right...

this has potential



maybe, it sound good

Maybe we could just call ourselves Nationalists

I believe this is a term Hans Hermann Hoppe uses to describe current day "conservatism" which stands for traditional social values and the presence of the welfare state.

not bad

How about communism?

You know like its a government for the community.