Why cant black people swim?

Why cant black people swim?

Bones too haevy

Water be racist

knees weak

they are constantly weighed down by the guilt of their actions

even the ocean doesn't want niggers

who cares


Water is African kryptonite

This. Why can't water check its privilege?

Arms spaghetti

apparently treading water has an IQ threshold

melanin power level goes down on water

cause turds be expectin to be flushed down

You don't need to swim when you empire is in a desert

Swimming is a learned skill, niggers don't learn shit.

I'll just leave this here, please return it when you're done.

cause the pool's closed


They turn to mud.

You can put an infant in water and it'll start kicking.
I never learned how to swim, I just jumped in a pool one day and swam.

Because the white man made swimming too difficult to assure the superior black man would fail.

They typically have shorter torsos and longer legs than whites and a professional swimmer's body is the opposite of that.

White people is like chimps. They swim well because of that.

eh, and the biggest excuse out of niggers is that their parents never taught them. My parents never taught me shit, yet I can swim.

Wow you retards don't even know this?

White Europeans are the only aquatic race adapted to water. We have a longer torso while blacks have longer legs, meaning we have a lower center of gravity making it easier for us to swim. Black sink, like orangotangs.

The real scientific reason is that they genetically develop their bodies to have a different center of gravity that doesn't help keep the head out of the water.

btw asians have longer torso also, but short legs. So they are not great swimmers either

Do white parents teach their kids to shoot up schools and shit?

why can't white people swim?

I don't think so, no. Do niggers teach their nogs to nig?

Also nigger school shootings don't get national coverage. Mostly because niggers aren't people.

'cause the Man always holdin 'em down.

Thinking about this, is it really coincidence all these dindus are drowning to get into Europe? It is the very place where people reject racial differences. Or is it god's idea of irony?

>who's the primitive one here
Well one built civilization and the other got shit on so hard they cry about it to this day.

why cant Israeli people burn?

Do black parents teach their kids to shoot up random groups of people? The number of drive by shootings far outweighs school shootings but the media and liberals refer to it as "gang violence".


Bone density.

because of something called 'genetic memory.' they inherently remember all the slave ships and being tossed into the ocean so they are frightened of it.

Niggers confirmed less evolved than monkeys.

>chimps are more human than niggers

Tommy Vercetti? Didn't think they ever let him out.

We had an empire when you was still in caves.

Is that why Chimpanzees are also the smartest monkey species?

Africans must have evolved from a lesser monkey.


this, most crackers don't understand that the mighty zulu ruled all of pangea, one giant land mass.

a warrior doesn't need to know how to swim, only how to run and hunt, which is why in modern times nubian princes dominate all physical sports.

its like you guys have never sat down for a single lecture of african studies in college.

>Why cant black people swim?

all that extra fast-twitch muscle fiber makes them too dense to float


chimps are a poor comparison to humans


It seems like you guys get worser as time goes by. You literally had kangz in Africa but for some reason went back to ooga booga spear changa changa. Maybe you just killed all the smart niggas who were pointing out the fact that the population was living in straw huts like plebs.

Black people can swim fine, but god hates them for what Cain did, and so he tries to drag them to hell whenever they set foot into the void.

The children of Cain are marked with black skin, and suffer every misfortune to this day.


You guys should be grateful they can't swim.
If they started swimming how will pigskins win Olympic gold medals then?

in america they are far away from the sea
"white" americans can't swim either they just awkwardly float

fpbp. Heavier bones from calcium. Vitamin d from the Sun. Whites and other races are lighter from the deficiency disease they derived from, albinism.

Sadhim I am sorry that you are not capable at water sports. Maybe you could try your hand at India-Pakistan annual designated excretion competition where the one who dumps the biggest load near a fruit stand gets to look down on the other country for a year.

The text to this makes no sense.
>black students will want more than a damn diploma!
Is this implying that if we teach about African royalty the blacks students will rise up and set up a monarchy in America or would they just try to loot enough from whitey to live like royalty?

We have been losing at that for quite sometime.
Nobody can beat them.
Speaking of Olympic gold medals, maybe we should add squatting too so that slavs can win a medal as well.

Knees week, palms sweaty, steely wheely dindu ooga booga tabaluga

Dirt spaghetti

Another one died today.


Three years ago at the beach, I watched a group of white women & girls trying to teach one black girl to swim. For 30 minutes they would support the black girl with their arms, so the kid was "floating", and then they tried their damndest to teach the black girl to "flop" her legs, in a swimming motion. For 30 minutes straight, the kid would move her legs in a "running" motion.

Every time I see pic related, it reminds me of the scene I just described. The bouncing, dancing, running that blacks all do, but they can't swim.

As I was watching this scene, I turned to my wife and said, "you're witnessing DNA in action, before your very eyes".


>it is unclear how a man named daquavious gained unlawful access to someone else's property

And longer limb segment to torso ratios. Please consult "The Sports Gene" by Dan Epstein for further information.

>"you're witnessing DNA in action, before your very eyes"
If you didn't say this while doing a Werner Herzog impression, I don't respect you as a man.

When I was in boot camp, not a single nigger managed to pass the swim test on the first try. They'd get pushed off the high dive and sink like a rock. Failures had to report to the kiddie pool to learn how to swim. It looked like a segregated pool from the 50s.

Uh, chimps can't swim at all, well known fact. Same reasons too, dense bones, etc.

Limited access to public pools due to segregation and Jim Crow laws leading to the skill of swimming being devalued and undertaught in black communities.

Also because they're dumb fucking niggers.

According to SJW, swimming is a white privilege. I shit you not.

Only white people have enough money to pay to have their kids learn to swim...or even float.

Also, swimming requires finesse and black people swim like they are running. They're fucking trying to play basketball and shit as their way of swimming.

Also they are witches.

Sorry, user ... it was Buford T. Justice.