Bill Nye: Gender and Race are not real

>Bill Nye says there is no race (it's a human construct) and that gender isn't real

Holy fuck lads, has Bill gone off the deep end?

Other urls found in this thread:, Murray

This is a man who would say anything for money.

You posted this exact same thread a few hours ago. We get it, bill nye is a faggot.

This was topical months ago when the sex junk song and ice cream cartoon were all over YouTube.


define white, and I'll admit race is real.

Now let's see this cluster-fuck of a shitstorm.


What's the matter goyim, don't like science?


Didn't he have a segment specifically explaining gender on his own show?

Define white you motherfucking stormcuck?

>pic related
An Italian man, native European man which would still probably get mistaken for a refugee or Mexican by you burger stormcucks.
The fascinating thing about racists is that they can't seem to recognize a white person when they fucking see one.

Gender is sex.

Christian europe

Bill has bills to pay. Science ain't going to pay itself, ass hole. OP is a faggot.

all of the alt right pandering cocksuckers have patreons and begs for money at every chance

Just genocide my shit up senpai.


He is right, though. Race is too much of a spectrum for it to be definitive. All the "is x white" threads here display this.

>race is too much of a spectrum to exist


This is a good thing if it is also combined with closed border policies. Whites only have a couple of kids anyway and it will keep minorities under control.

>in the developed world
care to explain why not the entire world?
fucking kike

>A shekel for the good goy

>An Italian man,
Do you listen to yourself when you talk?
Commie trash really is delusional.

bill nye the retard guy

>no such thing as race
Just genetics goy
>gender don't real
Because we should've just called it sex all along. Can't be genderphobic if you're not talking about gender

Because undeveloped nigger countries don't have electricity or cars.

But we have to save the poor refugees :^)

>Race is too much of a spectrum for it to be definitive.
t. gypsy
>All the "is x white" threads here display this.
Those are shill/d&c threads.



Bill is absolutely fucking insane! When is he getting assasinated?

what the fuck

Shop bill onto Vietcong

>engineer talking about biology
>immediately commits lewontins fallacy

religion is and never will be a "race", it is not a biological component.

Show me one (1) recent study published in a top scientific journal that displays a significantly different level of intelligence between different races when controlling for factors such as poverty and malnutrition. I will wait.

>Race are not real


Height is a spectrum but that doesn't mean there's no such thing as height, nor does it mean there aren't clearly tall or clearly short people.
So it is with race, there are clearly niggers and clearly europeans. Just because there's mixing doesn't mean the extremes don't exist. Race is ancestry.


in 20011 bill nye was found by the obama administration to be guilty of laughing at black science man for listening to a cd with some black guy singing about how "egypt was a black land" . michael obama wanted him executed but obama decided he would undergo some mkultra shit

for reference what bill nye laughed at. it starts at about 24 seconds in

black science man had mentioned it in passing one day he never knew his friend would be de-patterned with rape then re-patterned with 57 hours consecutive of oom bop by the hansons

Yeah his career was dead after the original series. He's just doing this for cash. I doubt he gives a fuck about it.

Most STEM type people live in their own heads and aren't really concerned about social issues. It's kind of like why science companies don't hire business majors or accounting majors to do those things and they rather hire science majors. They like to keep around people with similar mindsets. I work for an analytical chemistry company and all of our business managers are chem majors, our customer service reps are either environmental or chem majors, even our receptionist has her bachelors in env. chem lol
They do that for a very specific reason. We're all fucking autistic and when social issues arise there's no weird social justice issues, it's pure statistics.

False equivalence. Height has a definitive effect on certain capabilities. Outer appearance that most resembles a specific race does not. Trying to prove it doesis a practice that dates back to the Spanish Inquisition and their pseudoscientific way to determine "pure christians" based on physical appearance.

Christian europe is a set of geographical locations, not a religion.

These places are where the white man lived and hails from.

Check out 23 and me. They can pin your DNA to a geographic location.

Race isn't just outer appearances. If it was there would be no nigger problems.

So having a big dick is just not a black thing? This is great news for the white man.

I think what you're all forgetting is that my sex junk is so oh, oh, oh. Try to remember that next time.

I have a strong vibe that (((they))) have something on him and are blackmailing him to spew this stuff.

I wouldn't be surprised if Bill Nye was yet another pedo.

>Having kids in the developed world is bad goy!
>But goy, your birth rates are so low, why not let Ahmed into the country with his wife and 8 kids to compensate for these low birth rates? :^)


Most of the alt-right patreons get shut down pretty quickly, if u want shekels there's a whole lot of better ways to go at it.

Some manlets identify as average-height men, so they wear platform shoes.
Literally the same thing as going drag for transsexuals.
The manlets in platforms are transheight individuals.

Always love an excuse to post this

none of you niggers have a clue what you're talking about

No, it's like the guy that did his bachelors in a program that offered a great co-op program so you could get a fantastic career yet they denied, then they went back for their grad program and still denied work, then when they were in mountains of debt from education and didn't spend an ounce of time getting work experience they realized their life was completely fucked so they become a social justice warrior for profit.
That's basically bill nye.

The whole style of that show is so... like satanic. Or.... dystopic. It's like a twisted reality almost. I don't know how to explain it.

Bills outfit.... Like, it's bill but not bill.

They are social constructs but social constructs are definitely real.

It's like a real life fever dream
Like some of the Sam hyde comedy skits set in such an absurd reality, but this time it's fucking real and serious

Culture =\= race. If you can point me to a study in a good science journal that shows that if you take a child from one culture to a completely different one it will not act normally and assimilate, please go ahead. Or that it determines cognitive abilities with all proper factors accounted for, for that matter. You are simplifying shit too much because it's easier and more convenient to judge people based on color.

I heard Lefties hate science deniers.

Bill! Bill? Bill! Bill? Bill‽

Yea exactly; it creeps me the fuck out.

Stalin's former friend Nikolai Yezhov was executed by his communist regime and then officially removed/censored from this photo.

>when controlling for factors such as poverty and malnutrition
They don't matter as much as you think they do. Also aren't we talking about race, not IQ desparities inbetween races? Nice job moving the goalpoast, Ahmede.

That wouldn't explain why niggers in the US have a standard deviation lower average IQ than their white counterparts.

Also, why is it that the average nigger household earn more (
At the median, black families made $39,715 in 2010) than the average Bulgarian household ($7555.03 see:, yet we have higher average IQ's.

I'll wait, мaнгaл.

>this is the power of an engineering degree
really makes you think

>And don't be islamophobic while you're >at it otherwise you'll lose your job and >social standing

good vid(s)

Do Human Races Exist?

The Science of Human Races, Part 1

The Science of Human Races Part 2

The Genetic Bucket Chain Part 1

The Genetic Bucket Chain Part 2

Eng degrees are useless, most engineering majors go work alongside business majors.

please come join us, we're very lonely.

>engineers can function in a business context
>business majors can't function in an engineering context

Doesn't this demonstrate the value of an engineering degree?

It opens more doors.

I am still waiting for that scientific study, Ivan. All I see is a random graph that tries to tie two metrics together with no control factors. Have you even taken Stat 101? If you did it must have been in some Bulgarian university because this is not how you look for correlation at all.

> Also aren't we talking about race, not IQ desparities inbetween races?
Because it is a unifying metric that is not physically observable but is a good predictor for developmental potential.

>That wouldn't explain why niggers in the US have a standard deviation lower average IQ than their white counterparts.
It might, it might not. This is why we test shit.

>Also, why is it that the average nigger household earn more (
At the median, black families made $39,715 in 2010) than the average Bulgarian household ($7555.03)
If you can't grasp the concept of "standard of living" and how that contextually changes the amount of money you receive as salary I don't know what to tell you. You are either retarded or underage.

>I'll wait, мaнгaл.
Waiting and blaming minorities won't fix your life. Working hard and understanding how the world works will.

Bill Nye the critical theory guy

Yes it does of course, engineering majors are usually preferred above business majors for obvious reasons. Why would you hire a business major that can barely do a calc course when you can have an engineer that is autistically good at numbers?

Still, engineers rarely work engineering fields.
Within the science industry it's rare to mix fields and even fields that you'd think would require non-science demands they won't hire non-science people simply due to the fact of maintaining company image and employee atmosphere. It's similar with engineering companies in a sense, but a little less so as engineering companies are a little different as far as I'm aware, they're a little more prone to degree mixing. Murray

There is no doubt that different races have different levels of intelligence at a genetic level.

This book answers all the objections you can possibly think of.

>Let's limit population growth in countries that have the ability to educate their citizens and as a result can advance technology, medicine and society.

>let's let fucking 3rd world retards have as many kids as they want

Wow science really makes me think

Why are you such a dunce you can with a great degree of certainty pin point your ancestors geographical origins through a DNA test. The rest is left up to Darwin.


You keep saying that, but the effects of ancestry and evolution on human cognition are just your assertions rather than actually scientifically proven factors that hold up today, especially considering how mixed our genes are at that point. Our ancestors could have had genes corresponding to one specific haplogroup. This is not the case with humans today.

>ignore criticism
>never challenge your views
>alwais double down
Great lessons there, Bill
Much informative, such wow

> Caucasoid
> Shows a jew

Jews aren't white.

The Democrat lefties have embraced every form of degeneracy. They have aligned themselves against everything is good and reasonable.

They want your little boy to be a little girl.
They want everyone to be bi sexual or gay for whatever insane reason.
They hate gender roles.
They actually want you to believe there are more than two genders.
They hate marriage
They hate the nuclear family.

These are the things that keep society stable. When someone attacks them they aren't just attacking decent American values, they're attacking the very fabric of society, as if their purpose is to tear it down.

If you want to survive in the future, be safe when you're an old man, leave a good world for your children, these people must be stopped at all costs. This can't be taken lightly.

>hear how "race is a social construct" through all my childhood
>grow up, check the actual science
>biologists agree that humans are divided into separate haplogroups, meaning that certain people with certain evolutionary origins hold certain features and attributes
>it's the social "scientists", anthropologists, and art professors who disagree with the concept of separate human races
>the biologists are ignored because their science is not politically correct, and everybody keeps toting the """""science""""" of the people who are not even scientists

So biologists (the people who actually study the human) agree that races exist, but soft-scientists (the people who study words and art etc.) disagree because it clashes with their political views, and when people make statements like
>MOST of the scientists disagree about race
they mean when asked from ALL scientists from ALL fields, including the scientists who don't study natural sciences. Of course the statistics and inquiries are going to say shit like
>RACISTS BTFO: 99% of scientists disagree with the concept or race
when those statistics are heavily bloated with doctors and professors who don't research any nature science and/or the inquiry was made for scientists of non-natural science fields.

It's fucking bullshit. And when you point out this, you get called racist and nazi. They might even point out how Wikipedia says race is a "controversial issue among scientists", when it really is not. At least not among biologists. The Wikipedia article also seems to be changing weekly when someone with background in biology attempts to fix the article, and then someone changes it back to the "controversial issue among scientists" jargon.

>biologists agree about race
>doctors and professors who don't research nature disagree, because they don't understand biology and/or they have political motivation
>dishonest people lump the nature scientists and art professors together when making statistics

Have 10, retard

Bonus: have the actual genes that make the difference.

Small minded fools. They do it for the promise of power in the coming age of despair

>in the developed world

Why the fuck would that change anything? Typical family of developed world has 2.4 children. What in the fuck is that going to change if they stopped having children? It would just mean less scientists for the future to try to fix all the fuckups. I bet it's A-OK for Africans to have 15 kids so that they can pose in adverts about hunger.

>when controlling for factors such as poverty

Why the fuck would you control for poverty, when poverty is in part caused by low IQ?

The same arguably goes for malnutrition. Low IQ parents become unable to feed their children properly.

You cannot validly "control" for factors caused by what you're trying to measure. Poverty is not an independent factor from IQ.

It's like "controlling" for body weight when measuring the effects of an anorexia disorder on lifespan. Hey, turns out that when you control for body weight, those with anorexia live as long as anyone else!


None of these are proper studies that account for nutrition, poverty, or stress levels

With this you just assume that people who carry the genes of a specific skin color also carry the genes discussed in the study, which is not necessarily the case due to how mixed races are. To determine that you will need to show me a proper study done on that topic specifically that came to the conclusion that skin color determines intelligence to a high significance level and proper control variables. You have failed to do so so far.

You know these studies are impossible in the modern political climate. No academic would touch a race study for fear of annihilating their own career and no institution would sanction it. Culture doesn't spring out of a vacuum. Why is black culture universally barbaric and primitive? Why isn't there a single successful black country? Culture is an expression of the people who create it.

This makes things even worse for blacks. "Controlling" for income means to boost the score of blacks to the equivalent of if they had the incomes of whites and asians.

But they don't have the incomes of whites and asians. Because of themselves.

Your answer is a hypothetical, fictive, idealized, created black person. Even this idealized black person comes out worse.

American blacks are still stupid. There are even studies of black kids raised by white families and they're still behind white kids raised in poor families. But of course being raised in white family and having proper nutrition, improves their IQ a bit.
It's science, bitch. I'm not saying, they're lesser people because of that, it's just facts.

Those studies account for nutrition and poverty, dumbass. If you think a white kid in a family making under 10,000 had better nutrition that a black kid in a family making >70,000 you are mentally unhinged.

Skin color? Race is more than skin color, dumb shit.

Not him but Murray has been repeatedly eviscerated by practically everyone in relevant fields, especially the sources and studies he used. Bell Curve is really not an authoritative source on anything

The attempts to debunk it were eviscerated far harder.

He's not wrong. Race isn't genetics and gender isn't sex.

When people say "race is a social construct" they're not saying that Sub-Saharan Africans and Scottish people are genetically the same. What makes Greeks and Italians white and Turks and Berbers brown? It's cultural factors like religion: not anything rooted in biology.

>We gotta get to the goy kids, we need a goy in there to fill up their minds with the narrative.
>Sir Mr. Soros sir where are we going to find a goy kids like, I don't know, like a Mr. Rogers? He's dead.
>Wait, what about that science kid guy?
And that's how it all went down.
Yea ok. You're jew tricks don't work here.
Explain SAT scores and how even niggers from rich families score way lower than whites. The SAT's, they be racists?

No he hasn't. People have attempted to cast doubt on the sources, but there are no valid criticism.

I've heard that (((they))) make you do compromising stuff, film it and then blackmail you. It's not like I feel sorry for him if that really happened.

>None of these are proper studies that account for nutrition, poverty, or stress levels

Hey, retard. I pointed out that you cannot "adjust for" something caused by Low IQ when measuring IQ.

People with low IQ experience greater stress. Your answer then becomes about a hypothetical, nonexisting fictive person who we imagine didn't have greater stress. But the real actual person does.

To repeat myself: controlling for stress level and poverty when measuring IQ, is like controlling for body weight when measuring the effects of anorexia. Hey presto, anorexia has no effects.

If there is no race , than there is no racism