Why do British people need to come to the U.S. to preach their obnoxious Leftist politics...

Why do British people need to come to the U.S. to preach their obnoxious Leftist politics? Surely there's plenty of demand for it in their home country.

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He couldn't give less of a shit about what he says, he just loves that sweet liberal moo-lah.

we gotta disarm you before we get pic related back

did you think the british invasion ever ended? lol resist all you like struggling only gets my dick harder!

He is liberal because it's how he is employed (same as hollywood actors, you have to be to get work), almost everything he says is written down for him by his american writers.

You aren't really falling into the trap of thinking what he says are his own words are you?

Also he is a nobody in the uk, if you yanks stopped thinking accents mattered so much he would be one there too.

farrage,milo,pjw,sargon and many more are influencing you

even trump submits to the anglo

degerate, no wonder your turning to the caliphate.
either way at 79.9% white we shall remain the bulwark against islamic takeover by people like you


because it's easy to sue over speech across the pond.

>ZERO trigger discipline

sorry m8 but you are alot less white than that

you will be ours again

Communism demands you spread your cancer to other countries, it's the whole point of a subversive ideology.

It's like leftypol, they sit their smelly unwashed asses down in the place that hates them the most.


Aussies and bongs preach their cancerous gun-control bullshit and it's really annoying.

how can we hope to retake the colonies if you have guns?

Somehow I just couldn't imagine John Oliver being a British show. Not sure why, just dont think it would work. He's too flashy and annoying.

This unfunny kike is a failed comedian over here. In America, he's basically the biggest thing on TV.

What does that tell you about the difference between our two countries?

I find it funny that they talk about "Russian Interference" in the election when englishfags like this interefered out in the open

He's only in America because he failed here.


to learn who rules over you find those whom you are not allowed to insult

>Get back the first Colony that successfully kicked you out back
>While your homeland is burning all around you and that colony is mostly full of Anglos anyway

nah, it's the American Empire's turn.

England will be the 55st state after we annex Canada.

That's because the left in your country are trying real hard to resurrect the cold war and pretend it still exists.

Trump could be swapping nuclear secrets with Italy but no one would give a shit its not Russia.

you blew your chance son

we are coming out of retirement

Enjoy your chinks and poo's

All for this.


Because you can't have humor in Britain anymore. One wrong word and its off to jail for you you thought criminal! The left has killed humor.

Just like with immigration the loudest proponents of uncontrolled mass immigration are white high upper and upper middle class liberals who can move away from the affected areas. While they move away from migrants they virtue signal how multiculturalism is necessary. Hypocrites the whole lot of them.

'Comedians' who fail in the UK go over to America, because America is full of tasteless retards, so it's much easier to find an audience.

>Why do British people need to come to the U.S. to preach their obnoxious Leftist politics?
because Americans love British accents so beadyeyed fags like John Oliver go over to cashout.

His wife was in the Army, too.
He literally has no excuse.

Face it, bongs. You got BTFO.

>fucking finger on the bang switch

We have a decent sense of humour so we don't find him funny. All our failed comedians head stateside where burgers will whoop and clap at any old shite.

Anyway they're your problem now.

>Also he is a nobody in the uk

This. Nobody had ever even heard of this cunt before he started on the Daily Show

George Washington was a Brit ethnically

The Washington platation "Mt Vernon" was named after Edward Vernon of the Royal Navy.

Yes by the French.

The only presidents not Anglo were James Monroe, Martin Van Buren, James K. Polk, James Buchanan, Woodrow Wilson, Dwight Eisenhower, and John F. Kennedy.

Even obunghole had Anglo ancestors...

Its good that yanks think British accents matter

Whenever I go over there I get to slay dirty yank slags cause of it

>trigger discipline

>Why do British people need to come to the U.S. to preach their obnoxious Leftist politics?

Why do americans need to invade countries all over the world spreading their filth?

Because your media keeps paying them a lot of money to do so. That faggot, for instance, probably earns more every day from the Daily Show than he did in a year when he was here in the UK appearing a handful of times on panel shows.

George W Bush, Bill Clinton and Obama are all cousins.
Really honks your horn, doesn't it?

How about you take back current year man and piers morgan and you can have new England back.

>oliver holding a gun

I bet after the photo shoot he cried.

brits don't have the freeom to freedumb their speech so they go to people more privledged.

btw. in brittopia it is "ahh some idiots got murdered" and america hears about it on american nightly news.

In america killing & crime is a daily ritual that no one gives a fuck about

> His mother was born in Carlisle, England, the daughter of Rev. Dr. Thomas Woodrow from Paisley, Scotland, and Marion Williamson from Glasgow.[5]

oh god no

After we rekt them at Canada.

Burgers need to deport anti gun Brits as subversive foreign agents.

No they don't, where do you think they'll deport them to?

Surprisingly, we have far more lefty comedians than even the BBC can find jobs for, so they're forced to seek their fortunes elsewhere.

probably because all of the money and attention american retards give them

Took me like 10 full seconds to realize that wasn't Norway.

On behalf of my country. Sorry for John Oliver. Guy's an obnoxious smartass. Knows that when he's eventually ran out of the U.S (like Piers Morgan was), nobody in the UK will like him.

Sorry again.

Never forget this cunt. After this was published a gunleather maker sent kuntzman a custom holster - for a tampon

England is a nation of shameful, disgusting cowards.

>federalist cuck

He was about as british as you can get

Feel free to move to the U.K. and spew your bigoted hatred.


None of the British people on American television are remotely in demand over here.

John Oliver had no career. Morgan will say anything that he is paid to say. James Corden is a massive fat spastic.

Yet this reject has half of America hanging on his every word

t.shitavious beanerstein III jr


British television is industrial strength mind poison.
They have no taste in media

I had honestly never heard of Oliver until Sup Forums kicked off about him

John Oliver wasn't even well known over here, it's your own liberal studios that took the fucker.

>no taste in media

Name a class of music without the best band being British, I fucking dare you

They're being imported by Jews who recognize that smart-sounding British people go further with pseudo-intellectual 20-somethings than a fellow American would. The accent makes them sound more intelligent, while the foreign status makes them sound more "objective."

>We have a decent sense of humour so we don't find him funny. All our failed comedians head stateside where burgers will whoop and clap at any old shite.


He could never succeed in the U.K. When he first cropped up as a "famous British comedian" on my radar my first thought was "who the fuck is he? I've never seen him on any British programme..."

>makes them sound
It's funny cos olivers accent makes him sound like a tard over here

(((American writers)))

I am sorry our politicians and agenda pushers are fucking with your shit.

Sadiq Khan shit talking Trump is pissing me off.

Because they enjoy living here, and are too stupid to fathom why.

Fuck Canada right now. Also Trudeau is globalist as fuck and a French Canadian Cuck, not an Anglo overlord.

Any Brit who looks at any statistic ever of what happened to our country either gets redpilled on guns or they go full retard and literally just start denying facts and government and police statistics because MUH GUNS ARE EBIL THEY KILL PEOPLE :(

>what is increased violent crime rates
>what is basic human right to self defense
>what is knife crime
>what is acid attacks
>what is the Islamic take over of Britain
>what is every single measurable statistic showing our country has been getting more dangerous every year since we banned guns

Guys like oliver, if they thought saying the exact opposite would make them one more shekel, they'd do it

>Be anti gun Brit retard
>Move to America, the most armed nation in the world
>Preach about banning guns but refuse to go back to your own country because it is too dangerous after banning guns

Everyone like this should fucking kill themselves

>guns, knives, acid
That's what these idiots don't get - people will find a way to fuck each other up. You don't stop it by banning the instruments. You don't look at what people posess, it's what they do with it...

No malum prohibitum, only malum in se (no evil things, only evil actions)

I have managed to redpill a few people on guns and get them to come shooting with me by explaining to them that owning guns doesn't turn you into a mass murderer any more than owning a kitchen drawer full of knives makes you start stabbing people.

Then if they bring up Chicago in America I explain to them how it supports my argument not theirs because Chicago has UK levels of gun control.

Alright, how do you suggest we do our bit to uncuck our country then?

He was. It was just that he was painfully unfunny and couldn't take jokes aimed at him.

That's the secret to all those brit talk show hosts and "comedians" in the US like John Oliver and James Corden; they're all utter failures or dried up in the UK.

public speaking

>Preach about banning guns but refuse to go back to your own country because it is too dangerous after banning guns
That's stupid talk. Banning guns makes communities more safer. Importing third-worlders on the other hand makes communities more unsafe.

Yeah, I want to get back into it, but the only rifle club round my way is olympic small bore stuff. There is a clays club though, might give that a try

Lobby, campaign, petition to demand gun rights back.

Join a shooting club, find a decent one that isn't just full of old farts with their winchesters that only let you shoot prone and would kick you out if you showed up with an AR-15 or any kind of modern firearm and meet like minded people.

Firearms-UK is a good group to join trying to advocate and campaign for handguns and concealed carry.

Because pseudo intellectual leftist retards in your country reward them (they do it because they think it makes them more refined in the midst of all the niggers wetbacks and trailer park bubbas). These people are nobody in Britain but they can gain prestige and favour among stupid Americans.


I know the feel, I have to travel to a new city to shoot as my closest club is the "only. 22lr rimfire winchesters and wooden rifles, we are very old and anything other than this or a double barrel shotgun is heresy"

They are just as bad as anti gunners if you show up with a modern black rifle.

Some of them even came over here and started a democracy. WTF MAN KYS

James Corden is the biggest fat unfunny faggot I have ever seen in my life, I fucking hate that cunt and he is on fucking everything and running it.

Annoying fat cunt I would happily go to jail for smashing his fat fucking head in. Cunt.

Yup, there are groups which ignore the law, most of them are dangerous. So that's why it's better to not outlaw guns. In some countries, people get rights to use guns. In Czech republic, citizens are allowed to shoot down terrorists.

Do you think self defense by gun should be legalized?

HAHAHAHAHAHA you fucking retard.

Crime started shooting up instantly after we banned guns.

It even started getting worse in the 20's after the first gun grab when we were 100% white, then again in the 80's after the 2nd ban wave after the Hungerford Massacre, it totally started going to shit after we banned handguns in 1997

Nice cherry-picked stat. Britain has had some of the most restrictive gun laws, and one of the lowest homicide rates, since the 1968 firearms act. 5-year blip during post-9/11 global turmoil notwithstanding.

Britain is more white than USA but we have obscenely more violent crime than them you fucking mong

>Do you think self defense by gun should be legalized?

Oh yes. I actually donated to the UK libertarian party, the only ones promising to repeal the handgun ban and allow for self defence

The UK is a police state.

Not even meming.


The gun bans made no difference to our violent crime or homicide rates. See we never had high gun crime rates to begin with...

>The only presidents not Anglo

You forgot the most important one.

We had one of the lowest homicide rates when we were full second amendment tier too, when we could carry guns in public our police didn't even need to be armed because we were so civilised.

Violent crime rates, robbery, home invasions, rapes are a lot better indicator for how banning guns fucked our country up royally.

I wish all the disgusting Anglos would leave the US. They are literally nigger tier.