Ain't that the truth!

Ain't that the truth!

not really. no

Yeah you lazy degenerate!
Go and work your ass off to make my life easy as I fuck other man behind your back!



Other men* voi kulmikas vittusaatana

Somebody's tax money needs to pay for my birth control!

Muricans can go to nevada to buy sex legally.

Imagine if the government took away women's sex in the same way they take men's money

I think the reason these men are dropping out of society is because that society is no longer serving their interests but rather actively campaigning against them.

I'm not entitled to a woman but she's entitled to my tax money?
Yeah, that makes sense.


sounds like a good trade off

No. I'll contribute exactly nothing, and there isn't a thing you will ever be able to do about it.

It's way too easy to leech. Only lifelong cucks are still working at this point.

uhhh no. why work for the future when there isn't one?

Yeah pay taxes to support my government cheques while I live as a single mother and fuck Tyrone goy-guys

man can seed many woman. woman can only birth so many babies. i don't see the problem even if 50% of men dropped out.
the problem is women not having babies.


ummmm.... Manchild shame much? Ugh this is just another symptom of the shaming society we live in, literally cant even right now ugh.

>fatherless children for half of society and you don't have a problem
Checks out

don't tell me how to live my life.

how do you think north america got populated, with white people?

Finland almost can into Engrish.

Lmao what. Jesus Christ meme flags are fucking retarded and everyone who uses them

You aren't entitled to my labour.

i'm tired of this "entitled" meme

apparantly even wanting something means you're saying you're "entitled" to it

maybe it's woman logic? do they just assume wanting something is the same as demanding it?

nobodies saying they want to bash a woman on the head and drag her into a cave. they're saying that want women to want them. obviously they know they can't demand this and that it's not going to happen.

and hey, maybe as a woman that doesn't want betas, you want betas to at least work. well, nobody is entitled to anyone elses time or attention, i agree, so do the work yourself ladies. nobody is entitled to any mans labour.

Sup Forums is being SPAMMED with these worthless threads.


I did my tryest men

Think about it, as a man you are likely to be a net contributor in terms of tax for 45 years of your life minimum. Women, on the other hand, contribute less than 50% of tax (as a group) that men do and will be a net drain for all but 15 years of their life despite living longer than men.

Tax in western nations is categorically a wealth redistribution scheme to take money from the hands of men to pay for the services women choose.

Since women were given the right to vote hasn't government seen around a 75% increase in size and absolutely insane increases in social spending.

The fact is that if you spend your whole life poor in the west then you deserve to be poor and I should have the right to execute you in the streets for stealing from me.

>pol has changed my outlook probably for good
I know a lot of this place is a total shithole, but there's some good discussion here. That being said, the people that post on that app are so unbelievably normified it's unreal. You can tell these people haven't the slightest form of any opinion they themself have formed. Fuck normies


Marry and get divorced raped, then marry for a second and third time or even more if you can.

Each time ensure you work hard to grow enough wealth and spend it on woowing your next wife with expensive (((diamond engagement rings))) and showy weddings..otherwise (((women))) won't be interested in you…

your wives need to reap your wealth every time so that they can spend it on crappy materialistic bullshit that = $$$$$ for (((us))). This is an (((economic miracle))) where one dumb goyim can now be 2 and 3 or even more times, more productive for (((us))) than his ansectors were. Don't be a social misfit goyim, get married, repeatedly if you can and be a (((man)))

Women are niggers. They do not understand that just because something exists does not mean it will continue to exist. They expect men to work to sustain something they want to exist but lack the ability or desire to make exist themselves. When men say "okay but pay me in sex" they decided to say no. So now men refuse to work for free and women are getting upset that their free ride is ending and they don't know how to drive.

How sad when women delude themselves to find blame in the man, instead of not realizing that they are the reason why the man gives up on them.

>contributing to a failed society that gives nothing back
>not sitting back and enjoying the show as women and beta drones burn it to the ground

Society was created by men to protect their families. The entire concept of society revolves around men working together to protect their women and children. Women's liberation is effectively a death sentence for any society as it guarantees that the basic male needs that formed society in the first place will not be met. Things such as marriage that guaranteed the majority of men a wife and children will become corrupted and fail. Women's vanity and childlike minds will destroy the balance of society until the majority of men's needs are not being met, at which point men will simply lose interest in society and drop out. Waiting for the inevitable collapse so the corrupted society can be replaced by a new and functional one.


not an argument