Shroud of Turin

What is Sup Forums's opinion on the Shroud of Turin- is it genuinely a face of Jesus Christ, or do you think it's something else like a hoax?
I personally believe it is the fact of Jesus as the 1982 carbon dating placed it between 700 B.C. and 300 A.D., while the 1988 carbon dating took place on a piece of the shroud contaminated by starch. Also, many top researchers such as surgeons and even battlefield medics who have examined it have said that it is completely genuine.

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>Shroud of Turin/Turan

Jesus was a Turk confirmed!

You wish, you dirty T*rkroach.
Jesus Christ was a Semitic Galilean not Central Asian piece of shit.

Thank you very much for this, an insightful read to be sure.
I read before somewhere from a paper or a video made by someone who has studied the Shroud that the 1988 scientists were paid $1,000,000 British Pounds and that they examined the area that was either starch contaminated as I read it or rewoven as your picture states it. Thus I believe it would be more reliable and accurate to go off of the 1982 carbon dating, placing it almost precisely in the 33 A.D. range.
Also fuck that cuck John Calvin, just making it known.

It's probably a hoax, like most Catholic "Relics". They believe Relics contain certain powers to cure the sick or perform other miracles in their presence. The shroud was intended to be the ultimate Relic and took on a special role in Catholic history.

I'm a Catholic and I do believe that Relics have healing powers, however not for all and not often. However I believe that a lot of these Relics with healing powers are more or less meant for men and women already within the faith. As the Shroud of Turin is more or less a historical artifact that serves as a sort of record of Jesus's existence, I believe its religious purpose is to serve as proof of that and to make it completely certain that Christ existed and underwent the Crucifixion.

The Turks were still in the steppes at that point mate

>carbon dating
stopped reading right there

This is all bullshit. Every single radiocarbon dating effort has come back with a date in the middle ages.

There's really only one way to be sure. They need to scrape the shroud for dna and make a clone of Jesus.

Maybe that's the second coming

What if that's how the antichrist is born?

>use samples from zones that are known to be contamined/restored at some point

I don't even particularly care about this shroud shit, but it's baffling that these supposed scientists could make such a glaring mistake.

>Every single radiocarbon dating effort
While this may be true, there has also only been one such effort.

They just found nano particles in it of enzymes that the body creates when he's under massive stress and torture.

A recent analysis of the blood on the shroud showed that it came from somebody who was severally injured

Jesus christ shares identical dna with the druze that have stayed pure for 1000 years.

Its the holy face of jesus

The type of stupid bullshit Catholics believe is utterly astounding. Check this out:


>Transubstantiation is, according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, the change of substance by which the bread and wine offered in the sacrifice of the sacrament of the Eucharist during the Mass, become, in reality, the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

Imagine being so arrogant, so narcissistic, that you demand your church FEED YOU THE ACTUAL JESUS.

It's no surprised there have been so many schisms, with this type of shit going on.

Miracles are not real. Jesus is not holy. Christianity is worth preserving for the beneficial cultural traits that it promotes.

Doesnt matter to me, ive seen His work in my life. He is God manifest in the flesh to redeem His creation. He could turn in 100 years or today, pray your on the right side when He does. Ask God to manifest Himself, ask Him for proof, and i truly believe He will work a miracle in your heart.

Why does it matter if its from Jesus or not ?


the church is actually carefull about what is legit miracle, relic or holy

dumb protestshit

why does jesus look like a white man.

Checked. You would think Protestants would know a thing or two because of muh personal relationship with Jesus Christ

It's a fake made years later.

Even if we take the thought that " between 700 B.C. and 300 A.D" as a fact, that is a hell of a discrepancy, and leaves a whole lot of room for error.

Secondly, the modern depiction of Jesus as a white guy didn't occur until paintings of him were starting to appear of him. But that in itself happened long after he was dead.

Jesus was middle eastern. He would have been brown.

INB4 butthurters too. Look at any family that has lived near that area for generations.

It was King Arthur's sweat rag.

At first i was a skeptical but once i did a bit of research i dont think it could be faked, even with all Modern scientific advances scientists can still not replicate the shroud of Turin, if this was a fake made thousands of years ago it should be easily replicated but they cant not even now, says alot imo

Christ, even carbon dating is fake news to Sup Forumstards?

The cringiest fakest meme ever, 100% guaranteed

How many people live in that area between 700BC and 300 AD? Any chance it was one of them, and not Jesus?

He didn't haver a berd. The shroud is fake.

fake and gay

This is as authentic as anything from history.
I would recommend all the naysayers and Catholic bashers to watch the documentary the liberal history channel did on the shroud.

The analysis is down to the molecular level.

Not only is it authentic.

Not one scientist can explain how the image was made. The analysis shows the image was made with light.

Also the artists, using the shroud image, recreates the face of Jesus and it's amazing.

Basically, atheists and Catholic bashers get BTFO by these documentaries.

hard to understand that if I take a shit on you, after the tests they will say you are fecal matter?

No one can replicate the image. Created with light, on the very top layer of the fibers...Not the fiber itself...The very edge of the fiber.

They equate it to a photo copy

But from the time of Christ.

Your non researching ass got BTFO.

Best version of christ

Not surprising you're from some 3rd world shit hole based on your understanding of carbon dating.

When did I say Carbon dating is fake? you stupid fucking retard.
I was talking about the samples, you motherfucker imbecile burgertard shithead.
I guess I shouldn't expect a fuckhead murrilard to understand shit about carbon dating.

Shroud of Col.Sanders

Very damaged blood will always look like AB-.

Not an argument.

It's just a random guy who ended up in that shroud. Jesus Christ never had long hair, this representation first appeared when early christians amalgamated traditional representations of Zeus with the Christ. Even from a biological point of view that guy doesn't look remotely Near-Eastern.

>2000 year old religion is kind of weird
ur a faggot

Christ you fucktard re-read what you typed.

You said nothing about quality of the samples you said "BECAUSE MUH OBVIOUSLY FLAWED DATING PROCESS."

>flawed dating process

You're saying the process of carbon dating is flawed.

Woah that picture is trippy. Where did you get it?

This pic is from 600 ad they copied it from the shroud


Anyways it's fake and it's hilarious just because it's a religious in nature people believe it to be real/authentic.

I feel sorry for you

of course it's a hoax

love you too sweetie ;^)

what did they mean "jesus realy rose from the dead" ?

He die
but He also resurrec

Okay stop and think a minute. If that shroud is an imprint of anybody's face on a cloth then when it is folded out the ears will be facing you since when it was draped around the head, the ears would also have been imprinted onto the cloth. You will notice that isn't the case here. It's a fake. End of.

Bullshit. A face covered by a sheet would not look like a picture.

came here to say this. can't believe people still believe in this shit.

I think that theory in the book The Second Messiah by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas is correct. It claims that man in the shroud was last Grand Master of the Order of Knight Templar, Jaques de Molay. He was tortured and burnt at the stake in 1314. Which would suit with radiocarbon dating of the shroud. According them, de Molay was tortured and his arms and legs nailed to a wooden door to parody the suffering of Jesus and then left for 30 hours, during which time sweat and blood from de Molay imprinted image on the sheet.

One of the templars that was executed with de Molay was Geoffroy de Charney. The one who discovered the shroud was Jeanne de Vergy, widow of the Geoffroi de Charney who was grandson of the Geoffroy. Also, image on the shroud resembles medieval images of de Molay.

This is a small god, leaving bloodstained rags as proof of his supernatural omnipotence and power to grant you eternal life. It's fine, I worship a small god as well, but try not to strut around like you own the place, when things like this are what you hang your hat (not a fedora!) on.

>is it genuinely a face of Jesus Christ
are you retarded?

Jesus was rly hairy

Obviously Jesus was an aryan viking just like Buddha

The slow fading image captcha has made it no longer worthwhile to post here

Maybe because the shroud didn't have contact with the ears? Or his hair prevented it from touching?

Leonardo DaVinci.

>referencing carbon dating

You're on the first rung of Christianity.

6 literal days.

Most relics are fake. This is not. Also the chalice of the last supper is in the cathedral of Valencia. Very well documented.