Time to settle this

Who's right Sup Forums? Me myself I'm a pop supremacist based on the IQ data

Said IQ data

We Aussies just call it "soft drink."
Simple name

In Ohio everyone under 30 calls it soda. I blame Disney channel

Are you fucking with me? I'm from Pittsburgh and we call it pop here

Fizzy Drink master race

>southern indianafag here
>"coke" is usually said to refer to dark carbonated drinks, like coca cola, pepsi, and other brands of cola-like drinks
>"soda" can refer to any carbonated drink


PA masterrace here

But what about the song "fireflies"?
Was that marketed at a non-American audience?

That chart has the labels changed

I'm crunching some data right now and should be back with a graph of some kind

Soda master race reporting in...from NY originally.

Rural and suburban reta--


This is silly ...

Coke invented in GA
Pepsi invented in NC

Yankees are Stupid.

P stands for fairly pure states M stands for more mixed states


Those are all means btw


Or fizzy drink

This. I can understand soda and pop at least, but what if it isn't Coca-Cola? Some people still call it Coke?

"coke" if actually referring to coke
"soda" if referring to old-style fizzy drinks
"fizzy drink" or "soft drink" for anything else

this is the only correct way

Pop is retarded, soda is gay, coke is coca cola. Here in dutchie jungle we call is frisdrank (fresh drink).

>Night jew

Anything that isn't booze, milk, or water, is juice.

>soda is gay
>we call is frisdrank (fresh drink).
Never change, europe.

>tfw in 2003 you got your study hall class to log on to popvssoda.com and lie, and because of the extremely small non scientific sample size, the lie still persists on this map to this day


best reaction image to best meme ive seen all day, i knew this would be a good thread desu

It doesn't even have sodium in it. So soda is really a misnomer.

But that's what I've always called it.

I like the idea of calling it all Coke though. Pisses 'Coke' off and Pepsi too.

What the fuck i live in colorado and i almost never hear anyone say "pop"

Youre a fucking nigger if you say "pop"

Wait... why would you call soda something else? I live in Tennessee and nobody says "coke" when referring to soda.

>Who's right Sup Forums? Me myself I'm a pop supremacist based on the IQ data
Can't we all get along and agree to call it "soda-pop coke"? How about "spoke"?

Didn't it start as Soda Pop back in the 50s? How did the nicknames get divorced?

This chart is retarded. I've lived in Seattle almost my entire life, and I've almost never heard anyone say "pop".

idk who the fuck they surveyed in northeast pa but they're fucking wrong
never heard people say "pop" until it was from some fags from pittsburgh

Oi me mum got me that fuzzy bubbly tangy sweet drink. Oi love me mum.

pop master race
people only saying soda to troll or be edgy.

Pop is correct,
Soda is acceptable.
The original term was Soda Pop.
If you call my Mountain Dew a Coke I will stab you.

East TN here. Can confirm no one calls it "Coke". People either call it soda or soft drink.

Source please!

It's pop

Its coke you faggots.

You used to be able to get a sodium bicarbonate based alka-selzer-esque tablet with the flavoring and the means to fizz.

I actually found and tried one of these and I can attest they are awful.

Once a fizzy drink lost its novelty and you could buy soft drinks made with carbonated water lacking the baking soda people never looked back.

I think probably the tablet fizzy drinks may have retained popularity by being associated with bromo-seltzer ( a sedatove which gives you thyroid problems and I think cancer by displacing all the iodine from your thyroid and was banned )

Now the only easy way to take a bromide would be to go to the pool maintenance section of Wal-Mart.

Me, I'll just keep a healthy thyroid.

We call it pop here in leafland

From the wrong part if you call it soda, kys

check the source data faggot. Also the non white % - blacks and spics have retard tier IQs so AL and LA etc mean is low because of non whites.

is that why New Mexico is so garbled and inconsistent compared to the rest of the map?

Yes, stupid niggers call every soft drink "coke".

Gimme a coke?
What kind Tyrone?
Mountain dew.

It's called a So-Dee-Pop you uncultured swine.

Coke is coke, everything else is soda. Faggot

Damn I'm in the top 1% of IQ for my state, then.

Wtf no they're lightning bugs

Not american but I prefer the term 'junk drink', or 'drinking some junk'. The coke and drinks like this are really just glorified liquid sweets which we were taught to believe are ok to regularly drink with meals. In fact these drinks are more of a poison.

Your opinion is irrelevant lobsterback it's called

Medkit knows what's up. Why anyone would even dare say "POP" is beyond me, shit sounds retarded.

This. OP is a fucking slave

Coke is the master-term. All others are Jewish tricks used to divide and conquer Americans.