Who the fuck does the USA think it is to claim sovereignty over the moon...

Who the fuck does the USA think it is to claim sovereignty over the moon ? Anyone with any intelligence knows full well that humans have not been there yet. Disprove this truth.

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Claim sovereignty over the moon is illegal.

this thread is so boring already

>over 35,000 people including astronauts, technicians, physicians, engineers, janitors, plumbers, electricians, cooks, secretaries, communications experts, CB radio enthusiasts all collaborated to fake a moon landing
>brit education

Fucking goats is illegal yet here you are.

You will never be able to go to the moon

The US doesn't claim sovereignty over the Moon or any other celestial body.

Hahahahahaha ça ne rate jamais avec vous les français, mais plus sérieusement je m'excuse pour le comportement de mes compatriotes musulmans, même nous ici on n'en veux plus !

>be butt hurt own country is too beta to go to the moon
>shill for the fake moon retards

USA didn't claim the moon. I think there is a treaty that says that the moon isn't supposed to be claimed by anyone.

Kubrick confessing to filming the first and a subsequent moon landing. Bit long at 40 mins but worth it if you are really interested in this subject. He also states that he spoke with wernher von braun who believed it would be impossible to achieve IRL

I knew the only sense would come from this island - check out all the angry stars and stripers -

Anything of any worth stateside has been a European import - thanks for the link

The moon landing is obviously fake, the problem is that americans are not very intelligent, they readily believe whatever they are told by their government and Americans that are not used to bantz will quickly lose their shit if you tell them the truth about their pathetic nation. One would have to be an idiot to believe that america went to the moon, made a difference in WW2 and that they are actually the good guys in general

Americans are little better than niggers when it comes to intelligence, the difference is that niggers are dumb because of their DNA, Americans are dumb because they are indoctrinated by the system from the moment they are born

Why does the moon landing trigger non-Americans so hard they have to come up with conspiracy theories to justify why their space program isn't as good?

>Denmark's last contribution to space was Tycho Brahe in 1566


Nigger, your own space program isnt as good as you claim it was in the 60's

Go figure

"Your" space program consisted of you funding the continuation of the Nazi space program but on your soil after giving their engineers an offer of employment that they could not refuse.

Oh,they landed on the Moon.What they found there made them fake a footage of the landing.

Read about this man


>usherer of the space age
Yuromanlets triggered

I was unaware of this gentlemans contribution, and i retract my previous statement. Thank you for bringing him to my attention. I still dont believe man has been to the moon though

Shut up Muhammed

Not only has the USA been to the moon, but it also has bases there and on mars as part of a secret space program.

Many countrys are collaborating in this space program including Russia who we are currently allied with.

Pretty much all politics are social engineering meant to distract you from the truth.

b-b-but here is the lunar module...


This picture shows a giant moon and a tiny earth. wtf NASA. It proves that it is all a fakery, everything about so called "space" is questionable and probably not true.

>wat is horizon
>wat is size of the moon

This is a stage. No way is the moon that small.

Bongo education everyone.


>there is no uneven terrain on the moon

Not an advocate for child slavery or anything, but it makes sense to bring children to mars so they can adapt better to the gravity and shieeet

So what's the no-moon-landing conspiracy theorists explanation to the whole "You can still bounce lasers off the lunar module's targets" fact, anyway?

You should actually look into it. None of the pictures from the moon are real, NASA will tell you that. Film couldn't survive a trip through the Van Allen radiation belt.

how do you know we can bounce anything of the moon?

Man, I was fucking, and it was ovbious.

Look at that shit!! It is unvelievable somebody bite that moonlanding shit nowadays!!

All the indoctrinated fools who believe in the moon landings should watch this short docu


I know man.

These people believe anything NASA and their Gov tells them. Pathetic

Because I have a short-wavelength laser made from the finest Chinesium and a big telescope w, camera attachment in my shed, and I've done the experiment myself. You just need to wait for a clear night to avoid light pollution from low cloud.

>banned in America
Obviously not.
>comments disabled
I've seen all I need to see here.

It's outs. No eurotrash allowed, thanks.

also yeah

Good doc user. Check this one out, kek its too cringey


- amateurs found out that moon landing is fake
- CCCP´s best scientists did not
100% fake, USA is lying

not suprised

Flat earth & fake moon landing shit & other such garbage is used to discredit people & websites, like here for example
don't fall for it

That's right goyms.

That's not true. And notice how Flat Earth threads disappear allways soon, when there are a lot of people still in the debate.

That's a convenient way to not think about it.
If they could do it in the 60s, they should be able to do it again. I mean come on, it's current year.

My grandpa worked on the apollo mission it was real. Also my neighbor is an astronaut

This is Sup Forums politically incorrect, not politically correct. Why would anyone here believe NASA bullshit.

>the truth fears no investigation
>US government allows dissenting opinions
>creator of your video doesn't
You can see the fundamental dishonesty and hypocrisy without pressing play.

Do I need to draw a picture to explain to you how fucking perspective works?

cause you're afraid of the truth.

I hate them faces. Like that "I´m occultist and we are a club and we fuck babies" face.

Makes me sick


>seeing space travel makes you think of children being raped
This is the kind of mentally unhinged sociopath who believes these conspiracy theories.

Perspective has nothing to do with it because if this were a real photograph the earth would fill almost the entire background.

>inb4 muh 236,000 miles away

Explain why the earth is so small when the moon can fit into the earth 50 times according to jewgle.

them freemasons

You know, you bring up a good point. It's easier now than it ever has been to fake a moon landing; and what do they do? pour millions of dollars into "faking" the ISS. In what world does that make sense if you've always been able to fake a moon landing?

Anybody who thinks we've been to the moon is blue pilled cuck

gabbing some guy with his pinkie?
thats your "proof"?
see this is what im talking about all the proof is either
>plain confusion
>showing training shit & misrepresenting it
>not understanding

this is a typicall reaction when you are oblivious to the seecret societies and are too distracted or not bright enough to see it.

The Outer Space treaty precisely says that no nation can claim ownership over space.
Of course, the moment it becomes more accessible, everyone will ignore it.
Plus, there's no mention of private companies.

>who could be behind this post

>British imports

Literally the Father Ted "This one is close and small, that one is big and far away" sketch.

This is the best evidence you have?

Why would anyone be?
Space doesn't affect any of our lives.

Then why the fuck are you on Sup Forums


Anyone who thinks we haven't has a nigger-tier IQ

red faced tim peake

>space camp

Flat earth a psy-op to discredit fake moon landing theories by saying the people who think the moon landing is fake think the earth is flat

>them freemasons

>them faces

How about you stop talking like fucking niggers?

lmao, this is all the evidence we need to show how fake this whole operation is.

the KGB & other countries would stop at nothing to prove its fake
and yet, silence
because its not fake
ignore these niggers user

>Perspective has nothing to do with it because if this were a real photograph the earth would fill almost the entire background.
Kek. And people call burgers dumb

I like how some people think this proves NASA is legit.
>guys they have to make so many fake pictures, no way they'd spend that much time and money on that!
>they get 18.4 billion dollars per year as of 2011
>they also help propagate the myth of global warming which generates an enormous amount of money via stolen tax dollars

man, not my mother tonge. Give me some space.

It should be a completely white flag by now so the moon belongs to the French now.

i don't speak heretic!

>claim sovereignty over the moon ?
Nice bait
Inb4 100 rep--no, no guys stop. FFS.

>We wuz to the moonz an shiet!!

What a surprise a couple of retarded black americucks


look at the "space camp" patch they work for the summer camp they do. They still have diversity hires but not this bad


You have zero proof of any of that.

were they diversity hires? Yes. Still smarter than you and competent enough to be astronauts though

They openly admit they're photoshop. They are "too close" to get a complete picture so they have to use composite images.

No one has sovereignty over space, there's a treaty on it. The USSR and USA agreed to the principles, it got expanded to international legal canon. The point was to not start a legal shitshow with things like "well our satellite mapped most of it" vs "well we put a probe on it first" vs "But we landed on it first fuck off" and prevent escalation.

The flags on the moon are just trophy markers

that user is clearly fucking retarded but i would be interested to know how much bigger the earth looks from the moon compared to the moon from earth

This picture pisses me off more than anything I see on here.

No one recognises your pantomime bullshit in the real world though, all that crap was for your respective news reel propaganda broadcasts. Your flags mean as much as your tee shirts and your NASA pocket protectors, all redundant crap.

The moon landing is the most faked shit from all faked shit from fakeland.


Nigger, pause it at 0:11
you see how big the earth is according to NASA. The other moon landing picture was taken from a humans perspective on the moon. This means that the two images NASA is showing us is fucking fake as shit. Plus distance and perspective are way off.

Provide proof/links or remain a cock sucking faggot

Then explain how he did that?

Harness and wires. Look at his feet and then his red face

Great, then explain why the USSR never put forward a detailed strip-by-strip analysis proving how fake our moon landing(s) were.

There is literally nothing wrong with the narrative from a logistical and mechanical engineering perspective. The money, the rockets, it all checks out. the USSR invested a similar amount into a similar rocket N1 (in terms of size and payload) and fucking failed. Meanwhile, we still drop things on Mars, the ESA drops things on asteroids, and Japan is collecting comet dust miles upon miles away.

There is zero reason to believe a nation COULDNT get to the moon if they spent a sufficient amount of money, for the same reason its believable that there are space stations not too long after (MIR and Skylab). If the point was just to make a propaganda reel, why didnt the USSR just do that? Surely it would have been cheaper than their catastrophic failures with the N1.

asking for links is the most faggoty shit in the world. There's a gay man in Boise who just choked on a dick due to the shock of how much of a faggot you are being.
Everyone knows NASA puts out composite images. This is not news. The fact that you didn't know this means you're actually a retarded nigger.
