Brit/pol/ - (((AMW))) is a cuck edition

>Cabinet 'united' over EU transitional deal (including ongoing free movement)

>Goldman Sachs boss says a "significant" EU transitional deal required ASAP

>Vince Cable: WE MACRON NOW

>Baroness Hale appointed as UK's first female top judge

>Government borrowing went up last month

>Five-year-old girl fined £150 for lemonade stand

>EU won't sign trade deal if the UK moves to deregulation after 2019

>Crime in England and Wales has seen its largest annual rise in a decade

>Why AMWs manifesto is weaker than UKIPs

Other urls found in this thread:

Lads I'm making a bitching good video meant to depress people on the same level as the "The Present is a Foreign Country" and I can't decide between the tracks above. Which would be best as a backing track for a short video dispensing redpills on how utterly shit our current situation is?


Wouldn't a gay guy like to have the lesbian mafia in charge of UKIP?


welcome back lads

make sure neither will be blocked upon uploading lad, some music doesn't fly even if you see other videos from normal people using it

(just upload the song to your account and see if it gets blocked worldwide)

what are you going to put in the video?

A warm place is meant to be reminiscient of a better time. Use the second. A lot more forboding.

Nice taste though.

Pls no, that video is crushing enough without NIN added on top

>A warm place is meant to be reminiscient of a better time
I was planning on interlacing the video with footage like this for contrast.


>AoC is 16
>You need to be 18 to watch porn or record porn

>You can get married at 16
>...but only with parental consent (excl. Scotland)

Why is British law so muddled and fucked up? Let's have another legislation discussion.

Just beat box over it with your velvety smooth voice.

It's better this way

Holy shit, are you that dense you retarded fuck?

Also Nth for High Tory Monarchism.

Maybe, but can it be better?

For a start, how do we combat the degenerate alcohol culture in the UK?

ymca guy here so I'm gonna go to the council on monday,what should I expect?

Better option:

shaming people, especially women

>complaining about AoC

>His computers and USB devices were seized, which were found to contain 1684 images and 20 videos of child exploitation material.
>The majority were in anime or other cartoon styles and depicted children engaging in sexual acts with adults.
>He said Bretnall recorded the incident on his phone. Bretnall told deputies he and his friend were recreating a Japanese anime character as the one teen charged after her.
>Ballen also found a CD containing images of child abuse and illegal comics and anime depicting underage sex and child abuse. She turned it all over to police.
>A former counsellor with the handicapped in Greater Sudbury who was found a year ago with a large amount of child pornography movies and pictures, including anime images, will be sentenced in early February.

Archived it for you
>theguardian com/australia-news/2017/feb/27/i-just-burst-into-tears-partners-men-commit-child-abuse-crimes


fuck's sake rightly you've got me listening to nine inch nails now

Shut up you dense cunt.

>"Oh, please, oh, please! Trample all over me, you lucky, lovely poshies!"

Nonsense. No political system which restricts - or, for that matter, doesn't positively encourage - the expansion of individual greatness is rotten and redundant.

Tell them you are 18 and have been sleeping in a tent in the woods.

use this

Alright I will do that they will not arrest me or anything for that right? afaik thats not legal

>Nonsense. No political system which restricts - or, for that matter, doesn't positively encourage - the expansion of individual greatness is rotten and redundant.
You mean the last 1000 years of our own system which evolved beyond that point in 1200 AD?

Stop associating monarchism with 20th century dictators, especially our own monarchical system you maggot. We were the first people in the world to develop division of power between monarchs and public assemblies. Our entire system is centered around a monarch at the top.

>He still doesn't have a SSBBW gf
Explain this beta streak of yours.

Last girl who I went out with has changed her gender on kikebook to 'Male'.

What the fuck lads.

No user, they should give you emergency temporary housing and put you on the list for council housing

you're such a fag you turned her into a man

that's rough lad, is your arse aching with the memories?

How can she reach round to wipe her arse properly?

I wouldn't do this. If you end up being found out, and you might, you could get kicked out of your housing.

Might be okay without the vocal (like a lot of songs) but it sounds kinda faggy.

thank you so much you are a wonderful human being

This isn't bad, I know it's coldplay but as I said before it would be even better without the vocals.

They don't. It's nigh impossible for them to wipe thoroughly.

Guys I forgot to pay my council tax and now I have to pay all £960 of it for the year in 7 days time

What do ?

People still read and reply to tripfag posts?

Utter cretins.

I hope everything works out for you user

The expansion of individual opportunity and liberty has been, at the same time, the story of our monarchy's decline into insignificance and, ultimately, ornament.

Disengage it from history altogether (since you seem to imagine that nobody could take exception to monarchy without focusing exclusively on the twentieth century). In principle alone, how could any ordinary person - such as yourself - wish to belittle themselves by enlarging another who has achieved nothing other than extending a lineage. Is that sort of arbitrariness really desirable? Particularly when it inevitably requires that the subject diminishes himself and his spirit.

We've outgrown the need of monarchy. Your desire for it reflects your ignorance of it.


Pay it

there will always be tripfags, at least the current crop don't sit on here starting arguments for attention or just spamming shite 24/7. brit/pol/ is pretty comfy at the moment

I'm sure asking a Korean stain glass forum for financial and legal advice is a better thing to do than visiting

Rightly and Rimmer posts are better than 99% of all Anonymous garbage

me too and thank you again

found out for what

work bought me new tools lads

If you lie about your age.

Anyone else loved the latest Nine Inch Nails EP, "Add Violence"?


>a cuck

Farage is *literally* pro-Islam.

Don't use yank music you silly twat.

I'm actually 18 and I can prove it with my passport

>tfw not a bingbong

This is why I don't come to cuckchan Sup Forums anymore desu. Its like Sup Forums circa 2007.

>he thinks cucked Whig "monarchism" is a legit form of monarchism

sure and if a man chops his cock off then he is a woman too, right


Plus you'll get done for copyright with modern music.

>this is why I don't come here

looks like you are here and having a little whinge m9, you sure about that?


Even Nuttalls manifesto was harder on immigration that amw, she's a dyke kike shill.

>The expansion of individual opportunity and liberty has been, at the same time, the story of our monarchy's decline into insignificance and, ultimately, ornament.
I see it as the complete opposite. Only since parliament has became an absolute assembly has this country declined into its current state. This is because a collection of 3 assemblies pass law. We have theoretical Royal Assent which is signed on ministerial advice and we can't, realistically, expect a refusal. So parliament knows damn well, and have for a century now, they're an absolute establishment who's only power checks are each other.

>The expansion of individual opportunity and liberty has been, at the same time, the story of our monarchy's decline into insignificance and, ultimately, ornament.
To say nothing of the fact that every reigning monarch in history has more to their name than the two of us combined, unless you in particular are extraordinarily talented (perhaps a statesman yourself), I believe the sole fact that the monarch was born and raised for the role gives them enough legitimacy to rule in our system. This is because neither me nor our system is absolutist. Even when our system did work, parliament was still entirely responsible for passing law, but did so knowing that refusal was on the table. Parliament acted, knowing dissolution was a possible outcome of failure. Ministers performed within the confines of their roles, because their roles were temporary, not permanent. An electorate alone hasn't been enough to keep our MPs in check, clearly. They aren't answerable to an electorate, of whom so many vote purely based off tradition. For example, regardless of MP, Labour will always win the North East.

>We've outgrown the need of monarchy. Your desire for it reflects your ignorance of it.
How did you put this together? Seeing as our system is still 100% reliant on the monarch.

Who are we, after thousands of years of monarchy that served us well in establishing a society that has enough to help others, to throw away a benign toy that future generations may want to play with?

>using yank music in a video about how shit Britain has become partly due to the import of Yank 'culture'
Utter state of him.

>We've outgrown the need of monarchy

"We have outgrown the need for borders, laws against murder, and a desire to not be demographically replaced. These things are primitive tribal holdovers from a bygone era! We are the masters of reality now and none of our actions have consequences! We don't need leaders with skin in the game! We can bring in niggers and suit them up and they will be just the same as us! Reality doesn't exist!"

This is your brain on anti-monarchism.

Not NIN.

Absolutist monarchism is not in the British tradition, sorry. We've been a Constitutional monarchy since 1200 AD.

Constitutional does not = useless though. What we have now is neither a constitutional nor an absolutist monarchy, its a farce.

I share your passion though friend. Whether absolutist or constitutional, a monarch would be a step above what we have now.

they're both hard on immigration, faggot

if it's not AMW it will be some cucked CIVIC drone too scared to take on Islam

Ironic isn't it? All anti-monarchists seem to be taking their knowledge of monarchism from 20th century Dictators or fairy tales where the King comes and steals the princess.

I don't care what you do

Its the car crash thing my lad. I'd rather not look, but I still occasionally do.

You are the same people who committed regicide with your other leftist friends 350 years ago. You need to be put to the sword.

"Constitutional" monarch *isn't* monarchy. It's like saying alcohol free beer is beer. You're either a monarch or you're not. You're either sovereign or not.

Lads you know how Ubisoft put "this work of fiction was made by multicultural team of various faiths and beliefs" in their games

I thought it was just a safety cos they had fictional muslims

But the latest one says "various beliefs, sexual orientations and gender identities"

Fuck vidya man

There is ZERO right-wing anti-monarchical stance. The only reasons to be anti-monarchy are because you're a leftist who hates his betters or if you've been duped by intellectual liberalism into the idea that decaying sovereignty by castrating monarchs and cutting off their balls somehow leads to more responsible or stable government. tl;dr it doesn't and anybody who thinks this has been tricked by whigs.

One wanted zero net migration, the other says wanting to close your border is extreme

ukips policies are better than hers, she'd be an actual step back and that's not even factoring in the fact she's cancer related to shit like the EDL/Pegida/Tommy Robinson etc

she's civic as fuck, a queer who doesn't like Tyson Fury and complains about muh antisemitism. as civic as it gets, just cries about islam because it's bad for degenerate women like her

Doesn't surprise me at all. Some creatures are quite content to roll around in their own shit.

My top quality posts used to prop up /brit/ to be perhaps the most respectable generals on the site. You'll get no more posts from me. I'm out.

Don't let the door hit you on your way out.

See ya

While British monarchy took a step back after 1918 (gee guys, better change our ways or we'll end up like the Tzar's family) - it's anachronistic. There's essentially no need for it, at is plays a negligible role in governance or representation.

But it's not worth wasting your time thinking about it. At some point in the future, some Royal will go - no point in this anymore, and that's when they'll stop it.

Then how do we balance between constitutionalism and absolutism? I'm a patriot in the sense I think the system that Britain created is truly the best in the world. But we've never given kings or queens absolute and free rule. Since Alfred the Great's reformations, to the Magna Carta, Provisions of Oxford, Provisions of Westminister, etc. We've established some basis for a monarch not ruling like a Roman Emperor. The concept of liberty comes from the British Isles after all.

>So parliament knows damn well, and have for a century now, they're an absolute establishment who's only power checks are each other

>How did you put this together? Seeing as our system is still 100% reliant on the monarch.

You see the contradiction in your posts here, don't you?

>every reigning monarch in history has more to their name than the two of us combined

Of course so. They've been artificially inflated into positions of excessive authority. In such cases, the question obviously isn't 'have they done more than you or I' it's 'could you or I have done a better job than some, many, or most of the monarchs who've reigned throughout history'. I'll yet you be the judge of that, but - personally - I tend to think that nobody who'd accept such power is worthy or wise enough to wield it.

>so many vote purely based off tradition

The 'soft' pull of tradition among the electorate is much less worrying than the iron-clad tradition which illegitimately sustained monarchism and other forms of absolutism for centuries.

From your pic I can see that you are an intransigent BNP shill who wants to inject their history of failed political incursions and bad advice into the UKIP project for the sake of purity signalling.

The type of politics you want cannot be achieved democratically.

Yeah get the fuck out faggot

>reeeee why won't Polish people just behave themselves and be nice liberals
>reeee how dare they commemorate their own war dead instead of pretending only jews copped it in the war
>why won't they just get on the script

I know PiS have their faults but it's so fucking satisfying watching libs piss their knickers over them

Can you get a trip so I can filter you please?

It's not worth the fuss to push these things back

>"We have outgrown the need for borders, laws against murder, and a desire to not be demographically replaced. These things are primitive tribal holdovers from a bygone era! We are the masters of reality now and none of our actions have consequences! We don't need leaders with skin in the game! We can bring in niggers and suit them up and they will be just the same as us! Reality doesn't exist!"

What a rotten argument. Not everyone who sees the value in moral absolutes and other forms of traditionalism necessarily embraces the self-effacing yoke of monarchism.

>Then how do we balance between constitutionalism and absolutism?

That's like saying how do we balance between cutting your dick off and not cutting it off. Cutting only half of it off? There is no comparison between them. One is monarchy and one is rule by whigs who interpret the constitution. Government by whigs always leads to uniformly worse outcomes than does monarchical rule.

>Since Alfred the Great's reformations, to the Magna Carta, Provisions of Oxford, Provisions of Westminister, etc.

You that Orwell line about how if you control the past you control the present? Well your picture of the past here has been interpreted for you intentionally by Democratic parliamentarians and whigs designed to make the present seem like an inevitable progression culminating in liberal (Whig run) system of government. There is no reason to interpret the past in this way. You think Henry Tudor was a weak constitutional faggot who obeyed parliament?

The Tzars were closer to absolutist than our monarchy had been since the 14th century. The monarch taking a step back is what f'ed up our system permanently. Our system is centered on the monarch holding that Head of State title, holding Prerogative, Dismissal and Assent powers over all ELECTED officials. The monarch "taking a step back" was 1. illegal and unconstitutional 2. led to a disaster. There is nothing irrelevant about our monarchy friend.

>You see the contradiction in your posts here, don't you?
No, it makes sense, because the Monarchs role is completely essential to 1000 years worth of legislation which went into creating the British Constitution. There's a reason we don't operate solely off some entrenched laws, and our system is centered on precedent. And the system we established, based solely off trial and error, 100% requires a monarch to hold the top seat.

>The 'soft' pull of tradition among the electorate is much less worrying than the iron-clad tradition which illegitimately sustained monarchism and other forms of absolutism for centuries.
Again though, we haven't been absolutist since the 14th century.


Why would I support UKIP if that's the case friendo?

I'm saying their policies are already better and she'd regress them. If you want someone who's more of a soft touch and is affiliated with some of the most cancerous, unpopular groups in British politics (EDL, Pegida & TR) then by all means, vote for the Jewish backed dyke.

You either support the king or you're a commie, now which is it boy

>Tommy Robinson

can't tell if serious or not. what brand of shill even are you

I love every single one of you

>copying Adam Curtis

Try harder .