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Richard Wright Pink Floyd is best Pink Floyd

No because otherwise he's an annoying fuckhead open borders liberal that destroyed Pink Floyd with his greed.

>he's an annoying fuckhead open borders liberal
And you know he lives in a gated community with security. These fuckers really annoy me because they don't mind how it hurts average citizens.

>He reads (((Breitbart)))

>Rabbi Shmuley
kek are you fucking kidding me?


This imbecile went to our country to rant about our corrupt government just to appease the masses.
"2 de octubre no se olvida, a menos de que toque Roger Waters"
Also, I went to see him live a few years ago. Not only his own fucking webpage scammed me about my position in the concert, he did playback 90% of the time.

No, he just a typically liberal who protests Israel, so the kike media calls him an anti-semetic neo nazi.

stop reading (((brietbart)))

I don't care what a Rabbi says about anything, but Roger Waters is an angry old dude. A Hillary supporter too.
We should all agree with a guy who has been a millionaire since the late 60's. He knows the struggles of the common man.

He's a champagne communist so no he's deffinetly not ourguy.

>Roger Waters is an angry old dude.
He's still mad at King George for "killing" his father. Poor bastard. Has daddy and mommy issues.

Any enemy of the Jews is a friend of mine.

thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=ZX7WpPP1FJQ

pink floyd died in 2008, could've had several more good years leading up to this death if not for prick OP

Just someone who dares to speak the truth about Jews and he's immediately attacked.

But more important question who is Shmuley Boteach.

Zionist networks agent in plain sight?
The source of information (through Pamela Anderson and Yoko Ono) to wikileaks to punish democrats for Obama's non-veto in UN declaring Israel illegal occupier of Palestinian land?

How fast will Jidf be here to declare Boteach harmless goofy celebrity? A naive schlemiel?

so ya thought ya might like to , go to to the show.....


Do you think Roger and Pete shared cp?

wtf I love muslims now

Straight up this. Wright was "literally" the best and most talented member of the band.

Roger Waters, if he had been born among our generation, would have been /oneofus/. The problem is that he's a baby boomer.

Another problem is that he's quite literally a hack. He's had no new material since the final cut. It all sounds the fucking same; just the same stupid, cynical postmodern liberal sentiment and vitriol pouring forth to assail the ears.

>Money, it's a gas.
What did Pink Floyd mean by this?


Regardless, I'm going to see him again his summer.

Unless that enemy worships a child molester.

I hate all the backhanded compliments the left gives professionals in their field. Their stepping out of left's pathetc line is vastly more important to the left than the contributions these people make. You value gets stripped because they get a little salty in the panties over your opinions.

I swear, you save a liberal a liberal's one day and they'll have a heart attack over you being right of a marxist cunt.

>Rabbi Shmuley

>american education

' or 's following s is fine, one is just used more than the other.