This video is going around Twitter...

This video is going around Twitter. This little girl explains that she hates being white because she is constantly being called a racist. Look how she whispers, like she has to hide this even from her own parents. This is torture. Can we find her and let her know there is a support network out there? I don't want this girl to become the next bullying suicide.


Other urls found in this thread:

What the fuck is this trash? Post some real white music.

>brown eyes
>dark brown hair
>wide nose

She's not white, she's "American"

Ethnomasochism won, it's decades of propaganda.
Even our history is being re-written


That dimple is cool, poor girl

Old news white boi. Whitey must die.

>posting the four memes
Wew, have some Bach.

>literally whiter than any Europeans
kek, keep spouting that "Amerimutt" bullshit though. Just more proof that European subhumans are completely ignorant.

I'm sending this one to my mom. Boomers have a really hard time understanding this.

this girl kinda ugly

i could hide her in my basement permanently

Don't know if you're trolling but this is an ASMR vid, that's why she's whispering.

The context of the video is that white people can be discriminated against based on their race, and that you shouldn't assume because someone's white that they're automatically living a discrimination-free life. The full video makes it sound like it's more internet comments than real life.


that's a boy

We need to teach children to embrace their racism as a badge of honor. Be proud, white girl; if your existence is painful for them, you are fulfilling your purpose.

Link the full video then, faggot

She deleted it.

whats her account?

Uh, no. There's no way that's a boy, I already jerked off to her.

>am*rican mutt


Already bullied to have no opinion
look like we're too late to help her

That little girl's face looks a lot like Mootykins.

She's also ugly

wow one example, of a girl being bullied (but not shot or anything, just bullied). DAE thinks whites are the most oppressed group?!?!


Great, now that her power awakened we can serve them some racist actions by killing niggers. I mean what's the point being called a racist if you can't kill some niggers?

You're lucky to live in a white bubble, Mariusz
Enjoy it while you can, you don't understand what it's like to live with niggers and shitskins as your neighbours.

>used to live in London for nearly 10 years

That's part of the plan, to make white people hate themselves. This after the constant crying about how fags and niggers hated themselves because white people. I want to see more children saying shit like this so I'll go full 1488. Fuck Obama, the stupid nigger. This is his doing.

I'd rather not invite Sup Forums to a child's Youtube account, thanks.

It was more the comments getting crazy and she didn't want to keep policing them. She's also extremely sensitive to any negative comments towards her and has made many videos about how much it bothers her; she'll get 100 positive comments and 1 negative and make a 10 minute video about the 1 negative comment

>10 minute video about the 1 negative comment

sounds like another suicide case
which is truly sad

>Enjoy it while you can, you don't understand what it's like to live with niggers and shitskins as your neighbours.
>>>used to live in London for nearly 10 years

and I lived long enough in krakow nowa huta to realize that retards come in all skin colors.

>thanksgiving dinner
am literally going to put cranberry sauce on (you) while I eat (you)

holy fuck

our day may be closer than it appears

she literally got red pilled by lefty twitter

I think she has a higher probability than average, yes. But it's not because of race; it's because she has distorted beliefs about herself in general and pathological anxiety. Point being, it's propaganda to take this small clip of a girl who's wrestling with emotional self-image issues and prop it up as proof of white genocide or whatever.

I've never been to this Nowa Huta place, but I can't imagine anywhere in Krakow, or anywhere in Poland, being majority non-white.

consider redditposting on reddit

>bach, mozart, the list could go on...

Sup Forums is friendly to whites you retard

Also this is proof that the internet should have an age requirement

Red pill her fast

How the fuck does she have a wide nose?

>retards come in all skin colors
But not at equal rates.

I'm not saying people would go there to harass her, but rather shit up her comments with stuff about niggers and so forth. Literally 100% of the time I've seen kids' YT channels get linked on any of the chons, the comments always turn into a shitstorm. I already saw her channel get linked on 8ch before and it was a disaster. I know it's not very satisfying to hear all this but it is what it is. I'm sure you could find her channel by backtracing that Twitter account, but you've been warned of the consequences.

the point is that it is majority polish/white but still not a safe heaven. almost as if people were invliduals shaped by their past and the enviornment and it had nothing to with their skin color...

>can we find her and let her know there is a support network out there?
lol,what support network? Sup Forums?

Mariusz won't understand, don't even try

I used to believe niggers are human, and all the bad things people say about them are just memes.
Then I moved to London and I was awakened.
And everyone (white/asian) I spoke to said the same thing "I wasn't racist until I came here"

she looks 40

The point is that whites are in the majority. When blacks are in the majority it is entirely different being amongst them. Unless you have experienced this, you do not know.

naive faggot

>but you've been warned of the consequences.
Oh just shut the fuck up you reddit tool. You talk like a middle school drama queen.

You just hate white people and are here spewing your venom every day because you are a no life having Jewish fuckstick who cannot into reality. This anti-white agenda you subscribe to and implement is eventually going to come to a swift and bloody end.

>people were invliduals shaped by their past and the enviornment and it had nothing to with their skin color...

oh boy... you've just proved I'm right that you live in a white bubble, you really don't understand that niggers and shitskins are not human

I was the same, I lived in a large city with very few blacks and was not racist. it was not until I moved to a large city in the midwest that I became racist.

I can't remember how my dad put it, something like, we're not scared of lions because we don't live in Africa.

aren't you Mariusz too, or do you have a more cosmopolitan name?

It's safer than the big city that's about 20 miles away from me which is coincidentally packed with nonwhites.

this, what a faggot

I don't think this is real the way we want it to be. These are alt right talking points. She probably found an alt right twitter account and is mocking people who act that way.

Top kek. Look at her nose, lips and general facial structure. Only an Amerimongrel would consider her to be white.


I'm white and I live in a city where blacks outnumber whites 2 to 1 and I've never been called racist. Maybe if she wants to stop being called racist she should stop saying/doing racist things.

She looks South African.

she's whiter than all of (You) faggots
besides her looks on low quality video in bad lightning is fucking irrelevant here
go kys

nah man she has fetal alcohol syndrome

>condemns strictly pro-white song exposing bias against whites
>says post real white music
>doesnt post Wagner


Oh right, the link.

>slovenia flag
>recognizes alcohol related diseases

suppose I could believe you, but it still doesn't fucking matter

Her nose goes upwards at the tip, which is dutch characteristic and common in South Africa. She doesnt seem to have an accent though, so probably European. Reminds me of this guy.

She might be like 1/8th native or something, too, though.

I was referencing an old meme but I don't think you understood it.

this bitch is ugly as fuck
i mean, how can a child have the face of a 45 year old woman?

Lefty/pol/ just go.


>Albini means "Whites" in Latin

>best of

Also, have some Schumann

I need to make a playlist, but I dont have a jewtube account. Theres two best ofs that are for throwing on and playing for extended periods. But yes, shig.

>calling someone ugly is /leftpol/
what the fuck kind of retardation do you have bro

>muh "race is skin color"

This meme is not very dank.

children looking uneven? are you new to life?

its easily one of the most ugly faces ive ever seen, if thats what you're asking mister roach

Just make a fake account using a temporary email. If it asks for a phone number, you can get one through textnow, which you can register using the same temporary email.

>hides flag
>y-you're not white!
Swede or shareblue? You decide.

#5, alinsky. You have no argument but you wish to undermine. So you present fallacies, ad-homs etc, ridicule her on her looks instead of her message. Why? Because you want whites to disappear just as much as the Jews do, or youre a useful idiot and think that by fighting white genocide prevention, you prove white genocide doesnt exist? Marxists dont need logic, they just act like parasites. Its a kike thing.


I tried that stuff before for hours and just went in circles, gave up. The free online text services to get around the phone number thing. Never tie your phone number to your social media etc.

Sure, Jan.

Loved minor threat as a kid. thanks for posting

Came to post this.

>This little girl explains that she hates being white
>be me spic
Please trade little white girl, I wouldn't care being called a racist.

He is italian.

you shouldnt find a children attractive you massive faggot

How hard is it to get a turkish gf?

When I first found out about the word nigger I was in elementary school (4th grade) and that day I went around to all the black kids and called them niggers to their faces, eventually a yard nanny overheard me and I got sent to the office where our vice principal was black.

When I got into her office she immediately got serious as fuck and I started crying. She got up really close to me and said "Don't you ever, ever in your life, ever again use that word, do you understand me? You can be killed for using that word and it don't matter you no child." I was crying hysterically at this point and she changed her tone and kept telling me "Don't worry, we goin get to the bottom of this".

Child services picked me up that day and took me to stay with a relative. I found out latter that they went to my house, cuffed my mom and step-dad, and they were even able to obtain a warrant to search the place. The whole thing took weeks to finally get resolved and the whole time no one ever once bothered to ask me where I learned the word nigger.

Recess just got out and I was running across the field to get dibs on one of the tetherball courts and this black kid named Damari was trying to race me and he ran right into a goalpost and just dropped to the ground. This black girl named Jade was walking by and said "Damari, you is one stupid nigger"

This is why no community should tolerate black leadership, in any capacity. Thats what they do with it. Thats your based niggers.

islam has ruined turkey, women value themselves too much. western part of turkey is somewhat so open to casual relationships though

Man fuck casual relationships I want a non-degenerate wife that wants 5 kids and a house on the lake

Yeah, those online temporary text services don't work. But in textnow and some other sites you register for an account there (using temporary email) and it gives you a phone number which is not blacklisted by jewgle. Got my account using that.

March outside of CNN right now...

That's a dude