SJW Utopia?

Ok, I just started watching Zootopia...

>Little girl can we whatever she wants to be, no matter what The Patriarchy says!

>Her colleague called her 'cute'.
>Colleague becomes aware of his mistake and apologizes.

What the fuck am I watching?

I don't remember this being even slightly controversial when it was released.

Other urls found in this thread:

no one complained because of the porn.

why the fuck were you watching a film made for 9 year olds in the first place

>Little girl can we whatever she wants to be, no matter what The Patriarchy says!
She earns her position, no affirmative action, no coddling, no hugbox, nobody encourages her - she motivates herself and fights to get to the level of her peers rather than creating a system to bring them down to her level.

>Her colleague called her 'cute'.
>Colleague becomes aware of his mistake and apologizes.

I actually liked the part where she became a cop. It shows that her natural talents and physique are completely unsuited for such work so she has to work extra hard to become an officer. It's not like the usual feminist crap where a stronk womyn with no combat training beats up 3 gorilla thugs that fuck shit up for a living.

>no affirmative action
Actually no. It was mentioned that there was a special program started by Ewes to bring more rabbits into police force.


go figure.

>has to work extra hard to become an officer
We see a small montage where she fails.
We see a small montage where she wins.

Literally nothing happened between these montages, except maybe her going for a run.

Who are the villains...

Their herbivore whining that they aren't 'equal enough' to the predatory animals is the main contention of the film, which is resolved with the conclusion that they're being pathetic and making mountains out of molehills (and worse; false-flagging shit to frame them Just like "Rape Culture" and other false rape claims/other SJW lies to frame men)

The Predator/Prey divide is clearly representative of Male/Female division.

The entire film was the anti-SJW mentality.

Making up an enemy in your head because you're a pathetic scared little faggot then framing them because they aren't being -actually- dangerous to you enough to justify your fear is a shitty thing to do.

Keep watching. Reality hits her pretty hard.

That's what a montage is for.

To show a load of progress without having to take up shitloads of time.

>Taking fiction seriously.

>focusing on this being "sjw" thus making yourself unable to enjoy it

life must be hard being a cocksucker

What you're doing is called "projection"


literally what?

this is only right answer

Zootopia isn't controversial because it doesn't say that the predators are white or non-white.
They didn't just think ''hey, how can we portray muh race issue with cartoon animals?''
They just made it into predators vs prey. Instead of pushing an agenda about real races, they tried to figure out what sort of biases an animal society would have if prey lived together with predators.
At times it is pretty red pilled, at other times it's very ideologically leftist. The right wing message you get out of the movie is that we are different and you can't change who you are, but the left message you get out of the movie is ''lol fuk dat lol I can be anything anyway because the plot says so haha XD''.


She's exceptional because she uses willpower and effort to make up for what she physically lacks.

Stories are the foundation of human learning.

I wouldn't min her reading my rights for me.

I wouldn't mind her sucking my dick if you know what I mean

Anti-SJW? Are you fucking kidding me? This is (((DISNEY))) we're talking about.

Watch Stefan hammer this film to see just how much propaganda they put into it:

>all animals live in their own roles

God bless

>The right wing message you get out of the movie is that we are different and you can't change who you are
And that hook-nosed victim playing Ewes are behind everything.

>just started watching
Well finish watching because it is pretty middle ground. Dont get your panties in a wad because of your assumptions. It shows some hard truths too, and youll never guess who the villain is. It treds the line with that Try Anything or whatever song, but it isnt like she was just given respect off the bat. Anyway, just keep watching you will see.

That's a dude


Ugh, really? His 40min-2hour rants about nothing are just pulled out of his ass.
The man served his purpose already, his time is over.

>Ok, I just started watching Zootopia...

> All the animals that have the potential to do mass murder are the minorities
red pill tbqh.

>To show a load of progress
That's the point.
There was no progress.
It was simply "Now I suck. Now I'm awesome."

>It was simply "Now I suck. Now I'm awesome."

.... That's progress.

>focusing on
It's being rubbed in my face.

That's disgusting.

It also promotes race mixing. Fox and Rabbit fall in Love.

Also, the whole story is based around a multi ethnic, multi cultural society.

That rabbit can take a thick cock, if you know what I mean ;)

The main character does the following:

- Blackmail a citizen to endanger themselves
- Conveniently ignores her instructions as a police officer
- Establish a good connection to a mob boss
- Blackmails another citizen with the help of the mob boss under threat of freezing him to death

And this movie is for children, although the plot would be more fitting for a Robert de Niro movie in the 80s.

Because it's a buddy cop movie, not a documentary into the boring life of a work-a-day by-the-books police officer.

It's Lethal Weapon for kids.

Yes, but this movie pretends as if all that was okay, even morally justified. It's important to tell kids that being nice and playing by the rules won't always work out for them, but I thought that using organized crime to threaten someone with freezing to death is inappropriate for children to watch.

She can do that but know it's a boy.

But each kind stuck with their own species and their own natural locations, separate and equal. Except hops who's a race traitor


>Fox and Rabbit fall in Love
[citation needed]
They work as partners now, sure.
All animals in the movie date their own kind.

Reminder that originally the film would feature a civilization were any all carnivores have to, by law, wear shock collar that would go off should their heartrate raise past a certain point. And that removing said collar for even a second was treated as disarming a bomb.

It was too grimdark but now i'm curious how the movie would have gone

>a race war almost happens

Nah, Zootopia is pretty redpilled. They just used Judy's GIRL POWER as a cover so liberals wouldn't notice.

I want to penetrate that bunny.

She...ends up fornicating with a low intelligence rooster?

>All animals in the movie date their own kind.
>Sup Forums not praising the shit out of this movie when it was released.
Wasted opportunity.

>watching Zootopia

faggot stop watching movies for kids


I can't understand the ideological narrative of this movie.

Is it a commentary on race, where the predators are niggers and the prey are everyone else (with parallels like the lion mayor being Obama and the ewe assistant being Hillary)? Is it a commentary on feminism, with the predators being men and the prey being women?
Furthermore, is it actually pro- or anti- any of these issues, considering all the conflicting messages? The most obvious example of this being how all the animals live together in one city (superficially pro-multiculturalism) but at the same time they stay in their own 'tribes'. The lack of miscegenation is the weirdest part; you almost expect to see goofy shit just for the easy visual gags (like a mouse married to a hippo) but none of this ever appears.

The only explanation I can think of is that some mastermind crypto-jew/stormfag tried to subvert whatever was tabled during production.

You sjws sure get triggered by everything...

>implying it wasn't a critique of SJWs as well

Someone didn't finish the movie

So times, those (((SJW))) shit failed and backfire

>watching kids movies

Are you daft?

>It's an alt-right can't understand or enjoy movies because le ebin pepe memes episode

They should have gone with the Taming Party scene.

I wanna fuck the shit out of that bunny

>be whatever you want to be
>predators = patriarchy
>prey = niggers/women
>predators r bad
>predators = niggers/women

This film doesn't know what it is trying to be

Also how dare they give a policewoman a safe job just because it is literally her first day that makes no se-

Wait, that makes sense

>Sup Forums watches cartoons

No. Look at the rocky montage, he trains and trains to get better. She does something once, fails, then does it again and magically succeed with ease.

There is no cohesive message to take away from it. It can be interpreted as either red or blue pilled depending on how you look at it.


Quality writing involves subtlety to slip past the Jews while wearing their skin. You probably thought Elysium was about dem ebil white folk oppressin da Messicans too, right?

People seriously saw this as an anti-white film? Is this just a straw-man?

>tfw no bunnycop gf

>furry movie about a naive woman who is saved from soul crushing defeat by a man she's prejudiced against

>She earns her position, no affirmative action, no coddling, no hugbox, nobody encourages her - she motivates herself and fights to get to the level of her peers rather than creating a system to bring them down to her level.

Why would you even teach these values to little girls watching this movies? It's not gonna happen in real life for 99,9% of them.

Because Disney

The last time I had sex was before I went to see this movie. Happened in a parking garage.

>sjw propaganda
You can only pick one user

Is it not? I admit it hardly seems like propaganda, more like forced pandering with a lot of confusion.

>Ok, I just started watching Zootopia...
Stop right there, don't do it. Its SJW shit

>Not seeing this movie for what it is. A movie about #NotAllMuslums #NotAllNigs .

Zootopia is unironically the most red pilled kids movie ever, even going so far as to expose the ewe.

What about the Angry Bird Movie? They even had a (((Wingstein)))

Disney is very weird. On the one hand, many of their films feature women venturing outside their traditional role but they almost never forsake it. The films mostly acknowledge that this role makes sense but that this particular woman has the capability to 'overcome' it. They also feature very traditional archetypes of heroes, princesses, fathers, villains etc. - and even of good and evil itself, as actual metaphysical realities. It's as if their films are made by a jew and a white simultaneously.

The best part of zootopia is that you can look at it an it's either a SJW piece of garbage, or redpilled as fuck on race and jews and niggers

Yea, they did that on purpose, its literally an amazing way to tell a story and a good movie and I want to ____ the rabbit

>Females in the police force
>Everyone thinks I'm a xyz so I might as while be a xyz anyways
>Elephant scene
>racial harmony bs

Because they fucked it up. The original script had the predators to be lower class, forced to wear shock collars and otherwise being discriminated as savages. The new script tried to keep the theme, but instead of having the theme be about race, it becomes an issue of sex. But only if you try to compare it to reality. Putting the focus on Judy(rabbit) turned the fear of savages, to fear of being raped. Its nolonger about predators being savage, but for prey being weak.

>turned the fear of savages, to fear of being raped

What? The entire film has herbivores freaking out about predators 'going savage' and literally trying to eat people. The panther that gets darted doesn't discriminate between Judy and Nick (who is about as un-female as it gets) and simply tries to rip the two of them to shreds. The fox that bullies Judy in the start of the film even uses the fear of savagery on her and backs it up with claws when she stands up to him.

How exactly are you getting implied rape undertones form that?

Clips were shown in our church as an example of "believing you can", and in like three other churches.
I was super weirded out by this and I disapprove of showing media in the church.
We had a weird new cucky pastor who seemed unusually enamored with the film. "We can be a big church is we want it enough!"
I left that church eventually.

Why even live?