The police thinks he was murdered

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idk who this is
explain why i should care


But anyway his resemblance to John Podesta is uncanny. Very uncanny

Podestas bastard

What purpose do (((they))) have for killing off these frontmen?

The goyim know, change the story!

I can't get it out of my head either, he's like Podesta with ear buttholes so even more degenerate.

home alone dad just killed in his hotel room.
he was gonna talk about the pedos.

(((Linkin Park))) was put together just like (((NSYNC))) and (((KISS))) and are terrible musicians. Do the research niggers. You've been jewed again.

Why should anyone care?

This is probably our lynchpin.

We need to take this into serious condersation, they were going after the same people we are and got killed for talking about it. What is this "black book" and whose names are in it, apparently it contains the name of one of Conrell's "professional associates." That is a huge lead right there, all we have to do is look into people Cornell did business with.

Top source, op.

Bullshit of course.

100% he was murdered along with chris cornell

That's why I stick with ICP. They're hardcore!


The Clinton Foundation and related company know they're screwed. This is huge, and many people are wrapped up in this mess. Any potential witnesses that showed or are even thought to show willingness to testify are being taken out before it happens.

LOL actually can't find anything telling me this guy is Jewish, his looks are a bit suspect but his name is Anglo af.

your kidding, sauce?

Chris Cornell also committed (((suicide))) by hanging himself from a little doorway with a small belt. And this was 90 minutes after a show in which he had his laptop checked on and his bodyguard busted down the door at the behest of his frantic wife. It's such a narrow time frame it makes no fucking sense. He also had his last show at the same Fox Theater that Prince had his last show at.

The devil came to collect his soul after making him rich and famous

>home alone dad

>a depressed drug addicted singer who has been singing edgy songs his entire life kills himself on the birthday of a close friend who killed himself a few months ago

>a voting fraud investigator found shot dead with his home broken into and important documents stolen
>nothing to see here, goy, this was a suicide

>healthy justice with no health problems found dead with a pillow on his face
>nothing to see here, goy, clearly natural causes

>DNC leaker gets shot in the street after handing DNC e-mails to Wikileaks, nothing taken from the body
>oy vey, goy, nothing to see here, just a random mugging
Thanks, (((police)))

>Bennington, who sang at Chris Cornell’s recent funeral after becoming close to the Soundgarden frontman in recent years, was reportedly working with Cornell’s foundation to prevent the sexual exploitation of vulnerable children

Looks a bit like orlando bloom actually

Pedestas son.

Apparently the dude was screwed up for some reason.

> I wonder why....


The article just keeps on quoting its own website

Any other sources?

>Boo hoo i got diddled by my uncle so i'm going to leave 6 kids without a father
I don't know why anyone would defend this faggot

Literally who?

They were put together like a fucking boy band to get your shekels. That's the Jew part fucking christ.

he did the music for a lot of WoW pvp videos

Go to bed, Podesta.

he mentionted pizzagate in an interview then was murdered, real enough for you?

this site literally just makes shit up, id love to see actual proof but fake news just discredits us.

literally who?

Sening a threat to those thinking about exposing these pedophiles. Get rid of his testimony

>“If I think back to when I was really young, to when I was being molested, to when all these horrible things were going on around me, I shudder,” he told the metal magazine Kerrang! in 2011.

i thought you cunts were taking the piss about him being diddled


That source is shit though. Right?

Source on that?

Well... if he was murdered that would kinda change the story right? Would you care then? Father of six murdered?

So Hollywood can raise his kids

Turn them into a bunch of whores and druggies

Michael Jacksons daughter is probably going to be in the spot light similar to Linsday Lohan in the coming years

>idk who this is

pretty sure thats moby, or some other liberal music douche

Dont be ridiculous, look.

>What purpose do (((they))) have for killing off these frontmen?

insurance money and molest their kids

A very popular guy, even his minor videos got million views.

It would make his death less gay, but wouldn't make him less of a faggot.

Why would Podesta murder his own son?

I'm lookin

Kiss was 50% jewish, but it sure wasnt put together. It's just classic american rock n roll.

Do some research. Linkin Parkgate is massive news.

Why do parents sell their kids into trafficking?

>said a police source


What I find interesting is that his wife tweeted that she knew it wasn't a suicide along with some other things, the tweets got wiped out, and multiple articles were sent out assuring everyone it was hackers. Similar to how Snopes rushed in with their own article calling it false which didn't mention the tweets at all

>Why would Podesta murder his own son?

he was bored

"his father was a police detective who worked with child sex abuse cases"


lel did cop daddy keep podesta out of jail

lol i LOVE IT!

provide archive links of the tweets or I'm reporting you.

lmao you retard

It gets even weirder. Now apparently she has tweeted that she was cheating on chester with another band member. And of course those tweets where promptly deleted as well.

Smells fishy as FUAACK. As if "they" are now trying to discredit her.


Kek hold on let me get them

quit taking the piss, the only sources for this shit are a bunch of circlejerking blogs and reddit posts


Fuck off. Sage

Well I'll be a nigger uncle


>2 fit young men died who had millions of dollars and fame and knew each other
No reason to sage this. I have a feeling this news won't go away even if they arrest or don't arrest anybody. Kurt Cobain is nothing compare to this.

I don't know if there is an archived link but a lot of people saw it. If you Google Chester's wife tweets you get tons of articles about it. Her first tweet was that she knew he was dead before the suicide and she had proof (and I believe she spelled dead 'did', which I saw screens hots of), and then a bunch of other tweets came saying things like she cheated on him and didn't love him. I would be interested in the time between these tweets because to me it looks like she was forced to smear herself by sending more tweets out to discredit her and likely threatened into staying silent, which wouldn't be at all difficult since she has six kids to fear for. If the public gets too upset about it they might force her to come out again and make more statements.


never trust that site, it's to agitate people

You don't know what your talking about.
Look into Laurel Canyon and it's relationship with a lot of "Musicians".

Also look into how many "Musicians" have fathers that were high up in the American military.

this is not politics
take this shit somewhere else

Literally everything in history is put together to get your shekels, are you retarded?

This is politics. Chester's death is heavily linked to Hillary Clinton and Pizzagate.

Daily Dose:

No it isn't its, I wouldn't be surprised if it was created by shills to make pizzagate seem ridiculous to outsiders.

no it isn't
stop making shit up to crowbar bullshit into this board

> Chester molested as kid
> Lincoln Park child torture base
> Band Clinton Foundation ties
> Close ties to possibly suicided Cornell

There is definitely something fishy about this. Lets dive deep into it.

Please ignore the shills you guys. They are getting paid to respond, and they've been here on Sup Forums for some time now baiting people into fighting over things instead of discussing them. Fight back by having discussions.

Pizzagate is such a big redpill it separates outsiders and autists by default. If you can't fathom it, you will never be able to. This research isn't for them, it's for us.

And how do you think that this shitty actor gets so many big roles?

Skippy pls go

spotted the hillshill

How the fuck did you get my news wire you fucking hacker?

>And how do you think that this shitty actor gets so many big roles?

sucking massive amounts of cock

YourNewsWire is literal fake news. This is a slide thread. SAGE

>the Soros/Mccain eye defect
>the Alefantis/Rothschild face
>now this

wtf these elite pedos really are all blood related

jews killed him, talk like a poltard

Makes more sense than suicide

Or being a part of some pedo conspiracy. He has a boyish look to him, which I assume pedos like.

>Lincoln Park Massacre
what? I googled but didn't get any results

Isn't this Podesta's son?

Source please



so uncanny

Its not that big of a redpill If I'm on board with it, cause I've always been dismissive of conspiracy theories. The reason why I didn't dismiss pizzagate was because I caught onto before all the satanist bullshit was thrown into it.

>He has a boyish look to him, which I assume pedos like.

2500 years ago Roman women were selecting their mate based on a small cock that grew when erect

this feature allowed their children to more easily climb Roman society which was run by creepy old faggot perverts who liked little boys, the small flaccid penis allowed them to appear younger for a longer time to the homosexuals running the society