Is psychology complete horseshit? Why are all the important psychologists Jewish?

Is psychology complete horseshit? Why are all the important psychologists Jewish?

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So they could control our minds.

Is Sup Forums complete horseshit? Why are all the habitual posters braindead?

Only certain parts of psychology, like most psychoanalysis are bullshit. Some of it is useful, even if a lot of it is absolute crap.
> Just because someone is Jewish discredits their achievements durrrr
Some Jewish psychologists like Jonathan Haidt have actually pushed forward some really interesting hypotheses, like Moral Foundations Theory. You should check it out sometime, it gives an interesting theoretical background on the ideological/moral differences between conservatives and liberals.

Every theory he ever had was stolen from Shakespeare.

30% of nobel prizes in chemistry, physics and medicine are gotten by jews.
So answer is simple: JEWS ARE OVERHUMANS.

Freudian psychology is bullshit. Carl Jung, a German Christian, understood that Freud himself was mentally ill -- because all Jews are, as he notes, incapable of understanding a healthy human psyche -- and so Jung created his own set of theories and studies. He's known as the other father of psychology but to all students of psych that aren't limp-wristed faggots he's the only important one. Read his books.

Psychology has a lot of truth about the MODERN individual, as we live in a degenerate fucked up society. However, modern psychology cannot be applied to non-degenerate non-modern societies

psychology is almost literally the codifying and study of "jewish tricks", and also a wonderful example of jewish trickery in action. make of that what you will.

Psychology is a valid science but is being co opted by progressives academically.

Jung wasn't a Christian.

The mind doesn't exist, only physics. Therefore, psychology, which purports to study something that doesn't exist, is bullshit.

Watch out, OP. Last time I asked about psychology on Sup Forums, I got banned.

Oh you mean the same Jung that wrote that fucking his patient cured her?

Psychoanalysis was invented by a Jew in order to sabotage German culture. Doesn't mean that psychology in general is a Jewish science. That would be like saying that cinema is a Jewish thing, just because Hollywood was overrun by kikes.

Freudian psychology was obsolete a hundred years ago.

Are you going to post 1800s balloons next and ask if flight is complete horseshit?

He was raised Protestant and continued to study religion until college.

Better than the sick fuck who wanted to sleep with his mother and told the world that it's natural so he could feel better about it. Jung isn't perfect but at least he knew Jews are broken people.

>mind doesn't exist
[citation needed]

put the bong down

people still rave about ego death, egoism. still relevant.

how's that autism treating you?

Psychology is productive, insightful, and highly reproducible. Modern social psychology is plagued by confirmation bias and agenda, however. Please do not be tempted to write off psychology as a whole. Do your research and learn what is and isn't bullshit.

this. psychology enjoys a constant moving of goalposts to suit its constituency of (((bad philosophers))). but, invoking freud at this point is massive faggotry or shit-tier trolling.

>Is psychology complete horseshit?
>Why are all the important psychologists Jewish?
See first question.

A recent metastudy found that around 75% of psychology study results were not reproducible and most likely because the researchers MADE UP THE DATA.

Remember that the next time you read one of these "scientific" studies claiming some leftist bullshit.

Clinical psychology is horseshit. Analytic psychology is effective and very deeply implemented worldwide thanks to Edward Bernays (fried's grandson). If it wasn't, you wouldn't be getting jewed by freudian mind tricks every time you see a commercial or advertisement. They use them because it works.

>Only certain parts of psychology, like most psychoanalysis are bullshit.
Posts are leftist bullshit chart claiming that libtards, who give less to charity than conservatives do even thought they are wealthier, care more.

Sure, faggot, whatever you say.

you made this thread already, with the same pic of freud also.

>Psychology studies are made up because a study showed many of them were


Social psychology it a nutshell:

Solomon Asch
Best known for laboratory studies on conformity showing that under certain circumstances, a large percentage of people will conform to a majority position even when the position is clearly incorrect.

Leon Festinger
Developed the theory of cognitive dissonance, a motivational theory suggesting that people seek to minimize discomfort caused by inconsistent beliefs and behaviors.

Kurt Lewin
He was an early leader of group dynamic research and is regarded by many as the founder of modern social psychology. His equation, B=f(P,E), stipulates that behavior is a function of the person and environment, and he advocated "action research" applying this equation and scientific methods to address social problems such as prejudice and group conflict.

Stanley Milgram
Famous for a set of studies suggesting that most people will obey an experimenter's order to administer potentially deadly levels of electric shock to a protesting stranger.

Henri Tajfel
Devised the "minimal group paradigm" for which he documented that even minimal groups readily form identities and exhibit ingroup favoritism. Developed social identity theory.

Daniel Katz
Produced classic studies of racial stereotyping and prejudice, and attitude change, and his pursuit of the connections between individual psychology and social systems helped to found the field of organizational psychology.

Robert K. Merton
Best known for the terms "role model" and "self-fulfilling prophecy". A central element of modern sociological, political, and economic theory, the "self-fulfilling prophecy" is a process whereby a belief or expectation, correct or incorrect, affects the outcome of a situation or the way a person or group will behave.

Elliot Aronson
Best known for the invention of the Jigsaw Classroom as a method of reducing interethnic hostility and prejudice.

Really makes me think...

>A recent metastudy found that around 75% of psychology study results were not reproducible and most likely because the researchers MADE UP THE DATA.

[Citation needed]

You don't know what Moral Foundations Theory is and you just proved it.

Pure Coincidence


I beg your pardon.

(((Jonathan Haidt))) is drug store level psychology to paint liberals in the most-positive light. The questionaire had a sample bias towards liberals, who represented 64% of all participants. The vocabulary is nigger-tier and full of newspeak. And, the book deserves to be sold next to romance novels, because both audiences are desperate for validation.

He's a conservative, though.

The only good psychology is Jungian psychology.

Nope. Social psychology is a specific off-branch. Social psychologists are not taken seriously (and often mocked) by actual psychologists in the academic world. The discipline is infected with SJWs.

>like most psychoanalysis are bullshit.
oh boy, sure the other psychology schools are FAR better than this right? like the SCIENTIFIC cognitive psychology... please.

Answer for OP: no, psychology is not shit, but sure most of it is, there is a lack of good people making good psychology.

Freud is confirmed for being full of horseshit even by peers.

To be fair, I'm pretty sure that this is a good way to alleviate most female anxieties.
>She's not feeling appreciated enough? Fuck her and paw at that bitch like a fuckin animal.
>She feels like her life has no purpose? Fuck her and cum inside.
>She feels insecure about her place in the world? Fuck her with a leash and collar so she knows that she's fuckin staying in it.

Who needs therapy? Dr. D is on-call.

It doesn't mean that conservatives don't care, that is the libertarians. It means that conservatives are way more balanced than the other two. Personally I interpret that as a more mature moral basis.

Freud and his followers are horseshit, but at least he got the field started. Aristotle also said a lot of horseshit, but he did a lot of foundational work and so we still regard him as one of history's great intellectuals.

The field of psychology in general though, is not 100% horseshit. You just have to be more careful with it than with the hard sciences.