Send us a million french girls and a million m4s

Send us a million french girls and a million m4s

Lets make america great again

That's like a mouse saying he's gonna save a Bison

Thats like a rat saying to a lion he has no power

Found the parasite.

haha quebec, he's always like this. we still love you little buddy

wow Quebec niggers want to invade people and steal all their shit, not surprised a bit.

Lions are nearly extinct so.....yeah

But can you find your Shlomo?

Your kind was about to be and should've been extinct. You filthy kike.


What does any of that have to do with the US (OUR statue of liberty) saving france?

Is leaf trying to "we wuz america" now?

Theyve been begging for annexation for a while now

send us what we need or die
send us what we need or die

why are u scared bro

Go away Jew

the statue of liberty was a gift from france to USA after world war 2

it means were going back to kick niggers ass

But notice the Jew is shilling fast and hard. Trying to demoralize in this thread

The do-nothing state that exists only on free donations from successful nations. Your military is disproportionately equipped and trained because it was all paid for by larger countries and you will never achieve any meaningful expansion because your people's singular driving instinct is all-consuming lust for wealth.

Your right Canada did nothing much better with absolutely no help

theyre trying to absorb us

youre sick

>send us your skanky pox-ridden whores and sluts
>a million of em
>and send us a million (insert random weapon here) because we can't build anything ourselves because we all have tertiary syphillis
>lets MAGA

a fucking leaf

seriously are you being homeschooled or something
why are you so stupid
are you a french papist cuck in quebec

You need medication

>the statue of liberty was a gift from france to USA after world war 2
> a gift from france to USA after world war 2
Canadian education everyone

Ok so i like the enthusiasm of going back to free france, again, but what do you need a bunch of french girls and guns for? Shouldn't you be taking the guns to france to protect the french girls?

if you had a wife i would fuck her
you think you are tough you are like a little pussy we have rampant syphhliss.

to make babies and ask politely if we can be our own country, then we can ask politely if can bring the guns to france

you've already asked, we said no, get back to work

Looks like your dad said no, guess we will have play war another time...

Lmao you do realize the white American male is the largest standing army on the fucking planet?

You likes could never into strategy and it's why you've been BTFO'ed for 2000 years

I'm having trouble following this thread.

>largest standing army on the fucking planet?

It was originally conceived as a statue for the middle east, but when that plan fell through, they changed it to be a symbol of freedom and liberty commemorating the abolition of slavery and the union winning the civil war.

its not a question we need to save those girls and if we will go through anybody in the way

Send em here while the Refugees are being removed.

We need more whites and loyal western white-hybrids to keep up with Muslims/African numbers.

As you can see our Quebec is a bit excitable, but he's basically a good kid.

>white American


>they don't know who/what is considered the militia according to the constitution

Brainlet kekistanis everyone

fuck off you get british girls

>american education

The fuck you gonna do Leaf? Go out and do a quest for me and bring me back 4 sets of hooves from your native mooses. Your reward will be the honor of a burgers limited attention span for what would be the course of one round of poutine to make your case and you just might level up.

thanks donald

Could always intercept some refugee baggage claims for extra arms?

its all your fault. please stop destroying the world for retarded reasons like the people of israel. you are not the chosen ones you are filth like every one else.

or just, like, don't fucking drop billions of dollars worth of weapons and vehicles on the desert bases in the first place?

Construction of the statue of liberty started in 1875, fuckwit. It wasn't a gift for the US after WW2.


Canada is righteous Quebec clay

get out anglos reee

No deal. We would fight another world war just to force the brits to keep Maisie.

You can't fucking time travel, nigga

Bitching about the past and using it to justify inaction in the present is the coward's excuse.

>yells in provincial

>french girls are tougher than leafs

>gift to the us
>post is a leaf
Literally begging for annexation.

>bring back your children from the desert thousands of miles away.

>stop pandering to greatest ally

>annex the land of maple syrup and moose

> = profit?