Will Holocaust revisionism ever become mainstream ??

Will Holocaust revisionism ever become mainstream ??

If so, how long will it take ??

On a scale from 1 to 10 how important is holocuast revisionism ??

What can be done to advance the Holocaust Revisionist movement ??

Should Holocaust Revisionists mainly target the USA, or also Europe, where it is much more difficult due to `hate speech laws` ??

Shitposting on /pol can change the world.

When some gun nut on Sup Forums finally cracks and nailbombs the entire Rothschild family into oblivion.

Sidenote for law enforcement agencies: This is an analytical post and does not represent a call to action.

Well a little bit yes.

/pol has a significant amount of influence on society in ways that are verry hard to describe.
The propaganda idea.
See for example pepe the frog among other memes popularized with help of /pol.

It might be the case that if a deticated group of activists continue to hammer revisionism every day on /pol. That might be enough eventually to make it happen.

nah sorry i don't believe violence will do any good.

it will only alianate people from our `beliefs` - which are not really `beliefs` rather knowledge of facts.


we'll here is the thing laddie, the current narrative is already revisionism because it never happened

answer my fucking questions then.

Will Holocaust revisionism ever become mainstream ??

If so, how long will it take ??
after western europe collapses, possibly 50~100 years.

On a scale from 1 to 10 how important is holocuast revisionism ??

What can be done to advance the Holocaust Revisionist movement ??
internet activist group like JIDF

Should Holocaust Revisionists mainly target the USA, or also Europe, where it is much more difficult due to `hate speech laws` ??
target both, but US and Europe may need a totally seperate approach.

This is actually doable.
Facts are fact. And if you assimilate a comprehensive narrative of common fallacies of what they teach in the mainstream, people will begin to know there is more they were misled about. Self-correcting instinct with that old law tactic of "i don't have to be right, just prove they are wrong" can go a long way if employed properly.

One thing i bring of in casual deadspace of convos is witnessing myself the plaque at Auszwitz with the modified casualty estimate. This immediately lowers muh gorillion by a significant 3 million. The "well blah blah still a bunch..." retort almost always makes the nagging defense look very weak.

People don't like being lied to, even less than being enlightened.

Also, I notice very subtle and evasive posturing and language [from jews] when I say I'm Polish. As if my opinion is immediately weighted. They must know.

I still can't believe that Holocaust credulism gets the support that it does. The evidence for the Alleged Holocaust simply does not exist. If believers in the Alleged Holocaust would provide us with a single piece of evidence for any of it, then maybe they would have a case - but they don't!

I agree its really unbelievable what has happened.
This is no doubt the worse case of truth supression since the 16th century case of Galileo Galilei.

But the wierd thing is the supression cannot be explained in terms of what power is behind this supression.

Some hidden force, entity or psychological mechanism is capable of doing what only the 16th century Vatican Church, and no doubt the Soviet Union, was capable of doing ever before.

>Will Holocaust revisionism ever become mainstream ??
It was sort of mainstream in the 90's, with Zundel, Irving, Krege and many others entering in play, offering some dynamic to the stale denier scene, and making fantastical claims.

Then they were proven bullshit and Holocaust denial went back to underground status.

I once heard an interview with a Polish holocaust revisionist in his 80's. (just a revisionist supporter, not active publisher or anything).

He said that
"The poles are known for their anti-semitism. When you mention Poland, the first thing that comes in people's mind is anti-semitism."

He began to question the holocaust at an old age thinking about his life i guess.
His mother worked for the Socialist party and as a young kid he heard his mother say that "Hitler was a monster, a horrinle man, the only thing that he did good, was what he did to the Jews."
Overhearing this remark had him totally confused as a young boy.

If you still believe the formal narrative of the holocaust.

This thread is not meant for you.

Go away kid.

Anti-semitism is one of the oldest and most strongly held european tradition.

>holocaust denier
>kekistani flag
>"is holocaust going mainstream"
>calls me kid


i was bumping this thread until now

so what is your age then, kid ?

It's all because of a book called "The Extermination of the European Jew," which purposes that The Holocaust was an event on it's own, almost "outside," of the rest of the war and its other atrocities.

Tell me what happened with Galileo if you would.

He supported the idea that the Earth revolved around the sun, got tried in the Inquisition for heresy and recanted.

t.frustated failed journalist
you sound like a big fucking faggot