Why are right-wing thinkers underrepresented in universities and intellectual spheres?

Why are right-wing thinkers underrepresented in universities and intellectual spheres?





216 you fucking retard


144 x 5

Oooh so hahd

720 fuck jews



They work in business.

>Find ? in the table below
Bottom right

because being a tax parasite is puke worthy to real men

>there are literally white people alive who can't solve this

Because the moment you actually get your politics from books and honest inquiry as opposed to prejudice and conspiracy/alien movies you're no longer voting red.

you mean blue
ayn rand cant be disproven
we need to have govrnment total spending b 1% of gdp with no regulations

>Ayn Rand can't be disproven
She already was. See: great depression

In flipping burgers business.

It's on the bottom right

are u on drugs?
great depressions both caused by government 100%




If you are a royalist in stalinist russia, do you openly say you are a royalist?


oh shit

white people really are superior

right.. niggers didn't get it

>Why are right-wing thinkers underrepresented in universities and intellectual spheres?
Off making stacks of cash in the private sector.

>Private sector
>Not trailer parks


720, and probably because universities don't hire them when there are perfectly good leftists around and the ones that do get hired are forced to feed their students the curriculum dictated by the school or get fired

Because lefty's prefer to have you killed than listen to you're differing opinion

wrong though. right column is also x3 x4 x5


kurwa zabij sie



this was the first thing I thought of. Am I a nigger?

720's the only answer I can come up with, but I dislike it.
Why would you start it at x2 for the first column then jump arbitrarily to x3 at the start of the other two?
>Why are right-wing thinkers underrepresented in universities and intellectual spheres?
Well-rounded people with likable personalities don't go to university as a mark of status. They want something out of life, and a degree is only valuable to them when it serves a purpose in their scheme.
Say what you want, but if I had to choose between trusting a Republican voter with my wallet and a Democrat voter, I'd choose the Republican. Your intellect does not automatically make you a good person. Case in point, remember that Chinese girl who went missing at the UIUC? I live in that town. The guy who did it was another grad student studying metaphysics at the school. I'm sure he's a very smart young man. It's just a shame that the intellect wasn't fixed onto a better person.

These people who are not as smart or educated as you are also not bleating sheep that are here for you to herd how you will. This is easily the most despicable aspect of the modern Democratic party, the implication that a welder's vote is less valuable than a little 23 year old with a degree as trivial as Communications. These people have worked hard and will continue to work hard in order to generate the surplus resources and maintain the free society that's necessary for educating talented minds in a wide array of fields. Being a bit more gracious is the least you can do.


Because of the term "progressive" : cuck scientists like to be optimistic, so they think that to be progressive, means to advance society. But really it's advancing society into degeneracy.

or 720

there are multiple ways to solve this, but which way is the "common core" way?

Oh wow, that guy you mentioned was my TA a few years ago (physics, not metaphysics).

What was he like in person? Everyone who knows him just told reporters that he seemed normal.

I think his name was Brent. He TA'd one of my lab classes one semester. Really normal guy, never seemed super happy (makes sense now that I'm a physics grad). He was hard to talk to and socially awkward but very smart.

>36^2 = 216

720 niggers

>Polish education


and the answer is because ordinary right-wing in the west is retarded (american republican party etc.)

at least hide your flag before you post something this retarded.

There aren't multiple ways to solve it. 6 -> 36 isn't enough to establish a pattern nor that it's necessarily a square and not just arbitrarily 6. 1296 breaks the pattern, thus it is not the correct answer.



Jewish nepotism + Affirmative Action = white Gentiles are very underrepresented

They are mostly in stem and are too busy actually working to be out reeing and rioting and peddling their political ideology


Because unis are infested with intolerant Marxist commies who can't handle criticism of any kind.

Just look at how they treat any right-wing thinkers and ask yourself why they are underpresented. You literally get bomb threats, etc, if you invite a right-wing thinker to speak at a university.

You're all fucking stupid, it's 720.

These guys are right

Had it right but 36^2 is not 720 or 216

Are you serious?


Final answer

you spergs are over thinking this

it's just increasing the amount you multiply the next number by 1 as you go right, the first set in green establishes the pattern, you just finish it off in the blue set. the answer is 864.

There are an infinite number of ways this can be solved.

Chain swings left. As a system grows more complex and technologically reliant, changes within the social order begin to take place. For example, a serf system does not work well in modern countries. The easiest way to maintain this change is to be risky with changes to society, in the same way that evolution has microchanges to biology which may exist for one generation, and disappear, or may continue to exist within that societal framework and "reproduce", even when it provides no further use to the specimen. The appendix, for example, serves no purpose in the body of modern man, but it is still there. The same is true of the pinky toe and its change among human physical traits and other items.

Society is a growing complex organism with changes made to it daily. It is the job of "conservatives" to remain risk-averse and preserve the society in the way that it currently functions, and it is the job of the "liberal" to experiment with different ideas and rules to deal with a changing technological environment. Sometimes these changes may become permanently affixed to the society, and later on become destructive elements within the environment. It is simply nature taking its course that people with ideas about how things might be changed will suggest items like "we need wings" or "we need another nose". Sometimes these things kill the organism, and lead to its downfall, in the same way that a mix of items led to the downfall of the Roman empire. It is the job of the "conservative" to know what works as far as society has come, the foundations, if you will, and it is the job of the "liberal" to experiment and change the the furniture in the second story, on the roof, on the tops of the chimney, until it all comes crashing down, when the conservative comes in and says "Now, I do like the part where you told the king of Britain to fuck off, but what the fuck were you thinking when you..."


True right wing students believe in an expensive private only educational system for matters of personal gain and exclusivity, not to mention most are born rich. As it happens, the majority of students of all universities are not so wealthy, therefore it would be foolish to advocate against themselves.

It all comes down to the economical point of view (mostly).

TL;DR you couldn't figure out what the missing number was

kek, 6 Million Jews Never Team Kill and Survive


324 * 4 = 1296

hid the answer , dutchman got it right

It could be 720. It could be anything.

The only way to reduce the number of possible representative equations is for a limit on the number of operations that can be used in a sequence function to be decreased and for the volume of examples to increase.

Columns are geometric sequences whose term/multiple increments by one (line by line).

If we do as you say, then it's 720 not 864. As it would be 144 * 5 = 720 not 144 * 6 = 864.

Maybe, but that user still said that 720 times 5 is 720.

lol it's just squares


I only solve for X like a white man. None of this "?" Nigger shit.

Start with a column. By what number you multiply the first digit to get the second? Now add 1 to that number and multiply again to the next line..... and so on.

That's what I got

>lol it's just squares

You say that because you can't solve it.

Nah, it's mostly likely a geometric series, by which the ratio increases by 1 every 3 numbers.

Quality onion lure, never seen finer in my days.


interesting analysis
how can this explain whats going on in modern society though?

More specific. Generally speaking, it is possible that bad mutations, or "cancerous" cells of thought are spreading and mutating. A tumor cannot live on its own, however. Liberalism and Conservatism live in a symbiotic relationship, with conservatism keeping liberalism alive with "successful" ideas, and liberalism being the adaptability portion. Without liberalism, stagnation occurs were the society can no longer sustain itself within the environment, and without conservatism, the mutations will run rampant and without check.

I think we are either close to a complete collapse of society, considering the rate at which liberalism is being pushed. It is expanding upon cancerous ideas, and will lead to death of the organism as a whole.

if you ignore the existence of the middle column, sure