Tfw constantly questioning the nature of reality

>tfw constantly questioning the nature of reality
>tfw have no solid ground to stand on

I seriously have no idea what to believe in anymore. I wish I could go back to being naive and happy.

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Same here bro and it's only gotten worse since I've been reading Nietzsche

do yourself a favor, read the Torah and convert to judaism

i'm happier now that i'm questioning reality. actual mundane reality is soul-crushing bullshit

It is just a movie.
You are director and actor in it.

Nothing is real, exept your consciousness.

Radical skepticism is unassailable, but it isn't very helpful. Pragmatically, some presuppositions have shown themselves to be highly functional, such as the presupposition that history has happened. Can you prove that we didn't just pop into existence 5 minutes ago and all our memories/artifacts etc. of the past are mere illusions? No, but what's the upshot of believing that? Far more helpful to assume that history has happened, and our understanding of the past may or may not be 100% correct.

any belif system is a cage for consciousness

Did you also realize time is a flat circle?


it's not ignorance you crave. it's certainty. the certainty you can only get from having a culture.

Rub one out and have some tendies. You'll be fine.

Jordan Peterson is addressing the question. Prob is we inherently have nothing to care for, the pillars of our meaning and belief where in western society based on race nation and religion. All of which are attacked relentlessly by athiestic jews, and their minions, they have NOTHING to offer in its place and simply muddy the water with degeneracy. They have destroyed true free markets, destroyed the meaning of money, they let us know we are replaceable and they have made husbands and fathers obsolete to women all for socialism. This is creating big problems, people blame the kid like nature of men on video games its a symptom of men not having a reason to care, literally.

This is why people like us become right wing, its essentially in honor of our ancestors and all the above said things they have taken away.

i feel you bruv. Sometimes I consider to just become a die hard christian or some shit, and just pretend that anything has meaning. I mean if i LARP for long enough then I might eventually believe it, if even just a little. Would probably be less lonely as well with community and all that.

Physical reality is merely a mirror or "hologram" of the conceptual.

Concepts are immutable and unchangeable, but their operations as an amalgam in tandem are what make up physical reality. This is why we use marginal analysis of root functions and laws of the universe to describe the relative changes between objects.

Newton and Leibniz invented calculus because they understood that in order to model the universe you must intuit concepts, then their operations (movements) are what give us information. Information is thus a function of change of relative motions in space/time.

However physical reality is not the conceptual, because concepts like "1" or one whole are infinitely arbitrarily divisible unto space/time, but cannot be directly explained in space/time, since concepts are transcendental.

All underlying concepts exist simultaneously multidimensionally, we merely intuit them.

your standing on mostly open space, atomically but it could be a tumma.

read The Iceman Cometh - this path only has two endings

>any belif system is a cage for consciousness
consciousness needs to be caged, if there are nothing at all.
By setting boundaries and focusing your tough you can achieve something, if you think of everything you are thinking of nothing.

I have a feeling that the quantum physics is even more deterministic than classical physics and that there will be a crunch, and this will all happen again and again.

Eternity is the most terrifying thing I can possibly imagine.

>achieve something
for what purpose?

Interestingly, I found that once I stopped actively being opposed to the idea of God, I found it much easier to accept God, which sounds silly until you realize that a lot of the skepticism that people will take towards Christianity is orders of magnitudes greater than the skepticism they will display towards anyone or anything else. Even Anthony Flew eventually became a deist/theist.

This. Ruski knows whaddap.

>I seriously have no idea what to believe in anymore. I wish I could go back to being naive and happy.

Why don't you ask a credible theologian?

What seems more likely to me is that the universe eventually just dissipates. Consider that everything in our universe strives to reach a lower state of energy. The lowest state of energy would be no energy at all.

You learn to live with it. 100 years ago they wouldn't believe in what was possible today. 100 years in the future everything will change. Reality isn't in a box for it has no borders. History is just twisted half story's of old.

Truthcontest* com

that would suck, though. i guess infinite loop would also suck. i also have a theory about dark matter not existing and rather the original singularity that produced the big bang did not contain all the matter in the universe, maybe only a small portion. the rest of the universe might still be beyond the light horizon and our 'universe' is accelerating towards it.

Welcome to hurt-box mate. Redpill is hard to swallow...

Im gonna sound like newfag here but im genuine not trying to be a fanboy and a meme shit up i unironically believe this as far fetched as it might be.

J.B.Peterson. Watch it.

You might not like it, you might end up sorting yourself out but one thing will be certain after a while.

Our sorry lot here IS a product of shitty femele-centric educational system, lack of proper masculine role models and god damn postmodernism philosophy.

Without transcendent everything will be meaningless... find transcendent.


Cogito is where's it at.

As Descartes said, "Even if my whole life is an illusion, even if my life is actually a dream, I can be certain of one thing.

I think therefore I am" as
Russia bro said.

>for what purpose?
See, that's the trap atheist fall into pretty easily and that's why society is degenerating and you are complaining on Sup Forums.

The purpose is good, doing good deeds and making the world a better place.
Start small, better yourself and your surroundings and you'll live an happier and more fulfilling life.

this shit is 100% guaranteed, it works with Christianity too but it involves too much guilt and takes away from the overall experience.

Try Nihilism.

Sounds like you need some SORTING

>Be Finn
>Think I'm questioning reality
>Reality is, I'm just drunk and dehydrated in the sauna, chewing on a Russian corpse


There are a lot of posts in this thread but this is THE post
Remove human context and analyze physical existence of the universe via reductionism in full.

I'll do you some legwork and tell you some of the most important bits.
>the 4d nature of the universe is relevant
>the past determines the future just as much as the future determines the past.

then listen to donald

good post leaf

once you realize everything is meaningless when broken down and all ideologies are used by smart men to rope in dumb men to help provide them with brief hedonistic pleasures, you will stop caring about society

Does that mean that Yeb was just too advanced for our time?


>just whacked it
>tendies literally in the oven already
>just gotta take a shower and get the butter off my junk
>feels good man

Its because we have no other option

>The purpose is good, doing good deeds and making the world a better place.
>Start small, better yourself and your surroundings and you'll live an happier and more fulfilling life.
>this shit is 100% guaranteed, it works with Christianity too but it involves too much guilt and takes away from the overall experience.

This is solid advice.


The infinite loop doesn't make sense either due to the inherent entropy that we can observe everywhere. Why would it be otherwise "outside" our universe?

Same thing goes for the big crunch. How are we supposed to believe that the energy is perfectly retained?

I think I may be on thin ice here but I do believe that quantum mechanics allows for a particle to both exist and not at the same time. If the quantum scale constitutes the fabric of reality then it's not that much of a stretch to assume that the workings "outside" our universe is not so different. This would also reconcile with the question of where the energy of the big bang came from in the first place: it came out of nothing because of some unknown phenomenon that we may never be able to observe as the scale or level on which it happens is simply unfathomable. Personally, I just imagine it as grey balls appearing and dissipating in an endless white space.

Good advice dude. Sometimes I wonder too much about other directors. You can do pretty much whatever you want. You have to do the requisite work, but then you're good.

I've watched Peterson for a year.

I'm mostly terrified by the thought that there might be more to existence than the emergent proprties of our brains. The possibility that I might be on a ride forever etc.

No they are not, what you need to do is read and research into yourself. Most nihilistic reasoning stem from bad introspection, seriously religion is a good start, even Buddhism. Document yourself and read from the sources instead of getting a tl/dr on wikipedia and reason on it yourself. (also do not confuse the new-age meditation/no-think fad with actual Buddhism, that's pretty dangerous)

There is an inherent undeniable truth, how you get to that is meaningless, stop wanking and following your animalistic instincts and think as a men, understand language as the wonderful and powerful tool it is.

You are viewing life through a flawed paradigm imposed to you by the actual forces who are trying to dumb and enslave you (evil).

ITT: 15yos first realizing some people live lies their whole lives

Illusions != reality

Just a ride. =)

>tfw constantly questioning the nature of reality

Could be a neurological issue, chemical or a brain tumor.

Also psychosis, are you rested?

> Once you realize everything is meaningless

so kys then.

Hello finnbro. Don't spend too much time questioning the nature of reality. Be an active force upon reality, not just a passive observer.

then watch it again

Also i see no need to be terrified by something transcending properties of our brains as its properties of your own brain making the unknown terrifying to 'you'. We can't even comprehend what's out there, let alone know if its terrifying and have at least solance in knowing that if something terrifies you you have at least ONE thing solid to stand on.

Why is it so terrifying is a question.

are you in your early 20s?

yes there are
no, absolute truth does not exist
what did you read that made you think that? every single philosopher rejects that notion

for what purpose?

I like you.

>absolute truth does not exist

Then you haven't just made the question detailed enough to be answered by true or false

not a question
i'm not sure why a lack of clear judgement and a prospect of immortality scare people. those are good things

>every single philosopher rejects that notion
How many actual philosophy books have you read?

Isn't the belief that "any belif system is a cage for consciousness", also a cage for consciousness?

This is what got me into religion, God damn soma junkies

books written by philosophers or breakdowns of their work?

>Document yourself and read from the sources instead of getting a tl/dr on wikipedia and reason on it yourself

Nothing exists but you and empty space.

>I seriously have no idea what to believe in anymore. I wish I could go back to being naive and happy.
Is there something you could believe that would make you happier? Brainwash yourself into believing that. You don't have access to some kind of subjective truth, your beliefs are a way to deal with(interface) with a chaotic unknowable existence. Think of belief as a tool, find the tools that work for you.

It's the dominant position in philosophy ffs for example, there are no round squares, analytic truths of that sort have been recognised as 'absolute' by all forms of rationalism since philosophy began

Choose. The most important thing for anyone is the same as it's always been. You must commit deep thought to yourself, your passion. Choose what gives your life meaning.

It's music for me. I left home, moved to Nashville, and I'm about to release music which I'm really proud of. Not even because I suppose anyone will like it, but because I like it and it's my utmost effort. Dedicate yourself to something better than yourself. Then you will be free from chasing happiness or success; instead, you serve your craft.

Make your life. Be aware of what goes through your head as much as possible. It is through will alone I set my mind in motion.

The thought of eternity in any manifestation sounds like the worst destiny I can imagine.

Try this.

Prove anything is real.

I'm waiting.

Euclidean math is not an absolute truth

Yep. Just realize life isn't meant to be fun all the time. It can't be. There's no true happiness without true lows. The happiest campers have truly hit rock bottom. True life is diving through long stretches of bullshit. Sure you could numb yourself and ignore reality by doing drugs but it will only delay the catharsis. Better get redpilled early in life. Which means to know life will be painful, you will suffer, things are gonna suck, but the good news is. Things ain't gonna suck all the time. So, there's your glimpse of hope. Acceptance. It's all about accepting circumstances. Resistance is what makes life shitty. Not giving a fuck... accepting reality. Now that is pure gold. Cheers, dude!

>tfw naturaly came to nihilism just by considering legit scientific facts

what did you eat a book fucking nerd

>implying good and evil arent purely subjective

you're right to fear it, if life is finite, small, over in a flash, then it is more valuable not less, because every second is that much more important to hold on to and make the best of, eternity destroys meaning, it's like inflating a currency you always have more and so each is worth less.

It'll be okay suomi-friend

You'll either find a way to bluepill yourself again or you'll kill yourself. Either way, you'll find peace.

Get crazy drunk and when your head is in the shitter realize how bad you want to be sober again. This is life in a nutshell. Once you have it, you don't want it. Kek.

Just accept that life is meaningless and go find some squirrels


Mortality is our biggest strength. Without it we would never get anything done, try or even care. We will all be dead in 100 years. Might as well enjoy a little bit of existence before we all go back to the big fat sleep for the next infinity.

What else would we do? Sit in some chamber that pumps dopamine into us all day so we're happy? Don't get me wrong, most people are trying their best for that - drugs, as you said.

Accept all of it, yes, but at the same time don't simply be defeaist. Also realize that you are capable of equipping yourself to turn it into positive outcomes. Above all be ready to risk. That's the spice of life.

It's funny because it literally comes down to your thoughts, which is why I say to always be aware. Two young fish were swimming along and an old fish swam by, and he said, "how's the water, boys?" They turned to each other and said, "what the fuck is water?"

The thoughts that enter and leave your head, you're swimming in. That's water. Take control.



I agree, which is why I can't get on board with racism and islamophobia and nationalism and cultural and gender norms and all that nonsense. Nothing even matters, so why care about how other people live their lives, the things they do and say? Just let people do whatever they want. It doesn't fucking matter.

>any belief system is a cage for consciousness
body is a cage for consciousness, mind is a cage for consciousness. Replace cage with vehicle and you might get somewhere.

yep. Unfortunately most people don't even start swimming because they think it has to be perfect. Fuck perfection. Just go. GO you fools! GO! Life is an adventure and not a test. You're here now. The only exam you ever had to nail is making it from your's dad's ballsack to your mom's vagina and beat all the other millions of sperm. Go for fucks sake, live! Don't give up now!

>i feel you bruv. Sometimes I consider to just become a die hard christian or some shit
I kinda did that with hindu/buddhist beliefs. One of which is theory without practice is useless. Upon experimenting with practice, quickly found it impossible to believe that there was nothing to it.

I see where you're coming from, as I largely feel the same way. The problem is those people you describe are after you, whether you consider them adversarial or not.

>What seems more likely to me is that the universe eventually just dissipates. Consider that everything in our universe strives to reach a lower state of energy.
That might seem depressingly realistic, except for virtual particles finding. Measuring a "vacuum" or "empty space" finds energetic effects produced. There is no evidence for the existence of nothing.

God is space, I do not mean matter and energy, but space. No worship is required.
Infinite, indestructible, and a part of everything that exists. The only difference between a neutron and a hydrogen atom is the space separating the charges.
I can not tell if space is sentient through my meditations yet. It seems to be, but that may be my own confirmation bias because I want it to be.
Attractive attachment of particle orbits seems to show that something is keeping matter stable longer than it should according to my limited grasp of physics.

>The purpose is good, doing good deeds and making the world a better place.
That is an area where I like hindu philosophy/religion.
Puruṣārtha ( /pʊrʊʃɑːrθ/, Sanskrit पुरुषार्थ) literally means an "object of human pursuit".[1] It is a key concept in Hinduism, and refers to the four proper goals or aims of a human life. The four puruṣārthas are Dharma (righteousness, moral values), Artha (prosperity, economic values), Kama (pleasure, love, psychological values) and Moksha (liberation, spiritual values).[2][3]
They have four vectors for human accomplishment and fulfillment, seems like a decent model to me.

Amen. Don't be perfect, perfect is boring. Be human.

Sad how much effort people put into obfiscating their humanity. Much sadder to think of the world we could have if people could think through these things a bit better. And saddest of all that the very last place that will occur is any given university.

At least there's the Internet. Sup Forums saves the world with meme magic lol.

>>tfw constantly questioning the nature of reality

The border between the Real and the Unreal is not fixed, but just marks the last place where rival gangs of shamans fought each other to a standstill.
Robert Anton Wilson

amen bro. I hate false prophets. We've become animals caged in a zoo. We are forced to be something we are not.

I truly think the people who pretend to be something they are not suffer the most.


read Riddles of the Sphinx, by F.C.S. Schiller. great book, I'm reading it now.

If it seems to dense at first, maybe take a stop at Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, by Robert Pirsig (RIP). I also recommend Contemporary Metaphysics by Micheal Jubien. Very easy to digest.

Read more Nietzsche. That'll help fix it.

>implying good and evil arent purely subjective
and that's the whole point.
what's good for you? do it
what's bad for you? don't do it

it's as easy as that, reflect honestly on your thoughts and your actions; the outcome and the ramifications they may have on yourself and on your world.
But remember you are the ultimate judge of yourself, whether you are conscious of it or not.

Nihilism is Pessimism, and Pessimism is incoherent.

Go fish.

Nihilism isn't pessimism, see pic about squirrels,
Go fish.

I don't know much about Hinduism to be honest but on principle I agree, just strive to fulfill all four, focusing on one is pretty bad usually (can lead to great highs but very low lows).

seems to me your squirrel argument for nihilism is
just veiled hedonism.