Is Jill Stein a russian spy?

Is Jill Stein a russian spy?

Apparently she is also now being investigated for collusion with Russia. Did everybody except the Dems collude with Russia?

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Yes, she was one of the main agitators. I said she should be investigated way back in the beginning of 2016.

How are the Dems going to respond to this, most of the left thinks that the Russiagate is bullshit and it's just a way for establishment democrats to maintain control of the party even though the democratic base is not with them. I think we witnessing the implosion of the democratic party.

Is she /ourdemocraticsocialist/?

Only retards supported Jill Stein so it's not going to be a big deal

Basically, this is a neocon and neoliberal joint venture in trying to make Russia public enemy number one. The first step is getting rid of all opposition to this plan.


But that's 1/3 of the democrats. A metric shitload of liberals thought she was a good person with good ideas running in the wrong party. Don't underestimate the kind of pull her kind have in the DNC.

>"who cares about the truth"


Jill didn't cover her tracks carefully. If Mueller investigates her thoroughly she is fucked.

My theory has always been that the Libertarians are a DEM controlled opposition party to siphon GOP support without hurting themselves, and the Greens are the GOP equivalent.

>Bernies Sanders wife under investigation by FBI
>Jill Stein under investigation by FBI

At some point the left is going to wonder.

Common sense

>He didn't Shill for Jill after Bernie lost to make Dems lose votes
Wew lad. Jill was pretty much Bernie with a slight bout of insanity.

Remember she jewed all those people out of recount money?

>Did everybody except the Dems collude with Russia?

Looks like it.

So if she's turning on the DNC, what was the point of that stupid fucking recount nonsense?

Her comments on the matter actually creeped me the fuck out:

>The notion I communicated with Trump Jr is laughable. This whole thing is an obvious smear designed to generate a fake news feeding frenzy.

She's literally peddling the same "Fake News" bullshit Trump is.

>Jill was pretty much Bernie with a slight bout of insanity.

Slight bout of insanity? She was an antivaxxer who peddled to the pseudoscience crowd, she wanted to shut down all nuclear power plants and get rid of any "GMO" products.

She was the worst kind of homeopathic nut stereotype.

No refunds.

>"Fake News" bullshit

This was created by the MSM to discredit alternative news sources.

based Jill

>fake news


> most of the left thinks that the Russiagate is bullshit

No dude you're thinking of the right. The so called "party of Reagan" who now gets moist in the panties over former KGB agent and current murderer Vladimir Putin, because Putin rode a horsey with his shirt off one time.

Most of the left knows Vladimir Putin is just as big a threat to western culture as ISIS is, and they acknowledge that Russia sabotaged our nomination and electoral process.

Most of the left also kind of hates Jill Stein. Browse she only got like 1 or 2% of the vote in 2016. She's a fucking anti vaxxer for chrissake.

I think that line is a shareblue exaggeration. Being a proponent of health Science research doesn't make one a kook. Her concerns are a tad bit detached from the concerns of the nation.

However, antivax is not the same as wanting to keep an eye on the public health policies. Even black surgeon man and Rand Paul said that certain vaccines should be monitored or spread out. Trump may have said it too but I'm not sure.

Anyways, yeah, that's a reddit/correct the record line to exaggerate things she said and take them out of context. And it was to prevent left leaning voters from considering her over Hillary (same as with efforts against Bernie).

>Is Jill Stein a russian spy?

Nope she was way better than hillary and glad she is calling dems out for their cowardice.
She's got more cajones than Bernie

If it weren't for the goddamn Russians I'd have a qt GF

You burgers are nuts i thought
>everyone i dont like is a russian spy
Was just a meme???

Liberals are absolute trash, I remember when they pretended to stand against war, but it turns out that was just a way to get votes.

Sat alongside Putin and Flynn so yes she's a Russian shill too

Yet if hot grandma ran against hrc id vote hot grabdma all day. The dems put up a shit candidate. Jim Webb or anyone else for that matter could of easily won against trump. (I wouldve voted for Webb but donated to randy paul)

so anyone who didn't want Hilary is now a traitor

dems should rename their party the snowflakes

I make a distinction between the Democratic party and the populist left. I think they are a coalition but they do not have the same views on Russia,

m8, the MSM coined the term shortly after the election to justify Hillarys lost. After Trump called CNN fake news it became a negative term to use and fell out of favor.

She took the bribe from the DNC to do the "recount". Of course it failed spectacularly so now the dems want their revenge since Stein isn't going to give their monies back

>imblying you wouldn't

cool chairs desu

The democrats are seriously in jeopardy of having a populist take over. they are discrediting all the "unacceptable" voices of the left. At this point I don't even think they are thinking about beating the republicans, they are fighting to maintain control and will worry about republicans later.

that table looks so /comfy/

>>Did everybody except the Dems collude with Russia?

Every US politician colluded with russia just by speaking with random russians. Those are the new rules set forth by CNN.

Are we at war with Russia?

She is no Kellyanne but I probably wood after a couple drinks.

we are closer to being at war with Russia than I want to be

democrats/liberals have completely lost it. They should probably be exterminated before they destroy the world, not even joking

Not a spy but I believe she took money from people who will be found linked to Putin. She was funded because she acts as a destabilizing agent.

that's a gilf i can get behind

Everyone who didn't vote for Hillary was working for the Russians. Make no mistake, she's watching you.

if this is what they're going with then they better look at hillary receiving funding from mexico and other countries that wanted her to win.

The left think fucking your kid in public is apart of the core values of western civilization. Of course they are going to scapegoat a white, christian, anti gay nation.

That wouldn't surprise me. Although I think Mexico would prefer a stable US. It is only the Russia and a few other countries that can benefit from a destabilized US.

To think Russia dindu nothin is not the same as thinking that Trump and Russia got together over beers to plot the destruction of the US. Russia has and always will attempt to interfere and destabilize the US, we do the same with them

The only people destabilizing the US are democrats. They are running a 24/7 psy-op and a treasonous campaign to depose the POTUS.

LOL the tolerant left. 5 months ago they praised Jill for this stupid recount and probably donated for this too. Now she is a Russian spy? Hahaha lib logic.

The liberals really have to be the most bitter people mankind has ever seen.

I wish our news would get to real debate. Russia and the US are working against each other. Should we change that, or should we be taking a hardline on Russia. I can accept that debate. What I can't accept is that I need to take the hardline because Russia cost Hillary the election. That doesn't allow for debate. They are trying to ram through take a hardline on russia and that may not be the best policy.


Neocons and NeoLiberals are same people, both work for the Jew World Order.

>Most of the left knows Vladimir Putin is just as big a threat to western culture

The 80's called, they want their foreign policy back.

Leftists aren't that stupid:

>linking The Young Turks
Hooktube that shit to prevent views

Ironically it was the dems themselves that colluded with russia