If I am a white man but also a manlet...

If I am a white man but also a manlet, is it more important for me to reproduce and spread my white genes or to not reproduce and not spread my manlet genes?

white manlet > and tyrone

don't reproduce now, wait for designer babies


this is why the white race is doomed

literal cucks

I'd say that it is more important to kill as many Arabs as you can and then kill yourself.

Perhaps poison the water supply?

Fuck non white women to infect them with your inferior genes.

Literally no one cares about height. Maybe other manlets. And i'm not sure about women.

nothing wrong with being a manlet. Short people survive better than tall people, under most circumstances. Short people are more energy efficient.
A sign of imminent extinction is gigantism.

Have kids

Raise your sons to be smart and give them boxing lessons so they can defend themselves

Give your son a weekly allowance to exercise daily, train fighting, and making good grades, don't forget to instill morals

Should be fine

Are you such a cuck that you can't even decide if you want to reproduce by yourself and have to ask some internet autist if you should do it or not?

You know what, be an hero. You don't deserve this world. Or you can live your own live, independent of others opinions. But knowing user, you will live the rest of your miserable life in a dark and damp basement.

Manlets produce the best daughters.


You should only sex non whites , this will increase the quality of her offspring greatly and might cancel out the manlet genes

Make sure those kids only reproduce with whites and bam there yo go, ypu did your part

height is one of the most important thing for females tho

This. Wait till you're a wealthy sixty year old, get yourself a government waiver to produce a designer baby using an artificial womb. You'll live long enough that if you have a few kids they will make it to 18 and you can die and they'll inherit your shit and be fine, although maybe a little ashamed of their conception, as it won't be the most common practice yet. They will have to overcome stigma, but at least they won't be manlets or mongrels

>Putting your futures in the hands of technocrats
Goy of the year.

We need every white man on the line to spread their seed. Do your duty for the war.

At least you're not a kike so yes reproduce a lot pls

>tfw no white gf to have tons of children with

>tallest race
>dumbest race

being a manlet is required to be white. if you are tall then you have infected blood.

>kebabs being taller than white manlets

since when?