Red pill on coffee

Coffee is one of the greatest single threats to civilization.

Became popular in the west during the early 1800's.

The first generation at large that grew up drinking coffee later went on to create the existential movement of thinking in the late 1800's . I.e. there is no point to anything, art, etc.

To this day millennials sit in coffee houses doing absolutely nothing but rotting in depression because coffee is a neurotoxin that destroys the life essence of man kind.

>Caffeine is a pesticide by the way.

Now things are even worse with 1/3 of the current generation of graduating American students having prescriptions for amphetamines. Coffee stops the breakdown of compounds (so it has a ceiling based on what the brain releases).Amphetamines are straight compound and thus have no ceiling of affect.

Amphetamines have shown to decrease brain mass by 10% in adolescents.

Hitler went crazy by the end of the war because of his use of amphetamines (a coffee like product).

Jesus Christ you're a faggot OP


I work 120 hours a week
You got a better way for me to stay awake nigger?


Coffee isn't actually a stimulant, it just stops the breakdown of adrenaline and adrenaline like compounds.

Being constantly stressed reduces I.Q. significantly, thus why women shit test men, because the constant interactions of stress make them do stupid shit. I.E buy them stuff/ get whipped.

This is why society held itself together before when we didn't allow shit tests, like refugees.

People who drink coffee perform worse than placebo, but the key point is that they believe they fared better than without coffee.

It is addictive. Americans spend on average $2000 a year per capita on coffee.

LARPing being a slave.

Call me N word. k?

Simple, find a better job or stop larping autist.

Some humans are immune. It breaks down too fast to effect them. There is a genetic marker for the trait. Go fuck yourself.

>Coffee is one of the greatest single threats to civilization.

this is true it's killing the food chain

yeah man go being an unemployed failure that is going to end up nowhere in life
You really showed us didn't you

t. literal nigger

well I mean, kids shouldn't be drinking coffee. stunts growth. of course now its energy drinks which are even worse

Paleo diet, eat lots of fatty meat

I can drink a pot of coffee and fall asleep right afterwards. Doesn't do anything at all. The reason i started drinking it was it was there at work when it was freezing outside

Amphetamines really fuck with your brain OP. You can quit amphetamines cold turkey with no physical side effects but you become very dysphoric for weeks to months.

Then drink decaffeinated coffee.

I've been constantly stressed every day for about 4 years
Will I become retarded ?

This this this!! Uppers are fucked

The world was better when it drank beer as a substitute for water.

I would support the development of a virus to wipe out coffee plants world-wide. Coffee breaks are extremely wasteful.

Making coffee made the European Enlightenment happen, idiot. Read a damn book.

Dude this makes me feel great.

Down to 1 covfefe/day and didn't start til 18 but that was 10 years ago now and every quit attempt fails. I will keep trying.

>thinks they actually got enlightened
How's 10th grade going?

kill yourself moralfag

if you work 120 hours a week you have no life

seriously pepper chili and kind of pretty much everything holds pesticides like plants need them to not just rot aways,
alsp isn't capsaicine the pepper hot , also a neuro toxine attacking receptors for pain?

mathematics is a machine that turns coffee into theorems

The "enlightenment" can go fuck itself, it's egalitarian kike shit

read an actual biology book. humans espacialy europeans and such, are adapted to agricultural life that's the reason we europeans can actualy digest milk in adult age,
we aren't stone age humans we are farmers through and through.
do what you are designed for, eat corn , burn down forrests, and enslave your neighbours

Enjoy getting cucked daily by your waifish, anemic monarch.

Let me see.. cum hoc ergo propter hoc and association fallacies with pesticide and amphetamines. This post is much too stupid not to be b8. Why did you write b8 about coffee?

>Amphetamines have shown to decrease brain mass by 10% in adolescents.

i meant wheat.

yeah if taken for a decade of development.

It destroys brain elasticity, and if taken log enough use has been linked to dementia.

>Being constantly stressed reduces I.Q.

this is the only point worth writing. coffee makes some people anxious. fucks with their ability to relax. obviously the key is moderation, not waging war against something that can be really helpful if you do more than just sit in your room shitposting adolf hitler all day

And coffee cups into donuts. Now go back to /sci/

>amphetamines (a coffee like product)
If you don't drink coffee you can be as smart as OP

Can you name one major kike Enlightenment figure?

>read an actual biology book. humans espacialy europeans and such, are adapted to agricultural life
And...? Are you saying paleo foods can't be cultivated with agriculture? A vast majority if not all paleo foods are grown/farmed.

I can't drink hot liquids because that would be blasphemous, but I have been tempted to try the cold brew, since it's never heated. Is OP full of shit? I'd like to try

fpbp and OP is a massive cock sucking faggot

>5-8% taxes
>monarch owns country as capital
>takes care of it
>doesn't just spend its use-value like mad
>not legislation
>could kick Jews out in a snap

>Implying God gave you a competent monarch.

>Implying kings don't constantly scrape to avoid being murdered by their subjects

One of several reasons I've come to appreciate monarchy as a form of government.

Coffee actually makes me sleepy, I start to yawn right after drinking this shit

>citation needed

Well, I only took them for a few weeks, so I should be okay, I hope.