Transformed Granite

The stone which is still intact on the outside, but almost like powder on the INSIDE.

How the fuck can this happen? How the fuck did they create something like this in the old ancient time with copper tools

>FTW you can't

Other urls found in this thread:

>copper tools

>how did th-

a horde of slaves who were dedicated to their work
now all we have is a horde of 'slaves' who hate their fucking jobs who cannot even comprehend what the results of hard work look like

Water, sand, rubbing and whips.

Because it's not Grannite. It's sandstone.


its a fucking SCAM and these tourist and OP are eating it up.

>soft disclosure

It's really fucking happening isn't it

Sounds like an interesting date

Speaking as an archaeologist with a BA the technique likely involved the common use of string and sand which is widely known because we are taught it so we can tell plebs like you since were smarter considering were the ones with actual degrees.

Dude, it's just a Granite layers with sandstone inside. That's not fucking hard to figure out. Why do people want to push the ancient egyptian ayy theory?
Seriously, ayys don't fucking exist.

canadians are so fucking stupid
Deopolymer. It look quite simple and the theory concerning its use during ancient times is plausible.

that picture is granite and in that video is also granite you fucking subhuman shill.


>a horde of slaves who were dedicated to their work
This is a common misconception but Egypt embraced diversity it is known through digs showing the makeup of the laborers who were not slaves because Pharohs believed in open borders because of their wisdom as Africans making them superior due to their black culture and heritage since they are a minority.

that's not even what the thread is about. now skedaddle you leaf

Pro tip: they didnt

yes thats obvious but also granite of any type isnt even strong. its one of the softest stones. its like a 4 on the hardness scale. jade depending on if its jadeite or nephrite (both natural and counted as jade) are either 6.5 ish to 7.2

the difference in colored is probably due to paint many times over generations. soaking into the sand stone. they didnt have latex paint like we do now days. that shit wouldnt just stay at the surface


It's granite you subhuman low IQ mainstream science believing faggot.

flooding happens annually that swell the rivers. simple to move water into quarry to float blocks. exposure to air is what makes them turn so hard on outside and difficult to move. but if you put them in water, they stay quite easy to work with.

You can watch and see how this would be applied to building the pyramids with the same shit.

Just because you are retarded and wouldnt even be able to mill wheat into flour and civilization would die because you are a nigger brained mongoloid doesnt mean everyone was as dumb as you.

It is not the first time that humans have inhabited the earth.

>american education

Ey fag take your head against a granite maybe it will be destroyed

btw granite is 6-7 and NOT 4 Mongolian fag

fucking yapping yanks. shut up

No evidence if it was humans. Don't come with your fairy tales it's better say "we don't know"

I don't understand a word about it, but at the end of the story, man made stone can be made, period.


In layman's terms, cement.
Everyone arguing about the density of the stone are missing the other details. For example, how were they able to create perfect angles, with correlating radius the whole way through. Meticulous physical labor would never create something like this. Machinery in some sort of fashion was used.

>considering were the ones with actual degrees.
appeal to authority. proving once again that degree holders are uneducated, mouth-breathing morons.
I have a better education for $1.20 in late fees. What did yours cost? $35k? $50k? You aren't one of those tools who forked over $80k for an "advanced" piece of paper, were you? I bet you were; you seem extra stupid.

You're the archeologist who would go to a site, pick up a pot from the ground, date it, and date the whole site the same age as the pot.
Literal retards who don't understand many ancient structures have been re used by other cultures

>Use mould
>Sand final product
So hard


diamond tipped hand copper tools.

this. it was mixed and poured.

How were they able to make the mould in the first place? You just assume they could make it because we can in the 21st century?

Or aliens.
Law of One/Ra material stuff.

no thats polished sandstone.

I can give you a graphite pencil, but you'll never be able to make an oil painting with it.
If you don't understand something, don't raise your voice. You come across as an insecure douche.

related: these H blocks were tools to help mass produce concrete blocks

>Machinery in some sort of fashion was used.
Water gauge, plumb line, strings, planks, hammer stones... Neolithic tier machinery.

Don't be stupid OP. In the real archeological community it is known. Ever hear of the cutting power of sand? Sand along with copper saws, working in conjunction preformed just like diamond tipped saw blades. Go buy a book op and lay off the click bait.

It's concrete.

Greek cuck, just sell your land to Germany.

Doesn't have to be aliens. It's actually more likely that the Atlantis "theory" is based on truth. A modern human as we know it today has existed for 50 thousand years. We know the history of man up to "the flood" that is mentioned in nearly all religious texts. There was most likely a highly developed technological civilization. We can still debate wether it was global or not, but that would provide a framework of why there are megalithic buildings around the world that share the same techniques

Just because you don't understand how they did it doesn't mean they didn't do it or it is in anyway non-feasible

you have to remember you're looking at an ancient time period, we know relatively very little, it's not like they kept a indestructible record of their processes. they likely thought their civilisation would live on forever and saw no need to document how they did things, it was just passed on through generation to generation. just like they never documented how they built the pyramids in detail.

Those blocks show vitrification though. I doubt humanity at the time had the capacity to create a flame that high in temperature

Been confirmed that there were never "hordes of slaves" like we're led to believe.

That's interesting to ponder about. Obviously it is hard to prove this stuff which I guess is what makes it fascinating. The material I referenced (law of One/Ra material) actually does talk about, in a few sessions, Atalantis (and lemuria) and their technological advancements.

>just like they never documented how they built the pyramids in detail.
That depends on what you believe. There are some religious texts that describe why the pyramids were built. Just not how or when


KEK, a guy from Sup Forums telling me this is sandstone.

Search that picture it's telling you it's Aswan granite you subhuman faggot. Why don't you just take facts to your fucking face and don't bullshit around because your believable world is different. end yourself.

Do you know any of those texts? Would be interesting to compare to the info on the material I referenced earlier.

Hardness doesn't matter nearly as much as cohesive strength here. T. geosciences major.

Napoleon had his army of Masons fake ancient Egypt, using concrete. Ancient history is full of shit. Many fake ruins.

kys, so many shills on this site unbelievable

Is subhuman your only insult? man you must be an enjoyable person to talk to.

I'm not a fan of the lemuria and mu stuff. That's more fantastical theory than real. "Fingerprints of the gods" is a great read. It goes and explains about how the egyptians had stories of "zep tepei" meaning the first time. It goes on and explains that many structures like puma punku and Sphinx temple, a whole world apart, share the same methods of construction.

it IS sandstone you mong

t. PhD in geology

>Many fake ruins
tell me more user

Google the "book of enoch". Enoch was supposedly the grandfather of Noah.
It's difficult though. Relying on a religious text to back up a "human only" theory is tough. Because in some religions, gods are beings that come from space, aliens.

>pic related 800 ton stone block. 3 more of these at the base of the column structure in the distance on the left in the photo. For reference, those pillars are 7 feet in diameter.

This is located in Lebanon. The base structure is dated before Roman times although romans used the giant platform created by blocks like these to build the temple of Jupiter... the largest intact Roman complex on Earth. This quary is 3 miles away from the temple complex...

>A full hour of shitty english by some carpet salesman

Hey everyone look its goodwill hunting?

Not granite

when you have millions of slaves, technology of that during the Renaissance, a endless budget, and no time limit. You really can get shit done.

>photo of the giant monoliths in the platform. See man standing on left for reference.

Have you ever owned granite?

The stone still requires large amounts of heat in order for the surface of the stone to vitrify. Heat from a meteor impact, or from a nuclear blast. Don't be so naive to counter an arguement with wikipedia

Nice photograph from 1800.

Noah the guy that built a boat out of wood to house 2 of every known 8.7million species from every corner of the earth from a flood that would cover the earths surface with more water than is available on earth.

his grandfather should also be believed surely.

Actually, the idea that all the jews in Egypt were slaves has been debunked. They were looked down on for not believing in the "real" religion, just like how they were prosecuted when the Romans took over

Thank you both.
Actually I found the lemuria stuff pretty interesting, even if it was mostly glossed over.. they just said they were very spiritually advanced, and were wiped out due to earth changes, and that native Americans are their descendants.
Thank you for the suggestions! Will check those things out.

People that say shit like this don't even realise how archaic the tools we still use to this day for construction and such are. Check this

Nothing worse that being on a tour and the guide is talking out his ass.

doesn't understand that this structure fall off or blown the fuck into air and got these scratches... fucking americans education

You are beyond retarded.

This is Abu Simbel's relocation you imbecile.


they used a series of water locks to build the pyramids. stop being autistic.

It was built over 2000 years ago and the base of the temple using these 1,000 ton blocks predates the Romans

>Napolean made these, heres proof!
>posts black and white photograph
>half the retards on this board won't see whats wrong with this

I love Sup Forums, but damn when I see posts like his I despair for this place sometimes.

>were the ones with actual degrees

I know these "vitrified forts" because I live near one of them. It's a curiosity and to this day we don't know how and why it happened, but it's certain it was man made (no meteor or radioactivity in sight).

It's called poetic exaggeration. However giant floods have occurred in the recent past. (10K years) the flooding of the Mediterranean is one, where most of the human population existed at the time. The Persian Gulf also did not exist 10K years ago. It's relatively new geographically thinking.
If a global flood occurred (or what you thought was global) you would want to share the story forever. Thousands of years later, people will still share the story, just a little skewed.

Slaves are not magical workers just stupid fucking primitive apes. Look the china wall?? nothing special about it shitty work and the pyramids are way above that with advancement

3 Hours, but this video explains all the fuckery those ancient aliens morons tried to make sound as impossible.

Forgot to change your flag, shitskin.

Explain further, Doctor Dutch

This was built in 12,000 BC, with stocks and rocks

Explain yourselves

I think the evidence for it being humans would be that humans are the only advanced life that has ever existed on planet Earth. Pretty strong evidence if you ask me.

>The stone still requires large amounts of heat in order for the surface of the stone to vitrify.
Meteor fuel doesn't melt black granite beams.

I'm the same person lol. But yea, the lemuria stuff is cool and all, but I lost interest when they started going into crafting a merkaba so the island doesn't sink. That's not how geography works.

I thought there would be a cop out. there always is when it comes to religion.


You can cut and drill granite with copper, sand, and water.
I'm just saiyan, it's not impossible like (((you people))) seem to think.

That depends on the building you're constructing. If it's an important building, modern tools will be used.

Thanks for the video, very interesting.

And the new theory from egyptologists is that the great pyramid was created using an internal ramp. That's why they're called theories. Because nobody really knows.