What OS are you using ?

What OS are you using ?

Do you use multiple operating systems ?

Do you use bootable usb ?

What do you think of Windows ?


wrong board retard:

windows is hot monkey garbage

hardcore man

this or glowing in the dark CIA niggers will come and get you.


Steve Ballmer -jew - single largest individual shareholder of microsoft

>using an OS made by another man
lmao how cucked can you be? I use my selfmade OS

Both. However, unless you're into editing Windows is superior when it comes to all else.

>What OS are you using ?
Solus on this laptop (might switch to openSUSE), win 10 on my gaming desktop (plan to dual boot in the future) and manjaro on my other laptop.

>Do you use multiple operating systems ?
See my last answer.

>Do you use bootable usb ?

>What do you think of Windows ?
Turned to shit in my opinion, only use it for gaming at the moment.


only use it for gaming at the moment - same I use xubuntu and manjaro

I can't make my own OS, but at least I can change a few options and recompile it. Feels nice running freshly compiled programs desu. And it's not hard to add a few swear words here and there.


Fuck the CIA niggers.

did you take Linux then gone from that

or complete new OS from scratch do you even have GUI

The purpose of internet explorer is to download Firefox.

You fucking nigger monkey

templeOS = larpOS

looks like an old c64 game...

a secured/patched win 7/8 or hardend linux will do, bsd for the more austist.

>bsd for the more austist
is fREEEEbsd /ourOS/?


I use botnet; as a compromise between ability to customize and interoperability with third party apps

QUBES seems ok

Ubuntu for the last 7 years.

MacOS. Safest by far

I use Gentoo and Windows 10. I think both are great for different things. I mostly use Gentoo because I do a lot of hobbyist software and game development, but I also do some of that on Windows 10. Visual Studio is nice by the way.

>macOS for daily use and programming
>Kali for LARPing as a russian
>ubuntu on occasion so Sup Forums doesnt call me a pleb

>Safest by far


Funny, all the Devs in my office use mac because it is closer to Linux which our servers run on

XP master race

Ill hack your IP, cunt

>using macOS for safety rather than its comfyness
you obviously don't into glow in the dark CIA niggers.


fpbp, dont be nigger cattle

I use Ubuntu on my PC as well as a Macbook off to the side for misc shit. I run windows in virtual machines if i need use of a windows app.

It took some getting used to, but I am really starting to like Ubuntu 17.

i use manjaro linux and ubuntu server on my home server


Windows for daily stuff/programming. Kali for pentesting and as my default 'will this work in linux' OS. Subgraph for larping.

Try Wine. It can run any Windows program inside Linux platform.

Windows 10 as my main and Mint Linux for the lappy

Oh, I also use debian servers for my website.

Windows > Debian > Mac > Baboontoo.

Subgraph > Qubes.

Kali > Blackarch.

Windows haters are just butthurt.

I was merely pretending

>"any" Windows program
It will run SOME, others won't work. Some will work flawlessly, and others will have all kinds of weird glitches. Some won't run at all.

Fedora Security Labs.

Fuck you, Terry.

Fuck off CIA nigger, I'll run your glow-in-the-dark ass over in my pickup.

Forgot pic.

>Windows haters are just butthurt.
nope they are just wake - win only for games

firefox....they support fags

Good luck getting that shit to run SolidWorks smoothly

Well ok, thats more precise. Everything I ran so far worked nice.

I like Windows, but it sure as shit isn't the best

PowerShell is alright, but Bash is clearly superior

Windows is also the right choice for more advanced programming since it is the first to receive support. I wouldn't bother programming neural nets in debian because you can't expect things to be built out for you yet. Of course, doing any programming on a mac is like cooking a steak with a toaster. There is a reason why most programmers on on windows.

It's the default browser and it works. I'm not switching to something outdated, insecure, or (((Chrome))) based.


I can understand using win for work or games

I just hate all the permissions, it booting itself up for updates