Fuck you Sup Forums

I finally got around to casting off the last sheckle of degeneracy. Broke up with my non-white girlfriend.

Fuck you, Sup Forums. You ruined me. My relationship. My life.

And I couldn't be happier. I have happiness, meaning again. I have something to strive for. A Peoples to strive for.

I Have Hope Again.

Pic Related.

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>he has hope
Watch this m.youtube.com/watch?v=P9sQZLtsfp8

>Broke up with my non-white girlfriend.

The only valid reason to break-up with a non-white girl is if she makes you ashamed of being white.

so you let a bunch of shitposters on an anonymous message board convince you to drop your poon?

>b-but I'm not a degenerate

No user. You're a faggot

What the fuckshit did I just watch


Shackle you stupid nigger lover kys


The future.

I'm on drugs!

holy fuck what are puns kikelover

Miscegenation is a crime against humanity

I want white babies.


>Using our memes irl

Embrace your new found balls, or neck yourself faggot. Welcome to life.

Let the habbenings begin


>fuck you Sup Forums
>I am happy and my life has meaning
Mate did a spoida boite yet broin m8?


I finally understand it all. But I lost so much to do so.

Have fun with Jill you stupid fuck

I feel the same, but I'm not a Nazi.

My interest in economics has led me to spending many long nights on studying Hoppe.

I completely dropped my hedonistic lifestyle. I started taking care of my physical and mental health. Reinvented myself. Put effort in mastering my language and studying the history of my country. I left my job and started a business. Managed to talk my friends out of leftism and make a lot of new valuable ones. Started getting a lot more attention from women, but realized I only want one.

I used to be a Stirner-loving leftie egoist who did drugs all the time and didn't care who he ended up in bed with. And now, after spending a couple of years on Sup Forums I'm the happiest I've ever been.

you're welcome.

now, that you've had a taste of the rewards of the spirit and of the eternal, now knowing how sweeter they are than the earthly ones, go full awakening. Study philosophy and comparative religion, study antiquity and ancient thought.

Also, non-white women are overrated. Nothing is as satisfying as a European woman.


Non-white women are a dime a dozen. Just be over six feet tall and blond/blue. You're an American, you must have been so heavily fetishized by every short, swarthy girl in the cities.

post her nudes. oh wait you've never had a girlfriend, nice try incel

End yourself

I'm not a fan of socialism, but the aesthetic, by God is it catchy and beautiful.

I know. I thoroughly regret having left the one white girl I ever dated.

Not over six feet, not too blonde, but body building will definitely help.

If you live in USA there's a ton of non-whites, and they all want a "Viking husbando", so actual white men that aren't dark-haired nu-males pull a ton of Latina and Asian girls. They're all shit. It's just a sexual fetish that we get out of our systems. only the worst kind of STEM betas actually settle down with a non-white. Upon getting with my first actual German girl, I realized how those non-whites will never have what you can have with one of your people. It's like having non-white friends, in there's always some little nagging barrier beneath the surface, no matter how much you try to block it out.

I've had this feeling for the entire last year. Her family was shit. Her mentality was shit. I tried to ignore it because she was so damn brilliant - met her in college - but nothing will ever properly replace the beauty of white women. That it's taken me this long to consciously realize what I've felt for years is astounding.

>everything i try feels completely wrong
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha dis nigga serious hold on let me hahahahahahahahahahahaa

i've literally never seen anything gayer than this video, ever in my entire life