"Alt Right Sup Forums Trolls Are Obsessed with me"


GUYS! Why can't you just leave people the fuck alone? Stay here in your little echo chamber of closed minds! Don't go out of your way to bother and criticize others. You all are a bunch of insecure man-children.

Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you have to be rude to them. LIVE AND LET LIVE.

>tldr LOVE is the only way

THE TRUTH is that underneath our skin we are ALL EXACTLY THE SAME.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm a big deal on the internet

Why is she using the white man's technology in the white man's civilisation?

oh look... another bigot. surprise surprise

Are you trying to blame all of us I have no idea what the fuck this is about. This place is like a safe place and you've actually invaded my personal space. This is like Internet rape. HELP I'M BEING RAPED!!!!

Literally who?

is...is it b8?

Why are using the white man's language?

I don't even know who this nigger is and I'm on here everyday

>Doesn't understand that most of the things said on this board is ironic

>10:50 onward....

Hey Op pic related BT100 is the troll. The truth is the color of that machines skin and the hate that spews from its tiny brain.

>they identify themselves as alt right
>they identify themselves
when will they learn? there is no us. that's why they'll never stop 'us'.

>cave dwelling albino caucasoid devils

I don't even know who that is. I don't think we've ever cared about her.

She secretly wants white dick. She married a white dude for 10 years and got burned. Now she using the hate for money, lmao.

A bigot is someone who is afraid of ideas other than his own for example, I think you are demonstrating just that.

>Stay here in your little echo chamber of closed minds! Don't go out of your way to bother and criticize others
You contradicted yourself in two sentences. Well done. You're probably too stupid to realize the hypocrisy of these two statements.


I would bleach her so hard.

>makes a thread against themself
>makes video about the thread

Literal nobody.

>if niggers are like bugs why would they worry about something like a bug? they inferior n shieet
billions of dollars spent annually on pesticides.

>she thinks we actually want to fuck her
Ah, niggers. The esoteric/post-ironic nature of Sup Forums goes right over their heads.

If she's getting doxxed anyway, can someone get me her number? TYIA

somebody tell her to take that wig off.

aren't most of her friends white?

what is this uppity nig nog on about ?

She means plebbit.also, fuck off no one cares about this nigger, you're blatantly advertising your nigger channel here. Fuck off.

Literally who?
Seriously I've literally never heard of this person

Is this the racist much Klingon lady? Who dis?

of course not. you're too close minded

Just report this thread, it's advertising.

>These caucasoid devils are racists
kek what a dumb bitch

How far into the video do I have to skip to see the interesting part? She talks like the classic low IQ baboon.

She'll probably read this thread in a few years too, hello Cynthia you retarded gorilla.

Me too

You're the one constantly making threads about this dude. If it wasn't constantly posted here, that ladyboi would have no audience.


>thread from october 2016
>Published on Jul 18, 2017

everyone go to the next live show shes doing and just kepp calling her a BT1100.

I got banned from her shit like a year ago, fuck her

>You can block them and they'll make 50 million accounts
>You can look at their screen names.

Oh my god this is comedy gold

>ok guys so this is Sup Forums
>we all know this is a bunch of degenerates


>1 post by this ID


Nigger she just made us a nice package of various meme material. This is fucking awesome.

I've had a lengthy back and forth with this piece of shit before. Make sure to report her channel and do your bit. I'd also recommend doxxing her and reporting her to the IRS, I can almost assure you she's not declaring her couple hundred dollar a month ad-sense revenue (nearly no one ever does unless they are big names) and owes a considerable amount in back taxes.

6:03 - she thinks making a thread about her on Sup Forums is making a 'blog post' holy shit.

How does it feel that you have to spread your message through the most crazy and insane painted individuals around?

Nothing you say or believe in has anything to do with reality, have fun commiting suicide in a few years you worthless fucking tranny loving AIDS faggit

would hate fuck, cum in her eyes and piss in her mouth tbqh

I got some bad news for you guys...

Yeah i see some on other parts of Sup Forums like blowup dolls so it is to be expected a few would slip thorugh onto Sup Forums .

That nigga logic at 11 minute, it suddenly all makes sense, they didn't do shit because they lived in natures bread basket and are happy to stay put living like an animal off of the bounty of the land with no plan to progress beyond.

It makes sense for all the gibmedats, inability to civilise.

Either way, I want those digits.

I wanna have mud babies with her

Watched it.
I must acept one thing: this place, the internal code, the language, the continuous memeing, the unironical irony and the larping is fucking sick.

Said that, the bitch don't deserve more attention.

I apologise on behalf of these bigots. I am sp sorry, but you need understand that these people have alwaya
s had silver-spoon in their mouth and have never met any person of colour or diversity. They are jealous that is why they hate you.

>something grotesque and disgusting

We are? I don't even know who this bitch is.

How's that make any sense? I have no intention of giving her a click, HOWEVER the exact premise of this thread is that "we" have been harassing her. If that had been true surely you would assume that people who come here would know about her or it?

I'm not going to tell you to go suck a dick because you already do.

Straightens Hair
Has super light skin
>You white cave beasts are stealing our men and culture

I kinda do. She's a black supremacist and her channel is mainly FUCK WHITEY. shes been raided before but she thinks shes a victim even though her video content is belligerent towards the largest ethnic group online.

Oh is that the lunatic black woman who says white people came out of caves and need to kill themselves and how niggers are superior to everybody or something.

Looks like a sims character

fuck off with your E-celeb bullshit

>caucasoids sick pathology
>deep psychosis
>cave dweller degenerates
>cave beasts
>these groups of people act in a manner that is not like how everyone else acts
So much projection!
this is gold. No wonder she's being harassed in the comments.

is that a trap or what?

same here dude. she's just full of herself i guess.


That's a 1000 at best. That bitch way to old to be an 1100

That actually sounds like fun.

>Just report this thread, it's advertising.
Literally this
Fuck this nigress

what does that mean?

She doesn't know that the mix with the protohominoid neanderthals long ago didn't diminish whites but helped them improve, whilst subsahara niggers mixed with another protohominoid making them extra retarded which is why they have like 65 iq on average whilst whites have 100 iq on average.


Meanwhile she's calling niggers superior and larping about the we wuz k4ngz stuff that has been disproven for a long time, egyptians were middle eastern that went into africa with middle east right next door, formed an empire using the nogs as slave labour.

When in reality niggers never built a damn fucking thing or even invented the wheel, and they are so retarded that they are 1.3 billion now in africa due to whites feeding them and them not doing anything else but sperging out children that they are projected to be 4.2 billion by 2100 but what will actually happen since they depend on westerners for food is that we need to remineralize the soil and hundreds of million of them will die within a couple of years once that happens because there will be no food coming.

Nigger delusions are so incredible sometimes it blows my mind. They prefer to live in a dream world rather than deal with reality i guess.. well as long as she can hold a job and pay her taxes and not have others pay for her niglets, she can sperg out on yt with her bullshit as much as she wants.

This is what happens when a 75 iq sheboon with a chip on her shoulder and the usual lack of logical deduction analysis and research tries to be relevant on youtube by baiting pol/acks/ for views.

why does she try so hard to look as white as possible, does she want the BWC?

>she started her own thread
what a fucking retard

there is a big market for telling niggers what they want to hear and giving them catharsis rather than face the ugly truth

>underneath our skin we are ALL EXACTLY THE SAME

Actually, im a fox trapped inside a human body, shitlord

>why does she try so hard to look as white as possible, does she want the BWC?
She probably does, like that bitch from MTV decoded that talks about how bad and racist and evil white people are, and then goes home and sucks her blue eyed husbands white dick..

You can see it a mile away, she's saying white people are obsessed with her but her entire vlog or what the fuck ever this is, is her ranting about white people every fucking video and projecting her own insecurities into a false sense of superiority over white people. She'd fucking orgasm almost immediately if she got some white cock.

Atleast we have a reason to hate niggers for being criminal, murderous etc. she doesn't have a leg to stand on. It's just an appeal to "fuck me white boy and say that i've been a naughty girl".

She looks to have some white blood herself. So how black does one have to be to receive a pass from black Hitler?

Will she ever get laid.. Holy shit what a paranoid delusional cow hahaha..
>hey wanna make out?
>not unless you are actively seeking to dismantle white supremacy
>wha.. i don't even care about that
>well that's a problem for me because white supremacy is effecting me so people in my life need to make white supremacy a problem for them too.
>ok goodbye
>yes yes have fun white supremacist benefitting from white supremacy.
Niggers, the most racist cunts in the US but they can't see it themselves.

Holy shit, this is legit funny. I need to find more 'serious' analyses of Sup Forums thread.

>watching normies try to interpret the nuances of Sup Forums posts riddled with inside jokes and memes


We are so obsessed that she needs to pull up a thread from a year ago.
Bah hahaha


>le melaninoided

Can someone please send her the thread I want to be in a video

Does that pussy taste sweet or what? mmmm I want you to finger that hot pussy and pull it open a bit for me, tug it side ways and gape it, let me see that pink meat inside you. Now lick that pussy juice off your finger and sit on my lap while I tell you a story about your grandma.

Grandma Dindua was black as the ace of spades, then one day a pack of kikes chained her to a ship and raped her all the way to America. Now here you are with your high yellow skin tone and your yummy pink pussy hole. So as much as we have every reason to hate kikes for stealing and squandering the potential of this world, at least they made you a far more fuckable piece of meat.

Wasn't that a nice story, the best storys are true stories. Now say "put it in my pink hole, massa" and stick your ass i the air and slap it. A couple more generations whiter and your bloodline will be considered subhuman.

Oy vey! She said :"You cave beast."

If you are smart

Share her videos to your Leftist friends


She's lovely. I've subscribed.

Who the fuck even is this? And how big is his penis? Post a timestamped pic of your penis, with your face, or fuck off with your false flag psyop, random black tranny jewtube whore OP.


I think she's just shilling her own videos

>bitches about white people
>uses white technology