Should the government intervene to help fat people?

Should the government intervene to help fat people?

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the government should force them to clean national parks

*eats tub of mayonnaise before surgery*

wtf why is my surgery delayed????????????????????????????????

Yes. I support euthanasia.

i remember someone on some boogie thread a week ago or something predicting that exactly this would happen.

Yes. They can help them by putting a bullet in their cerebral cortex.


Where's a death panel when you need it?

Boogie will never be slim. NEVER.

maybe if boogie didnt have all that buttsecs he wouldnt need a gastric bypass surgery to begin with

>"mmmm delicious cakes :-DDD"
>"don't feel like exercising today
>" Ohshit.jpg I have serious health issues"
>"gubberment help pls ;((("

Someone predicted Boogie would cheat and break the month long liquid diet required to have a gastric bypass surgery?

Wow, what a fucking Nostradamus. Not like he has ever done that before.

No. Self contracted illnesses like obesity and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from smoking should be paid for out of your own pocket if you're stupid/lazy enough to contract them. Can't pay? Then fuck off and don't burden the healthcare with your retarded lifechoices.

Fuck off Boogie

Also how about YOU FUCKING WORK OUT instead of getting a gastric you fat fuck. Fuck you

When is this fat fuck going to die?

I'd do it. Get paid to get away from this life, yes.

But nature does that for us already.


reminder that /fit/ whiteknights this fat fuck

Yes but only if they keep up with their work

T B H I think his fat should be periodically harvested and used in products.


Yes. Help them into the grave faster with firing squads. You cannot care about society if you don't even care about yourself.


We should feed them to starving people and solve a hole bunch of problems at once.

He has literally no willpower. He can't even diet for a month to get this lifesaving surgery. You think he'll be able to diet and do exercise for many months/years?

Fat fuckers tend to have no willpower. They're liars, cheats and in general disgusting people.

>every fat person in the world
>except boogie

It's not the governments fault life is rotten with tradgedy and it is certainly not the fault of the government that his parents didn't raise him to be strong

Hey, you guys arent gonna belive it, but this is boogie2988. I just recently moved to sweden because its a socialist country that actually cares about people unlike the capitalist US. You giys make me sick, you gosh dang REPUBLICANS. All i wanted was socialized medicine and guaranteed basic income and a minimum wage of 45 dollats an hour. Yes, i voted bernie then hillary, but im a pretty right wing guy, to tell you the truth. All i REALLY want is the common ownership of the means of production. Is that so much to ask for you WHITE TRASH NAZI REPUBLICAN FILTH.

Take some initiative, fat leaf

You just have that crazy shit saved huh?

Wouldn't we solve one more problem by feeding them to the starving people instead?

Yes they should, he should be coerced to look out for his own health via force.
And before you amerifags or loltards go 'muh muh ""Freedom""' Just remember we don't let children do whatever they want because we care.

What did Boogie's wife mean by this?

How is he still alive ?

They should be put on remote islands with coconout trees avaible and be isolated there with eachothers until they are ready to leave one by one, now fit. Banning them from buying certain foods and prehaps building great projects like autobahns or walls is also a good solution.
It's the phone game whales of Mcdonalds and snacks, these companies should have lesser influence and have changed standards anyway for a healthy society.

if by help fat people you mean starve them to death in the streets... yes.


Gastric bypass won't help his emotional dependency to food, and binge eating disorders. His impulsivity will lead to a rupture and either sepsis, or death from blood loss. He's a retard for even trying to do this. He's pathologically mentally ill and all social media has done is enable him, exacerbating his mental health issues.

No; it should intervene to punish them.



[somewhat related]
Something I don't understand. When a person (somehow) gets to the bed where due to obesity can't really leave the house anymore or is even bedridden, HOW IN GODS NAME do they KEEP their weight or get EVEN FATTER?
Do they always, always, always, always have enablers or feeders all around them 24/7 or on speed dial?
Do fatties attract such people naturally?
I just don't know.

plz answer, or at least try to.

Sounds like hyperbole, but that's factually correct. There was a study done in 1992 about diet resistence and they found that 100 PERCENT of obese people were significantly misrepresenting the amount of food they eat and exercise they do based on double-water isotope retention analysis. Fat people are liars.

I wish that guy was cucking boogie, but it's painfully obvious he's a flaming home.
>lavender contacts

yep. if he wanted to actually solve his mental issues and lose the weight at this point, he'd have to go monk mode. of course, he'd never do that because it'd be hard and would mean no more shekels.

How the fuck is gastric bypass a surgery haha
Like nigga just stop eating too much haha

does a bullet in the head count as help?

firendly reminder that his wife left him, not even the youtube bux were enough to have her stay

She probably left him because fat is like a disease and he gave it to her. The reason you never see her in pictures or videos anymore is because she's almost as fat as he is now.

>Should the government intervene to help fat people?
If they plan on putting fat asses into "improvement" camps until they are fit for society again, then yes. I support that. I also support them paying a higher insurance rate because statistically they are going to cost more.

>Do they always, always, always, always have enablers or feeders all around them

Yes. 100% of the time there are people who allow them to keep their ridiculous lifestyle from continuing.

It may be family, friends, or even just the dumbfuck government sending them free money to stay fat, but if left to their own devices, the super-obese would either perish or get thin, both being better outcomes.

Yeah, by putting them in fat camps

its a big fat meme


it's pretty interesting

there are some pictures around and maybe some videos. She got horrendously fat. She's probably with her "gay" black friend, hope he helps her out lose those pounds

Why is there a cart full of chips and soda doing rounds at a weight loss ward?

That's a valid question.

Why have an enablercart in the fatty ward?

this is just sad.

pretty sure that calling someone insecure is a generic universal insult you can hurl at any time for any reason at this point


Heh, thats business goy

Making the hospital more money on top of the 250 from nhs.

It works in Japan

For once I thought that...


>boogie wife wants a seperation/divorce
>she agrees to stay till the surgery then leave
>surgery gets delayed few days later
very convenient, too convenient id say, we all know boogie tanked his diet to keep his roastie around.

Error: Invalid Number Please resend text message using a valid 10-digit number.

>Costs NHS 250 pounds a day

Man in America it'd be 100k a day at least.

>welp guess I got to keep eating 8000 calories a day to maintain this enormous frame

the gastric bypass isn't his only worry

if he survives the surgery he's going to have to get several other ones to deal with his flaps of excess skin that will render him uncomfortable, make him still have to wear baggy clothing and further fuck his self esteem

that is if he even manages to maintain a strict post surgery diet, and doesn't just over eat himself so much he either damages the bypass itself or does it gradually enough to expand his stomach again putting him at extreme relapse risk for shit eating habbits, and complications

the bypass is only step one of this losers drain on society, he can screech all he wants right now about paying his fare share of taxes, but that'll turn around right fucking quick if the USA's broken ass medical system isn't fucking walked back, and then un fucked within the next half decade.

They should make it illegal to sell high fat or sugar foods to obese individuals, treat it like underage drinking, they need a form of ID to prove how much they weigh, so if someone looks fat they are asked at service for it.

Yeah, how about banning cheap food additives that should never be consumed by humans in the first place? If prices of those foods go up, so be it. A company's profit margins shouldn't affect the health of a population, it's disgusting that obesity is the epidemic it is in America.