Which South American country is the best?

>The US is going to get taken over by martial law

Fellow whites that live in or have visited South American countries: which is the best?

How hard will it be to immigrate?

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Southern Brazil. Huge population of white people down there, incredibly wealthy states in comparison to the others. They're even trying to break away from Brazil and form their own country.

best for what?
for preserving your lineage? None

Britain (by way of the Falklands)

Seconded, been living here for almost 2 years & plan on remaining.

I'll have them import wives

Bumping for interest.
Uruguay looks neat-o, and Argentina as well.
South americans tell me: is violence in these countries more or less localized to cities and particular regions?

Brazil seems to produce a lot of liveleak material, and I'm wondering if these white areas are actually safe (e.g. comparable to an American or Canadian city).

The vast majority of Brazil's violence happens in the northeast. The southwest is based af.

Yes that area looks terrible.
So It doesn't bleed into these other regions?

where are you from?

I've been to Chile before so I guess its my first choice

how do i immigrate there?

Australia would be your best choice, but you'll have to take a number. We're currently at capacity.

Despite what Sup Forums says Argentina is actually pretty white. The first time it hit me was when I met a blonde goddess during my internship and after a quick lunch together learned that she was Argentinian, now demographics back it up too, Messi is pretty white too


I don't recommend to anyone to come to Brazil. Violence and dishonesty are widespread. People given good impressions are trolls or larpers of the "white" south american myth. Don't believe them, we should be left alone.

South America demographics wise is the United States in about 30 years

Nope. Crime happens but it's of the opportunistic variety, in almost 2 years the worst I've experienced first-hand is a dude on a bicycle try to snatch my phone from my hand.


they dont have a government thats gonna kill them all

can you own a gun?

No, just a population. A few places in SA are nice, many are third-world tier.
lern 2 goggle

just ate chili

Argentina and Uruguay are the most white (pretty much whiter than the US at this point)
Chile is mostly mestizo but has better economic policies.
All other countries are shitholes. Colombia and Venezuela have gorgeous Latin qts but that's about it.


Brazil is a sinking ship, don't go there.
It is true that southern Brazil is better than the rest, but the southeast states are the most powerful and is where the moneys is at.

I'd go for Argentina or Chile, both have better HDI than Brazil (and have very good wine btw)

Brazil's only pro is that its more influential and has a distinctive culture whilst the others are just random names on a map.

Brazil has the largest (not best) economy

What caused the demographics to go down the shitter to the extent it did?

It would take a whole article to cover it all up, but its basically due to bad administration of corrupt politicians and a huge black, I mean, poor population.