Why do you guys tolerate peadophilia so much?

Why do you guys tolerate peadophilia so much?
One day you might have a daughter, too and i don't think you would still be laughing when a 40 years old neckbeard touched her on the playground.

Who is "you guys" there Ahmed and why should I answer to a cuck flag?

>hurr durr cuck

No one here other than mentally ill loli faggots are ok with it.

It's disgusting and it's where sexual fetishes go too far. I'm degenerate as fuck and I'm into incest but even I think pedophilia is sick and fucked up

looks at flag

thats all i needed to know

well it's an anime site so ofc it will have child lovers

Pedophilia is the natural stare of man. Little girls are the superior females, all men know it. The only people who deny it do so because of the social pressure.
>One day you might have a daughter
And I'll have sex with her, I will be a loving father.
No one other than feminist numales oppose pedophilia.

>not waiting until a person is sexually mature enough to fuck them.

You're just as bad as parents who want to mutilate their children's genitals and let them "choose their gender." Children don't understand sex you freak and anyone who has sex with children is ruining their psyche forever. It's probably the worst form of abuse

You'll be locked up one day being raped by a big nigger, have fun

>Children don't understand sex
Wrong. Girl knows she likes it when daddy tickles her kitty.
>ruining their psyche forever
How would a healthy loving relationship harm a girl?
>It's probably the worst form of abuse
That's right, sex is abuse, love is hate.

I really hope you die soon. This is why we need extrajudicial punishment. People like you should be rounded up by the Klan and tar and feathered.

It's her body, her choice.

Dont delude yourself user,By the age of 12 she'll learn how to fuck from internet and tv and she'll start sucking tyron under the desk

>I'm a mad little feminist
Good for you. I don't know how you think you have some moral high ground when you want to murder people and I just want a loving relationship with a young girl.

if we can abort babies, why cant we fuck babies?

Are you daft?nobody tolerates pedophilia her wtf are you on about?

The fires cannot burn hot enough.

I'm not a fucking feminist you freak. I just don't want people like you ruining childrens lives forever.

And yeah I would love for people like you to be killed, not because I like murder but because you aren't worth processing through the justice system. You realize almost everyone wants you dead right? Also, understand this, little girls cannot have a true loving relationship with you.

>Not liking lolis
Why do all the christfags and other unassorted normies have to fuck everything up?

If you're into children you're mentally ill, there's no getting around that, and I don't think I'll ever be that fucked in the head

But i'm not into children dude.
Like if someones into the fetish or fantasy of rape doesn't mean they like the actual realistic idea of it. Rape is something that can literally devolve groups into infighting doesn't mean it isn't hot af.
Surely you're joshing me?

>I'm not a fucking feminist
Yes, you are, don't try to deny what is plainly clear.
>ruining childrens lives forever.
Again, how could being loved ruin a girl's life? Love is bad?
>being a normal man is mental illness
This is your brain on feminism.

Not if I can help it.

Remove flag Poo In Loo.
We know the truth.

>begging the question
>obsessed with pedophiles

Any and all pedophiles that touch my children will be ground like dust into the pavement by my righteous boot. Their screams will echo so loudly the cacophonous shrieks will traumatize anyone within a 10 mile radius.

I don't I want to have pedos exterminated

The Chris Hansen memes were funny but the pedoshit never was.

>One day you might have a daughter
No woman in her right mind would ever even consider me.

>implying flags mean anything
Good, you own your daughters, anyone else touches them you should kill them, that's your responsibility as their father.

I don't. paedos should be fed to ISIS

Ok so you don't want to have sex with children BUT you are turned on by the fantasy of having sex with children right?

I can still think you're a degenerate for that (you are), but if you're convinced you won't act on that fantasy, then keep it to yourself but I suppose having fantasies is fine. Still children will always be too far to me

But you're messing with their ability to form healthy long term relationships with a partner by DIDDLING THEM. You should look out for their best interests not fuck things up for them because they are pretty much your future, sons especially.

>I really hope you die soon

>you're messing with their ability to form healthy long term relationships
That's only if a girl gets fucked by just some guy, it's differebt if it's her dad.

I like lolis because of the fact they're pretty much like all the other characters but extra cute or moeified.
I couldn't read something like a fictional novel about realistic fictional kids. I definitely find things about it that are certainly wrong / degenerate.
True, teen, legal - loli. It's all the same shit really. It's more about the characteristics. At least for me.
I have a feeling this guy is a special kind of retard though.

>One day you might have a daughter, too
And I'll be fucking her on all fours.

Go ahead and have sex with your daughter you fucking idiot. This happened to a girl in my town. Her dad molested her when she was little and she blocked it out of her memory until she was older, and then immediately told someone when she forced herself to remember it, and got him in massive trouble. She's quiet, withdrawn, and if you look at her arms there's scars all over them from self harming wounds. She posts depressing stuff all over her social media and has been working at the same coffee shop since high school

Every time you talk to her she sounds like she wants to die. As far as I know she has no friends and barely leaves the house. I wonder how she would've turned out if her scumbag father didn't rape her and fuck up her mind forever

The fuck is wrong with pedophilia?Little girls still want to be a princess,have a boyfriend,be cute,clean the house,etc.

Sometimes i feel bad for being a degenerate furfag but then i see posts like this and remember im a good person compared to you.

Kill yourself, waste of life.

What's wrong with playing Nazi? All I wanna do is goosestep, play in my Panzer, and kill fucking degenerates like yourself.

Then you're fine I don't think what you're doing is all too bad. Especially since you mentioned you can't read something too realistic. There's a fine line between fantasy and reality, and that other guy who actually wants a daughter to have sex with is fucked in the head

This isn't exactly a bastion of support for pedophilia.

Only good way to fuck your daughter is with her riding you or her laying on her back.
>hurr durr it's bad, you should be kill, durr

You are, by definition, a pedo. You are attracted to young kids. Your subconscious knows it. End yourself before you rape a kid

I mean don't put kids or women on a pedestal. The entire point of life is to further life and strengthen your bloodline. Younger women have the capacity to have more healthier kids. So there is a reason we're attracted to youth. How old is too young to fuck? How old is too young to send a boy with a spear to try to kill some dudes? Life is brutal. Modern society has softened us all up and your morality faggots will be the first to die

i think youre looking for Sup Forums, hans

Pedophiles are predators retard.
They prey on children.
Go fuck a dog.
Day of the Aussie wind-blower can't come soon enough.


only left wing cucks like pedophiles. These are the same fucks that think putting a penis into another mens asshole is normal. And cutting off their penis to become a woman is normal behavior.

Serious note - I really hate pedophiles. I seriously think these fucks should be killed. Some children are scarred for the rest of their lives. That shit stays with you forever. Let them all burn, fuck them. And fuck you to all you left wing faggets that are trying to normalize this shit. Let kids be kids.

It's left wing cucks who demonized pedophilia, pushed up the age of marriage and forced girls in to schools.


it makes them crazy becase a) the dad is probably unattractive as fuck and b) they lost their virginity and that fucked up their pair bond ability

>Why do you guys tolerate peadophilia so much?
Yeah, you're not in Reddit. Sup Forumsacks don't like pedos, hence the whole Pizzagate and the fucking of the shits of known pedos. Most are Jews.
>Sup Forums hates Jews

>Some children are scarred for the rest of their lives. That shit stays with you forever.

Not some, ALL kids get fucked up by this. They don't know or understand sex at this young age, and they realize when they're older they were taken advantage of. It's the worst form of abuse. It's one of the most severe ways to ruin a childs psyche.

The left is trying to normalize allowing parents to mutilate their childrens genitals to choose their gender. The left will not stop with this. Their idea that "love knows no boundaries" was used to normalize gay marriage and it can be used to normalize pedophilia. They will try to go for this next

Like I said earlier I know a girl who was molested as a kid, she's a fucking mess. Those people that have this happen to them never develop fully. They're mind will be fucked forever. Not to mention young girls who get molested early become huge whores later on in life usually, that is if they don't fear contact for the rest of their lives.

Young boys who get molested by men usually kill themselves.

Go be her friend, user

>pol/acks don't like pedos,
No, that's newfags like you. You are cancer
Real men acknowledge that little girls are sexy.

>It's left wing cucks who demonized pedophilia,

No it isn't at all actually. Not here in the U.S. Where I live, my grandfather used to tell me that if someone abused a child back when he was a young man they would get gangs of guys together to kidnap the guy, beat him senseless in a barn somewhere, burn him, and if they didn't end up lynching them they would throw them in a river or lake.

Not kidding. If you were found out to be a pedophile or someone who beat their kid in most places in the deep south back in the 40's and 50's, the KKK or just the local guys would find you and you would never been seen again.

I honestly believe we need this punishment for people like you. Because tax dollars shouldn't go to funding pedophiles in jail. Frontier justice was used for all American history for pedophiles, in most cases the law would here that a pedophile was killed and wouldn't even pursue it.

It's not inherently harmful to be attracted to those under 18. When I was 12 I liked 12 year olds. Most 16 year olds pair with kids their age. That's the course of life. That being said, actual child abusers are among the lowest of the low.

He belongs in a labor colony in a remote area.

I would say he should as well but people like that really are unstable, you don't know what they'll say about you or do. It's unfortunate.

She's actually really good looking too, I've thought about asking her out before. Her younger brother hangs out with my brother.

One time she was at her work and I walked in and she was turned around and I tapped on her shoulder just to say hi. She literally jumped and looked scared before she saw it was me. That's how fucked she is, that little bit of contact is too much for her.

Might see if she wants to hangout or go on a date one day but I'm not sure I could deal with those emotions

As long as he doesn't touch her penis

honestly pedophilia is a meme

these guys arent attracted to kids they are attracted to abuse or dominating someone weaker

i think these kinds of people are different from the waifuist types in all honesty

Children can't understand the ramifications of sex because they're young. Most don't have an interest in actual sex. What's more, love doesn't necessarily mean sex.

I said be her friend and not; think of way you could probably get in her pants without triggering her childhood trauma. Jeez, user.

who the fuck is 'you guys'???

What the fuck. I think you have us mixed up with tumblr. there are discords posted daily on Sup Forums dedicated to finding, doxing, locking up pedos.

Go fuck yourself, and go back to tumblr

Nice try, Jew. You have no power here.

I didn't even say anything about trying to fuck her, I just mentioned I thought she's good looking and have considered asking her out, but yeah maybe at some point I'll just see if she wants to hangout

>Love doesn't mean sex
Found the cuck
Funny how it's always a burger flag

You guys are fucking retarded. It's tumblr and Reddit that hate pedos. If you dont like little girls you should probably leave Sup Forums.
>these guys arent attracted to kids they are attracted to abuse or dominating someone weaker
More of this feminist "all sex is rape" shit. Do you not see how stipid that is?

>heavily implying
It's allright, user. We'd all want to find emotional wracks just for a quick adventure.

We hate porn.
Masturbation instead of fucking a QT.
Slutty/ degenerate women.
Fucking animals.
Enabling the mentally ill instead of fixing them and allowing them to kill themselves and have unfulfilled lives.

Learn what pol predominantly stands for, kike.

>If you dont like little girls you should probably leave Sup Forums.
>he probably believes the meme
newfag lurk moar

>We hate enabling the mentally ill
Yet no one stops you and your Nazi nonsense

>one day you might have a daughter

lol no
Women decide who lives and who dies and they've decided the future is black, or in your case, arab.
I hope more kids get raped and murdered. Fuck all of you faggot cucks.

But, user, you're the newfag.

Nah I would probably feel truly awful if I just used her. I would want to get to know her more unless she was too crazy

Who tolerates paedophilia? I certainly don't. I'd hang paedophiles if I could, as I'd hang every degenerate if I got the chance.

Nice larp faggot take that flag down and put the israeli flag back up there where it belongs

Dude, she's not gonna be insane but, you'll have a pretty hard time dealing with her damages.

You're not wrong. It's the difference between a good lesson-learning ass kicking and immolation

Yes, yes, we understand you're a good little feminist.
You notice these antis never really have anything to say?


Antis? Like anti-pedos? I'm one of them if that's what you meant you illiterate degenerate faggot. All pedos deserve summary execution and it is actually pretty awesome knowing that almost all people can unite on that front.

Most definitely, that's why I've avoided it honestly, that would probably just be exhausting after a while, but maybe it could be rewarding, might make me feel good

As a muslim and leftist, i think pedophilia is ok.

fornication is abuse

Getting accused of something that never even occurred and being fucked by Tyrone is not rewarding don't do it dude.
I want to help people as well but that is a bad hill to die on.
Try getting her into therapy maybe, she probably is already or avoids it.

Fuck off, you sub human. So I'm a feminist because I don't want degenerate freaks to fuck children? You should have been aborted.

>Antis? Like anti-pedos?
Yeah, good job reading.
This is what I'm talking about, just a bunch of feminist rage world salad.
Maybe next thread ill try it, instead of really saying anything I'll just say "urgh, im mad, kill kill kill".
Yes, there's nothing "degenerate" about healthy relationships and strong families. How is it degenerate for a girl to be married young?

>Getting accused of something that never even occurred and being fucked by Tyrone is not rewarding don't do it dude.
You think she would want to do something fucked up like that? Why? I know people like that can be unpredictable of course
>Try getting her into therapy maybe, she probably is already or avoids it.
Yeah who knows if she is. I might just hang out with her a few times and gauge if she's crazy, she probably is in therapy I imagine. I'll ask her that if I can find a way to say it

If you think that fucking a child is okay, you are a sick and demented creature that deserves a bullet in the temple. I'm going to assume that this is bait and leave it.

>It's bad because it just is
You plebbitor newfags are the worst.

I hope this retard is bait. Funny how he comes from a complete shithole and is into this stuff

Death can't come sooner

>I don't like it so it must be bait
>and I think flags mean anything
You newfags are so fucking stupid.

"We" don't, it's just a few degenerates spamming the same age of consent thread

>Young boys who get molested by men usually kill themselves

It gets worse the older you get. You spend your adolescent developmental stages struggling with how to be with women. Trying to suppress what you have already experienced. Then your isolated because your not gay, just damaged. Your at odds with both genders.

Disassosiative Identity Disorder

Mental disorders that can also be caused by Child Abuse. These are the three worst ones in a relationship desu.

Now imagine if society didn't constantly tell these people they were victims of some terrible act, imagine if the people performing these "crimes" didn't have to hide or wrestle with their own desires which are called evil, hideous, etc. If a gay person can't stop being gay, why are pedophiles expected to stop being pedophiles?

"we" don't tolerate pedophiles you fucking degenerate Arab dick sucking buttmuncher

are you that same cuck that cried about it on KC? also ITT: newfriends who don't know the based kitty tickler ukrainian.

Lolis should be legal everywhere.