Is anyone else absolutely terrified of death? Knowing that everything you ever believed...

Is anyone else absolutely terrified of death? Knowing that everything you ever believed, every political right you ever fought for, every event in history, everything youve ever done will be meaningless? We're scared of current events but one day whether we win or lose now it wont matter at all. and then at one point everything will fucking blow up and restart again, with us possibly gaining consciousness but in an entirely new being with no memory of what we used to be. The idea of death scares the absolute fuck out of me

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I'd be more scared of this guy than death if I was one of his player.

>scared of being a winner


why not


while its certainly a possibility its still uncertain. i believe what i wrote in first post is most likely to happen

powerful. so brave

It's not uncertain. It's necessary for our fallen nature. Pascal's wager or not. The Bible is my science textbook
I detect a little bit of crankiness perhaps

Do you remember the time before you were born? That's what death feels like, and you're going to have to deal with it like the rest of us.

>dying means everything you do is useless
>says useless permafaggotvirginpieceofshit with no kids

Nobody is stopping you from killing yourself, which I strongly suggest you do.

I'll just try to keep making a difference and teaching my kids the right way to do things without you.

if you believe because of pascals wager are you not assuming that god is not omnipotent or omniscient?


I dont believe in free will. But notice also how I said "or not" in that post

why are you so triggered you retard? even with your kids itll still be useless. youre not going to know what your kids are doing. literally eventually it wont matter. idk why youre such a faggot for no reason but feel free to not reply to my post, go take a break from the internet, and think about how unpleasant youve just ben

By the time you turn 30, thoughts like that will fade away. I used to be scared, but it just goes away. Try to change the subject in your mind because that kind of thinking can lead to depression.

They say that dead is like another state of being and eventually you won't notice it...Iam impatient to discover it but at the same time it also scares the fuck out of me. I can't believe there is nothing after life. Death is another living processus I cannot garanty it of course but I feel it in my heart.

>one cup
>13 years ago

>The Bible is my science textbook

I wish I was stupid enough to believe in infinite paradise, magic jews, pregnant virgins and talking snakes.

I mean, what does it feel like to believe that stuff? To actually fucking "know" that infinite paradise exists?

>jack adams winning coach John Tortorella

Everything dies you pussy ass brainlet

>all matter is energy condensed to a slow vibration
>we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively
>there is no such thing as death life is only a dream
>we are the imagination of ourselves

Your grandkids will be fucking niggers long after you're dead, not to worry.

If insulting you is more unpleasant than the nihilistic hell you've made for yourself, you really should just neck yourself.

Tell Brock your shilling and depression peddling isn't panning out like you've hoped for here.

Some people try to make their lives mean something, if for nobody else than their immediate family. Others are pathetic and alone neckbeard atheists... like you.

Ill summarise and then do a green text. Dont eat this. Goes and fucks it. Now. Lol. On to the green text
>eternal life
Why do we not question electricity or computers? We created them. We can't see it or know how it works. Universe might be electric. We don't say that do we. But we question God
>magic Jews
Blasphemy. Christ was not even Jewish. Learn what words mean. And when they came about. What language He spoke. And things like what label to which His blood belonged. Or the lands from whence He came. Also what He said and did and what those same actual "Jews" did. If they were the magical Jews you don't need to extend the lack of logic that they needed to get rid of Him
>pregnant virgins
Sept 23
>talking snakes
See all of the above plus the class syllabus I mentioned. The summary, above

>meme award
get out

>retarded robot is scared of being shut off and melted never to exist again
>is anyone else terrified

why be scared of existence ending? there is nothing to be, feel, see, or think when you do not exist, there isn't even a (((you))) anymore

you should be scared of shitty healthcare that's gonna torture you horribly just before you die, or of coughing up blood for 20 min before you die because you were FUCKING TEXTING WHILE DRIVING

I've died 3 time user, it ain't shit. and don't be a fucking pussy 'bout it!. GOD hates weak ass niggas!! DON'T KEK out for the Devil bitch boi!!! JESUS CHRIST didn't SUFFER for you to FOLD under PRESSURE!!! KICK the bitch ass Devil in his FACE and don't FEEL BAD 'bout bringin' JUSTICE to this world! PERIOD, POINT BLANK!

>Is anyone else absolutely terrified of death?

>Why do we not question electricity

What do you even mean by that

youre an autistic faggot who needs to go take a nap. im not saying dont live life to the max and do literally everything you can to ensure the betterment of society im stating that one day you wont even get to see the end result of your efforts you fucking retard. whatever your reason for aggression is it needs to stop, you potentially may need to go back
>mad at jack adams coach/cup winner torts

go be a retarded nihilist somewhere else

I dont think you understand nihilism. nowhere in my posts have i advocated nihilism, in fact thats just a giant waste of time

>Why do we not question electricity or computers?

We do question them, that's how science works. What the hell are you talking about?

>Jesus wasn't jewish

Hebrews 7:14, “For it is clear that our Lord descended from Judah,”

Umm, sorry sweetie, he literally was.

>Sept 23

Not an argument. You are really starting to seem low IQ now.

>See all of the above

Totally dodged the talking snake point. I mean, that's low.

You can think about death when you die, your largest concern should be your life for now.

im not afraid of death, im afraid of the pain of dying.

Terrified? Hell no man
I welcome it with open arms
Fuck this place, I just want to sleep

>life means nothing, nothing you do matters,
yeah okay, faggot

did you miss the part where i said you should still try to make an impact? both of the things i said are true but that doesnt mean you should just sit back and do nothing

Yeah cbj

so if nothing we do matters, then why should we try to make an impact?

if you're afraid of dying, you're afraid of living.


because otherwise youre going to be bored for 80 years. you should still act as an emotion and logic driven creature with goals. but at the same time eventually youre going to be in a limbo where youll never see the lasting impact of anything youve done. it wont matter at all if youre successful or not because you wont be conscious to see it

>fearing death
>in this fucked up world

Whats wrong with Tortorella though? He seemed like a good dude.

Do you think your ancestors didn't give a shit about their legacy?

Huh? Who is this guy?

nothing wrong with jack adams/cup winning torts
they couldnt care anymore even if they wanted to

No. Death is inevitable. Don't be a faggot. There is 100% more to our existence. Chill out.

The only thing about death that freaks me out is that I won't even know I existed. I don't mind the oblivion. In the end we're not really scared of death but eternity. Anything eternal frightens the shit out of me. Eternal life is just as scary as eternal death. At least in death you don't give a shit. But imagine eternal life. Eternal consciousness. I mean sure it's nice now and I'd love to add another 1000 years to my life but think how boring it will be after 10000 years or even a million years. By that time you will have done everything and anything there is to do twice. And you will quickly become bored of it. Which brings me to a great point. I would like to live as long as I'm still fascinated with the universe and this world. So if at all possible I would like to kill myself once I've had my fill.

but you're here to care and thats all that matters right now and then you die and your kids can deal with the shit and you get to rest. idk maybe theres reincarnation and we will come back as a catepillar or something cool.

>Knowing that everything you ever believed, every political right you ever fought for, every event in history, everything youve ever done will be meaningless?
why would they be meaningless? I don't understand. given what you go on to say, you seem to think that if something is valuable then it has to be eternal, or that value must be eternal, and since our lives aren't eternal then they can't be valuable. but i don't see why value has to be eternal. i ate a good sandwich today, for instance, and despite the fact that that event had a finite duration it seems okay to me to say that it was a good, i.e., valuable, experience regardless. the same thing for my life, then, it seems to me --- it will not last forever, but can be good regardless.

the other shitty thought is, when you die in pain that's the last thing you did. I wouldn't mind the pain if I knew there's gonna be at least one cool thing to look forward to. But dying a horrible death knowing this is it, it's not gonna get better scares me. It's like having a hangover... at least with a hangover you know you won't feel shitty in a couple of hours and feel good again and be happy.

go out with a bang bro! serve a purpose and don't feel any pain!

He's an ice hockey coach.

don't grow old and die in a hospice bed! it fucking sucks. i've seen it twice and it's NOT worth it! die for a cause!! drag the demons down with you!

I'm glad that tippers like you fear death and suffer as a result. Why would I have any reason to try and calm your fears if I enjoy your suffering?

Terrified? Absolutely not. I'm not looking forward to the pain involved (if I die a painful death) but I look forward to it.

>life is a lie so whats the point
>hurr live life to the fullest

No. You are fake news.

Fake AND gay news.

>checks flag

If I was a secular humanist too afraid to accept the logical conclusion of nihilism, maybe.

It won't be meaningless if you continue humanity in order to reap the benefits of and continue to build upon your achievements. The purpose of all life is to maintain its existence and to produce offspring.

mens thoughts and actions have formed the future for hundreds of years after they punched their ticket ... ie: the old testament to the new , the quran the Talmud, carl marx , to hitler, the declaration of independence, every man leaves his mark on the history of our world no matter how insignificant it may be

Are you straight off the boat from R town

Did you miss the part where I said we most likely will exist again as a new being with no memories of our former self

>everything youve ever done will be meaningless
No what you did will leave an impact on others who will carry the torch forward

We are all contained in Pi, and thus live forever.

"Somewhere inside the digits of pi is a representation for all of us -- the atomic coordinates of all our atoms, our genetic code, a coding of our motions and all our thoughts through time, all our memories.... Given this fact, all of us are alive, and hopefully happy, in pi. Pi makes us live forever. We all lead virtual lives in pi. We are immortal." - Cliff Pickover

>tfw you nut inside a bare pussy

>tfw you push a communist down to the floor and kick him in the stomach

You keep your an hero OP

It's very important to think about it and not just at a relative or friends funeral. It's the basis of religions and many belief systems...It's the thing that made having a kid palatable to me in line with you're question..Jerking off in a room should scare you of death..Doing what would be natural disconnected from obligations makes death seem natural and almost comfy...It boils down to no regrets and you certainly have a train load inside..Get a life comes to mind...

tl'dr "WE are all anonymous; you will be assimilated; resistance is futile; your culture will adapt to service US!

except we do know how electricity works and what it is comprised of......
You can believe whatever you want but it is an illogical leap of faith.

This is the only good answer. It is eternity that scares people, if they know it or not. The only thing worse than death is eternal life.

eternity doen't work like that , user. you are worrying about a non issue. you don't become "bored of it" because "time" doesn't exist. YOU DO. and it's all a continual IS ; not a was and will be. you're afraid of a strawman. DON'T be. and also, try to enjoy your time here as much as you can, and BE HUMAN. it's a precious thing, you won't appreciate it until it's gone from you.

Don't be afraid.

this was actually pretty entertaining desu

>2 years later the word filters are still up
come the fuck on hiroshimoot

What's really terrifying about death is that you have no idea when you're going to die, so you better start doing what you want and be sure to get kids to pass your genes on asap.
Death is something you just have to accept and for me I've just made some goals of things I want to achieve within my lifetime and I sure as hell won't die before I've done all of that shit

I used to be. Now I understand how important it is. People are terrified of death because it is largely a mystery. One that we may never truly unravel. Pessimists may say that when the curtains close that is the end of everything you are the afterlife does not exist. Optimists may be a little more open minded and hopeful. Which is the correct perspective? Well, no one knows, but one is definitely more ignorant than the other. Reason being is we know so little about our planet, even less about our galaxy and hardly anything about the universe. Even concepts as simple as a material reality are coming under question because of a few quantum mechanics experiments. Never fall for the trap of knowing the truth as what may seem to be the truth may change in the light of new discoveries and knowledge. Due to our limitations there are things we cannot see or hear but they are there. All states change whether it's obvious or not and it could very well be that death is the ultimate ending or maybe just the beginning.

No, I'm a right winger. I want to pick a fight.

I've been there with over 100 persons when they died. Not a single one of them was scared or suffered, it's always the families that suffer.
You don't need to fear death, we will all die some day.

Really? Do you work at a hospital or something?

I did on an ambulance for some time when I was younger.
People dying of natural causes or even those during accidents are usually very calm.
These ISIS/Mexican snuff videos give a wrong picture about dying, people in our societies do not die this way.

> Losing everything

This is not why I fear death.

That's good to know. Thanks for your input.

speak for yourself op, im a traditional catholic, and i put my trust in god's propaganda.

I used to be, then I wasted most of my life and I would gladly erase the blackboard and start over.

Am I afraid of death?
Hell yeah I'm afraid of death. I don't want to die. But I have accepted that I am within 6 months.
Not much to complain about. I 30, but have never married out of fear of getting the government dick. I sold my car and I'm about to sell my house as well along with my bike. I debated leaving everything to my brother, but I decided that before I die I wanted to sail to Hawaii and back.
So I'm going to do that and then give everything left to my brother and then jump off the Golden gate bridge.


I hope you find peace in whatever you decide to do. God speed, user. Tell the void I said hi.

Brain tumor and pancreatic cancer
Will do user

Death by itself doesn't scare me. Getting to rest for all eternity sounds nice. But if reincarnation is what happens, I'm absolutely terrified. I have it really good, and I'd be really pissed to be reincarnated as like a short ugly Vietnamese man or something

Das right!

Damn. Any idea what caused either?

>Is anyone else absolutely terrified of death?
I kinda remember when I used to be. You have to be pretty sheltered to be "absolutely terrified" of it. When you live through a few situations of near-death, or any long-term situations of debilitating injury or confinement, or you experience any kind of serious loss in life, then you stop fearing it. There are varying degrees in-between, but an even worse feeling is experiencing what looks like permanent pain or misery, and fighting the "wish for death" that creeps in when you suffer too much. The reason that feeling is worse, is because you think "if I give into this urge, if I try to kill myself to escape this, then I will die as a bitch, and my entire existence will amount to being a bitch". I know that sounds silly, but when you're suffering your personality gets a little bit deranged. If you fight through the hardships in life that make you wish you were dead, if you fight through multiple tragedies like this, you become far more concerned with HOW YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE and FOR WHAT PURPOSE, than whether it simply ends or not. Once you realize how small and fragile your existence is, you realize its not worth torturing yourself inside over a reality you cant change. Focus on what matters, not whether or not you exist. Its simply not up to you.

Nope. I grew up same as my 4 brothers who are all fine. Worked in a hydroelectric dam as a mechanical engineer, until one day I just felt my entire body go limp for a second and was hospitalized for a while.

All I can say is everyone dies. I'll die too someday. Maybe tomorrow or next week. Essentially all the greatest men who ever lived are dead. You will be joining their ranks. I can't condone suicide but I'm not in your shoes. Whatever you do don't forget to say bye, you brave son of a bitch.

I mean, I'm sure as hell not going to die in a bed hooked up to a bunch of machines designed to make me live longer through more pain and suffering. If rather die before I'm incontinent and before the tumor eats my memories away from me.

it's like kevin costner and matt lauer had a kid

ya sure faggot
why cant i fly then?

2 of the best feels ever on this physical plane.