Reddit of Sup Forums

Haven't been on Sup Forums in a couple of months. Just got tired of the pure redditfaggotry and same 3-4 threads every fucking day, but apparently some shit has happened in current events and I thought it be cool if -fuck me- someone could give me a quick rundown?

Other urls found in this thread:

do your own research faggot

No do it yourself nigger

Same situation here. Something about the DNC leaks and seth rich on 27th.

Newfag here, what are those creatures? the one in the picture. It's so delicate looking but at the same time very powerful and ominous. With such skinny legs, you would think the creature would topple in such unforgiving weather. And yet it stands, with a blank, almost dead expression. I really, really, really like this image.

>spend all day telling eachother how the MSM is bought out and controlled by child fucking jews
>user asks for a sitrep on recent events
>tells user to use MSM
This is why all of Sup Forums hates Sup Forums

Robin Williams (the actor that played willy wonka in the chocolate factory) and the lead singer of Linken Park died

It's called tubgirl

you retard you haven't even given a timeframe. for what you want. you want us to talk about everything from "a couple of months" ago?

fuck you

go look at Sup Forums news forever on twitter and stop being stupid as hell

No one said use msm. Try lurking if you missed out you newfag.

Behold the lowly dataminers:
Trying to get a finger on the pulse or up the ass, the choice is up to you user.


this entire fucking site sucks. I hate it. I'm realizing it more and more. 4channers are pretty much the only people I relate to, and now I'm realizing just how hopeless we all are.

>lurk Sup Forums to catch up on things
>implying the catalog isn't in slide mode 24/7
summerfags need to leave

Die in a fire.

>to old times

Here fag 134946650
Read that bread, insane gets, Kek has returned, day of the rope shall coincide with national tendies day.
>night of the long tendies

You see OP are pissed because you acting in pure new faggotry, if you have a true dedication to this board you would abstain from that liberal hell. Now you look like a data mining faggot.


>Robin Williams (the actor that played willy wonka in the chocolate factory)
That was Martin Sheen

what liberal hell? I don't look like a data mining faggot. I just look like a regular faggot, which is better than being from Sup Forums, seriously the reddit of Sup Forums. And if you don't think thats bad then you need to get the fuck off of this site before this containment board leaks into actual boards.
Also, anyone here who had pol be there first board or came on Sup Forums after pol was made is still well within the newfag category. Try 6-8 years, not 6-8 months.

Time to change your tampon

Did this post make you happy? Are you proud of this post?

I've already printed it out. I'm going to ask my mom to frame it and give it to me for a birthday present.