*sips tea*

*sips tea*


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>she hasn't read the books...

so should I stop watching now?

I'm at season 5 and almost all good characters are gone, all the women in the show are fucking annoying cunts

I just torrented first 2 episodes, should I delete it? How bad is it?

*of season 7 ofc

Daily reminder that white women are jews with vaginas

Game of Thrones is a women's program, though.

Well it's fiction fantasy so....

>Senior news editor of entertainment for the Huffington post, says that all men should just lay down and die because "Women are winning on the game of thrones"

You sincerely WOULD have to be Huffing a TON, to expect anyone to believe that utter nonsense.

So what you're saying is that women only succeed in fantasy.

The sand vipers being brutally killed by a white male is pretty funny at least

I wasn't aware it was still on tv, suprised it lasted so long after becoming so predictable. Everyone dies the end, and lots of sandnigger rape.

and then Euron came in and fucked the roasties to death

Three of the women are about to get gangraped lol.

>Sand snakes, Ellaria, and Yara get btfo'd by Euron
>"woman are totally winning the game of thrones guys!

How does the dynamic differ in the book? From my perspective the whole show has been about women ruling. Its pretty obvious. The most dominant warrior is a fking woman, Brienne of Tarth. Almost all rulers of the Kingdoms are Women, Danarys has an army of dudes with their balls chopped off, men worship her while she cares little for them. Its like feminist porn.

Truly retarded. The last episode showed women should not be in power

Gets pretty cringe. Characters just say the same shit over and over and people with waxed mustaches clap like seals because muh break chain muh i spooky politics you into agree!

>tfw your life is so mundane and inconsequential that becoming invested in a tv show is the most exciting thing you'll ever do

>implying men haven't already given up, and that's why the world has gone to shit.

And since this is now a roleplaying board too
*gently caresses your cheek with my penis*

All TV is written by gay jews for the pleasure of females. Once Martin washed out and HBO took over the plot this was inevitable.

I'm sick of biocunts

Women are dragons because they're both FIERCE

Jokes on her, the only Game of Thrones I've watched was that Trump edit and some Australian guy stumbling through the Tell Tale game.

>not reading the books

fucking revolting nigger tier taste
Anyone who has read the books can see how bastardized and lame the show became after season 4.
Any roastie that feels empowered from some garbage-tier show ought to hang herself.

In the after show, one of the show runners said "OMG wow, isn't it great you have four women around a table talking about war? Isnt not everday you see that!"

>they make a massive tactical error ending in the destruction of their fleet and capture of two most important hostages to the entire cause

tasty salt

Stannis dies, show goes down hill

John Snow is a Targaryen. He will fuck the brains out of fatty McBlondie, and take the Iron Throne... and her dragons.

"Women intellectuals"

Soon as women start riding dragons they'll be winning in real life too.

>we wuz dragons n shieeet

it's almost like the show isn't dictated by popular opinion, male oppression, or really anything. are they finally comprehending fiction?

just wait. all these females about to get a ass woooping just like the men in Game Of Thrones did

Keep going. It will be kinda shitty up until the end of season six, but then the two best episodes of the series will air back to back

Really making going gay seem viable

>When you literally are getting fucked in every way shape and form possible by men. At work, intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, politically and of course; physically but at least you're winning in imaginary dungeons and dragons world on TV

this is it. we have officially entered the dystopian clownworld timeline

every last one of them gets wrekt

Here are all the leaks for this season. Spoil away faggots. green-chili.blogspot.com/2017/03/got-season-7-episode-guide.html

literally btfo 5 annoying women

In the last episode they were discussing some legend about the "prince that was promised."

Implied it was a girl.

Literally said "the word prince doesn't have a gender."

I've had enough of this YASSSS QUEEEEEEENN SLAYYYYYYYY shit tv show.

Final scene gave me legit boner

The show is not what is used to be, too many normies started complaining about rape/torture scenes so jews started putting their hands on the plot and ruined everything for everyone.

>2 women on the show in leader roles
>one of which just lost her entire fleet
>the other blew up her own city and made a ton of enemies

Meanwhile, mr snow is fighting two wars, one of which is against an immortal army of undead soldiers, and making great progress.

>women can only win a scripted event
vaginas btfo

When is he going to deliver on the cock?

Who is Jon Snow?

>try to get into GoT
>watch three episodes
>more goddamn subplots than the Wire

>"Actually Khaleesi, Valerian is a genderless language, so the prophecy could refer to a prince OR princess"

actual quote from latest season

top kek

the entire show is showcasing the incompetence of women rulers. Let's see dany fucked up an entire continent because of muh emotions. You can't just liberate slaves and have no economic/social crisis. Cersei, do I need to say shit about her idiocy? Ellaria Sand and the sand snakes, literally killed off house Martell over Oberyns death. Oberyn who died trying to avenge his dead sister and her kids. Brienne of Tarth never fought the Hound in the books, that shit was pure wank material. But to be fair the hound did have that nasty infection slowing him down so. Also look at last episode the sand snakes got fucking wrecked by the alpha af Euron.

Okay, so I had free HBO this weekend and I tried watching this show because I had never watched it. Like literally what in the fuck is this shit about? It's like a perverted interpretation of Hamlet. Something something North, that girl from the shitty Terminator remake, something about some woman's mother on a ship, then some faggot jumps off and leave some women off to die or something, there's a lot of CGI fire and shit but I really didn't understand what the fuck was going on and it seemed really fucking stupid. And people watch that shit?

At least 50 Cent's nigger show Power was on, because otherwise I would have finished the night pissed the fuck off after wasting time watching that putrid shit HBO calls some kind of quality television.

The books are much different, in the book Brianne got trounced by the hound but got lucky. When she fought Jamie lannister after he had been imprisoned for months and was weak she almost lost. All of Aryas scenes in the show where she kills a bunch of people are done by other men in the book. Danny is basically a stupid teenage girl in the books and gets used by men. (((Hbo))) is just fucking everything.

You mean Aegon Targaryen.

Only game of thrones that counts.

wasn't he not included in the show?

Who cares. It is just a show.

I would just love to see Jaime walk in to him hatefucking Cersei like a $2 ho

>show on extremely lefty cuck network pushes feminism

Not true. The women have been getting mucked. Last season literally ended with The Mountain being allowed to rape the nun my Cersai. The Mountain is a known rapist in Westeros, and Cersai tells her she won't be dying anytime soon

The show is about medieval fantasy politics, what did you expect?

Best Scene of the show

If you think about it, there are absolutely no good female rulers in the shows and books. Cersei, Lysa Arryn, the Sand snakes, Daenerys - all of them are shit, and except for Daenerys who got her ass saved by either the dragons, Jorah or Varys multiple times, all of them fucked up big time. Whereas the only good rulers the show had were men - Tywin, Tyrion, Ned, Jon snow, Littlefinger. They all know what they want, know how to do things, some have honor, others have sense on realpolitik and none is a dumbass like those powerful whores. The only exception is the queen of thorns. Sometimes i think GRRM is baiting on feminism to crush it afterwards.

Hmm thats interesting. I Never read any of the books but I kinda just assumed RR Martin had some kind of female domination fetish and expressed that in his fantasy world. Maybe not then..

Yeah this is why I kinda just want it to end. It's become too much about political shit and not enough about story. So happy with the last episode.

hol up
I stopped watching mid S6 but I thought they didn't even bother with a butchered version of Aegon but they actually didn't even include him?
Are they gonna make a meme merging him with Jon?

It's worth watching but it's pretty bad, obvious pandering to empower women even though it's a fictional TV show with no basis in reality.

There's a legit moment when gender is brought up in relation to the word prince. The women goes on about how prince in the context it's in is not gender specific and could mean princess. It sounded so out of place.


webm or video link to that scene?

its a perverted interpretation of the war of the roses

Call me a pleb, but Breaking Bad somehow managed to have parallel subplots that do not feel like watching ten movies in parallel.

>buy GoT books at the store
>Take them home, very excited
>"You expect me to know what all these little shapes on the page mean?"

Someone give me the TL;DR of GoT I really don't care about spoilers, just tell me what happens to the main characters in 20 words or less

Sand sneks get btfo by a single man. It's pretty enjoyable to watch


Euron is /ourguy/

its fucking fantasy! The god damn dragons are going to win the throne, should the humans just give up?

Did she not watch the last few episodes? Euron fucked up some cunts, and Jon Snow put his sister in her place multiple times. Granted he did say she will rule in his place, but that was after he told her he wasn't going to stay and that he was going to meet Daenerys.

At this point we are beyond the books. Unfortunately ol' R.R Martin has the whispering ears of 1000 ((them)) producers telling him people will like it better if he panders. The books up until now are irrelevant. Rip Thrones

Feeling sleepy user?
>so sleepy

> Someone give me the TL;DR of GoT I really don't care about spoilers, just tell me what happens to the main characters in 20 words or less
I haven't watched much of the how but here it is:
Everybody dies eventually. Also tits for better ratings.

I just can't wait until Dany gets her comeuppance


There is really something pathetic about leftists females caring so much about TV shows movies i.e. fantasy scenarios. I can't quite put my finger on it.

Not being smart enough to follow subplots

>Cersei is a colossal bitch that no one likes and is losing power
>Dany is looking more and more like her crazy father
>Euron btfos the sand snakes and yara
>Jon snow sitting comfy in the north
Yeah, totally winning

Anyone who has watched and/or read up to this point and does not consider Dany to be the main human villain is a delusional child. She is Merkel. She is an entitled childless blonde who is importing an army of brown rapists into the west, with or without the consent of the people already living there.

Breaking Bad is a lot smaller in scope, and the show is centered around a single guy.

Hard to give overview for the "main" characters. Specially since the show butchered them bad.

Ned Stark dies
Daenerys somehow gets 3 dragons which are the only reason for her to even be on the show/books. (and her being nude at least once every season)
Despite the dragons she remains a useless roastie
Jon snow is kill, gets brought back.
In the show Cersei is shows as a somewhat competent ruler but in the books she's as idiotic as you would expect and she gets outplayed at every turn by the dwarf and CIA guy.
Euron is alpha male testosterone crazed BAMF
Tyrion is witty and probably the only reason to watch the show apart from the eventual boobies and cgi battles.

The other "main" characters are either already dead or need a wall of text to explain

I cringed so hard. I hope it ends soon, I'm ensnared by sunken cost fallacy.

GoT is all about building characters up to make the downfall extra-crushing

imho the books are amazing, GRRM really knows how politics works and puts it on paper. The atmosphere is completely different than that of the show.
To answer your question, it's something like it:
>who cares too much about honor instead of playing the game of thrones dies (ex: Ned, Rob)
>The entire plot is like a chess play between Littlefinger and Varys, but it is never explicit
>the women rulers are mostly dumbasses and people always bet against them

>watching the electric Jew


This is what happens when you still watch this junk instead of based anime.

Dany's been an annoying little cunt for so long
she's just pretty and has dragons.
You can tell that she's going crazy asf.
Tbh she should've listened to the Queen of Thorns, only smart woman in the entire show. But Dany is too far up her own ass.

strawpoll.me/13535219 :(second one should have a slight trigger warning, based on my flag)

And I'm not only talking about enjoying a nice work of fiction, to me it seems like these people get their whole purpose in life from those shows. Are they that shallow? There has to be something more to it.

watching fantasy land marysue makes you master gender and all powerful in rl..didn't you know

Enjoy him while you can, cause you just know Yara will kill him after saying how strong and independent women are and that they need no savage man to rule them.

I'd say GRRM does good except for Daenerys and Jon where, assuming Jon does come back from being stabbed (I didn't read the latest book) both of them benefit from deus ex machina plot armor that should have killed them the way it killed Ned/Robb.

>be objectively inferior in real life

I haven't watched the show, but I read the books.

Is it worth watching the show? I seem to recall one of the HuffPo websites (if not HuffPo itself) bitching about the rapes and how horribly women were treated. Did they suddenly forget their outrage?
