Sup Forums Why so many good looking white women becoming alt right...

Sup Forums Why so many good looking white women becoming alt right. Do they genuine believe in the movement or are they just trying to spam the sexually frustrated obese virgin neets on Sup Forums for shekels? I know Lauren used to make $200,000 every year on patreon donations.

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>the sexually frustrated obese virgin neets on Sup Forums
I'm not fat REEEEEEE.

Any way the wind blows, user.

Tara is Indian and Jewish. Stop calling her white.

Attractive people have nothing to prove.


We're spreading memes, they are spreading info to the fucking normies

They asked themselves whether they'd rather serve in heaven or rule in hell.

That's right goyim. Let women get involved in politics

Another shill thread. Actually just kys.

the fuck is that beast

Here are the right Husbands for that Ladies.

Most of the YouTube shill operations are fronted by trannies. I sure hope you don't fap to these Satan loving lunatics.

obviously theyre in it for the cash cow

all they have to do is show up, claim its theyre world view and bam, they get paid. theyre the political version of gamer girls on twitch

a Mormon

>Lauren Southern
>Good looking
She's nothing but a stupid kike rat.

Oh look, it's leftypol. Hello cunts. The day of the rope is approaching and you're the first ones to go.

I want to slap Lauren Southern's belly while feeding her

>German autism

Bottom left looks like a beach haired Chelsea-bot planted to shill

>Tuonelan Joutsen
she's such white trash. not well spoken, low quality videos. finnish youtube is mega cucked and the far-right presence is non-existent. fuggin sad DDD:

checking these since you niggers are blind all the sudden

damn shes getting thic

she's actually slimmed down recently I think. she reached thiccness a while back





Fuck, they are literally all Jews.

One of them is a camwhore you faggot

Alt right youtube is the media arm of Sup Forums, use them to our advantage instead of shitting on them.

Jesus fuck scrub we go over this once a day. Like green washing, alt lite is a new trend in media. Media producers know betas are gullible and they cast girls to suck donations from dumbass new-red pills who Want confirmation bias.

They serve zero point to Sup Forums except as useful idiots and psyop sockpuppets. As a Sup Forums you get more insight from f5 and meta-searching then listening to these honeypot.

How to spot Peter/Moarpheus/Lauren's Hotter Sister:
(He suffers from a messiah complex & grand delusions)
He uses the same words and phrases repeatedly.
Starting with the most common, top to bottom:
>"name the Jew"
>*giggle blush*

These are his real social media accounts:

I see 0 problemo.

t. Palestinian with jew girl domination fetish

And this is Moarberg's main congregation:
>Naziflag user who posts the same images without text
>Haemon, a tripfag (!Xx/9vmKyYU)
>▶AntiSJW▶Libertarian of /leftypol/
And lesser ones

None of them are actually Right-Wing.

>Childless unmarried white women praising the virtues of tradcon living.
>"Donate to my patreon!"

jew, man, halfbreed, jew, postwall roastie, jew/man/non white, jew, jew

Tara and Lana are the only good ones desu.

>Lana is married and has 2 kids
>Wife With a Purpose is married and has 6 kids
>Blonde and Tara both have fiances and are about to get married

Oh, well, shit. Corrected.
They will no-fault at the right time.


Just realized they're all chestlets.

>belly button piercing
absolutely degenerate

All the real right wing women are married taking care of an infant right now. These are e celeb thots

That is shrapnel. She's a veteran.

>I know Lauren used to make $200,000 every year on patreon donations.

Same reason tit cows are making money dressing up as anime characters.

They don't give a fuck about t. virgins. They make good money doing it though.


The majority of those women are unattractive.

Shills getting worried :)


Investors have finally woken up to the fact that Sup Forums is the global refuge of the young ugly nerds, the fat, the rejected and the unappealing. And they are capitalizing on it with great effect. It is hilarious, and good luck to them.


Who is this fluid druid?
she does a podcast too

Lol, you guys are really projecting your desires on others, women aren't as hungry for making money themselves as men are; They wanted attention, they wanted to be looked up to, so they got into presenting their politics online; these politics resonated well with a certain group of generous people, they found their audience, and they're working to satisfy their audience. But It's shortsighted to think they actually got into it for what the result ended up being, and it's a big mistake to think they're "dumb whores" and don't truly agree with the message unless you have proof. Be more accepting of people getting into your movement, but be quick to turn against them and call them out if they prove themselves to be opposed to it.


The cancer killing Sup Forums

she's got some views that are not exactly "settled science" but if you're NS she's 99% perfect she narrated this documentary

Is there anything more unfortunate than a flat chested woman?

Hey! I'm not young!

A flat earther who believes that everyone who is not on the same page as her is a cryptojew.
>99% perfect

e-celebs thread need to be saged

>on Sup Forums ecelebs
lmao you can find some girl to put on makeup on youtube and get a million views each video, but yeah they're investing in people who get 6,000 views a video.

And on top of that an actual coalburner, likes nigger music, has a half nigger child.

This trend, where women can start a channel and spout a couple pseudo-edgy opinions -- or even just say "i'm alt-right" -- and wind up with 50k+ subs in a month, or a $250k income after a year, books deals, etc. -- all this is proof that the redpills we all brag about aren't spreading. Most people who identify with our "movements" are normalfags just here to feel part of a herd. No one "gets it", not at all. No one is redpilled on women, race, politics in an any way, shape, or form. This list of faces in OP is all the proof you need to realize that you are just being farmed by a new cash cow, by a new online marketing trend and gimmick: the thirsty virgin "right winger", age 15-34, low to upper middle class, able to spend moderate to heavy amounts of time online.


You're being played, because you have no principles and you're all fake, hypcritical degenerates -- and you deserve what you get in the end.


All women want is attention.
Women can't, per-se, have political or social-economic opinions.

Who would want to watch hours and hours of blabbering, boring women just because they spew opinions you agree with?
Answer: sex deprived internet virgins and dumbasses who place women on pedestals so they feel that when their opinions are reitrated by women those opinions get validation.


Who dis

>doesn't like a NatSoc
how surprising
I don't agree with her on the FE idea.. however she's been correct about jewish infiltration of the "altright" and in general
all white women are beautiful and red heads are near the top. smelly dreadlocks are Bolshevik's fav

The white rose is a degenerate cam whore.

>still have no idea who this is

Be quite please, German's are brainwashed, your leftist opinion is cancer.

I don't care why, it attracts the betas and that's enough.

Literally none of those people are making the kind of bank you suggest. LS was making the most and it was around 75k a year. Most of them are getting a measly 500-1000 bucks a month. And the alt-right ones are barring themselves from most forms of employment by attaching their identities to racist ideas. If you seriously think this is only about money you are fucking retarded. It's hilarious that a total pseudo-intellectual like you who can't even get his facts straight are lecturing people about getting "played".

>a picture of a random black kid which was reverse image searched to a "share your kids" blog and the real mother is clearly not Sinead
>ok, a picture of Sinead 10 years ago with her gay black coworkers at a restaurant
>parodies popular music
wow, I mean how much more proof does anyone need.

I don't know who this is I don't follow that shit but damn I'd hit it.

>who dis

Are you the Fingol white knight that comes to defend your waifu Lauren every time her name is mentioned? You're the saddest recognizeable user we've ever had on Sup Forums. You should seriously kys.

Smart females that realized feminism forced white men to become "too nice" and want to be manhandled again by superior being and not your average shitskin.

>i'll fuck any diseased hole that might feel good
>maybe even men if it feels good
>muh dik
High percentage of nigger genes?

Care to explain why that statement is supposedly invalid?

If a niggerbrood bearing hypocrite manages to stop 100 other white women from making the same mistake that's 99 less niggerbrood bearing white women than the hypothetical alternative.

>uses a vibrator on camera for money
>"gross bro thats how yhou get diseases"

>Lauren used to make $200,000 every year on patreon donations.

So why didn't she just buy the ship that G.I. wanted if she believed in them so much?

>hi look at these guys that need money
>by the way give money to me instead

what happened with that "N$" french prostitute "electreismore" ?

>no counter arguments

As I expected. Go back to leftypol. You're obviously not genuine.

They're in it for the shekels.
They go on about how they want to "save themselves" for a man and lap about "having kids." Barely any of above have kids desu.

Men giving women money is also traditional :^)

>caring about the political opinions of people who are barely old enough to vote

>believing what shills say at face value

She was getting around 6k a month and it had only gotten that high recently

>A meme ideology
>doesn't like nother meme ideology
Truly shocking.

>it's a fin protects his waifu episode again

She wont let you impregnate her, Spurdo.

At least she is honest about being a camwhore

a flat chested man?

>getting 6k a month for one video a week in which you just talk into a camera

>Care to explain why that statement is supposedly invalid?
I'm not sure why this is so hard for so many of you to get, but every principle is connected to every other principle like a chain. What's the point of nationalism if its degenerate, and will just degenerate again into internationalism like it did before? What's the point of "defeating" leftism, if we still wind up with "post-feminism" women, degenerate camwhores with feminist brainwashing? What's the point of being anti-racemixing if you just wind up with destroyed families, high divorce, and "needing to import replacement populations" all over again? Whats the point of achieving any of the things we hold up as valuable, if we've sewn the seeds of that achievement's failure into the effort?

Most of you are still in the civic nationalist, alt-lite, normalcuck phase of this journey, so you look at all these camhores that you pretty much just fap to, and tell yourself "they're all BASED ROASTIES who are redpilling people to join our sides" -- but like Milo and all the other degenerates you've been worshipping, they're just normalizing degeneracy and the cultural marxist agenda while they claim to be normalizing something else.

Its what we call "controlled opposition", selling you A but delivering B instead.

stfu literal fucking Laruen Internet Defense Force. You do nothing but defend her brand name, and have been for over a year now. If you aren't a paid shill you're a desperate faggot that needs to kys.

You offered no legitimate arguments in the first place.

Lauren had a black bf, the Mormon is bi and had sex with women while married, half of Tara's family is black and she's part South Asian, the gothy brunette is a camwhore and Blonde looks like she enjoys black/brown dick in her


>what is a pendulum swing
>what is profit

holy shit are you actually the same Finland flag lauren fan defending her every day? Are you literally in love with her?

>it's not faaaaair

Why don't you whine about Kim Kardashian getting millions for being a degenerate whore instead of whining about the very rare people who are arguing against cultural marxism and other ills infecting the west in public

The guy claimed those women are making bank. If you look at their Patreons most of them are barely making a few hundred bucks a month. His claims were bullshit from the get-go.