If you could change 1 thing that happened in history, what would it be?


I'd have bombed Dunkirk

I'd go back and stop my grandfather's friend from sodomising me in the nursing home toilets.

Stop Gavrilo Princip from assassinating Franz Ferdinand.

No WW1, possibly no communism in Russia, no Hitler, no WW2.


A good choice. But WW1 was so very close anyways, you probably would have only delayed it.

I would have stopped Gaius Iulius Caesar assassination plot. This way he would have led his veteran army (already assembled) to Parthia as planned.

The history of the world would have been so different

Kill Abraham
Kill Moses (if above never existed)
Kill Marx

Thomas Edison doesn't electrocute that elephant.

I'd assassinate St. Paul so most of that steaming pile of shit called the new testament would never be written

idk about you but i'd change the war of the spanish succession so that france & spain win

i would tell the americans to castrate their nigger slaves

this, kill those fucking anglojuden

God bless
White America truly was the best country before FDR.

Not cheat on my Ex . . .

she'd still cheat on you

Probably assassinate Cleopatra.

Do guys want emotes add to this board ?

The Allies wake up and realize they are are on the wrong side of history, align themselves with the true victors.

>tfw never cheated on any gf because never had any gf

I'd tell him to do it again (twice) (maybe more)

I would do something so that the Anglo cucks wouldn't start the Crimeian War and Russia would take Istanbul from the Turks

Either Gavrilo Princip or Eddy Bernase.would be hit by a well timed bus... torn between the 2

And that's why you're a foreigner in your own country, pat yourself on the back.

Id go back in time to tell Pilsudski that there is no time, and he will die soon.
We need to make alliance with Germany before he dies, and strike faster.

He's coming for you

If only Longstreet had . . . .
-O. Henry

I would change the immunesystem of non white humans 10000 years ago. So the earth would be populated by only whites.

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. It can be argued that WW1 would've happened anyway but it could've still dramatically altered the following events (hopefully). But that is a cliche one so an alternative would be the Battle of Gettysburg so the CSA would win the war.

I'd stop ww1 by any means necessary.

If you're a Christian, what the fuck?
If you're a fedora, why not just kill Moses and put a stop to the whole thing?

Silly question you know what Sup Forums would change.


I'd try to prevent the assassination of Mauritius by phokas. The byzantine/persian peace was strong under Maurice for personal reasons (he helped the sassanid shah regain his throne), and had phokas not prompted the Shah to a war of revenge, both empires would have had no problem soundly trouncing the Rashidun.

When I clicked on this post to reply. I would undo that.

Get atomic weapons to Gen. MacArthur for the Korean War so he bombs Beijing. We enter best timeline.

assasinate George Washington

Destroy Muhammad and leave the Arabian peninsula with only 10%population so so easy

Not having Wilhelm II being ascended into power would be better. Wilhelm demolished the works of his predecessor, Otto Von Bismarck, to make way for senseless German expansionism, which led to WW1 and in turn the rise of communism around the world.

Prevent the disaster at Manzikert

Stop Badoglio and the King from backstabbing Italy and Germany
The Italian front was already a bloodbath compared to the Western Front and just immagine if they would have meet a determined resistance

Fuck snakes.

the old testament is entertaining

get hitler to actually kill the jews

Change outcome of Poltava

WW2 outcome

Kill Abraham.

Hillary is the snake

I would warn the British army of the French surprise attack at the battle of New York. If that battle had gone the other way we could well have kept ahold of the US, which would have prevented WW1 by having an obvious numbers advantage, consequently it would also stopped WW2 (which historians generally agree would not have happened if there was no WW1).

Kill the first jew

Kill Marx.

kill Martin Luthor before he could ruin the west

"Stay in the fucking tree, apedude. Trust me on this one."

it also could well have shored up the power of the crown, as after the revolution the monarchy was severely de-powered by parliament

>If you could change 1 thing
Hitler would have won the war.

I'd have stopped the Atlantic slave trade

End the 1789 French Revolution. Kill all the traitors.

That is not a historical event but a series of historical events.


Not bring niggers to America. And keep it that way.

Uncle Adolf wins

I mean, not to burst your bubble, but the colonists were very lazy. They bought slaves so they didn't have to work. You'd be undercutting the American way if you did that.

so youd still be in africa? good choice

This, and I'm not even american. Would move there though 9.5/10 society. Would likely be less polarized (by todays standard, but people would still be split into opposing political parties, just closer ideologically than now).. yes, a proud nation with no white guilt or civil rights bullshit and literally less than half the current murders and only like 40% of robberies you have now.

How do you stop the rise of communism without stopping the rise of fascism?

Whatever you have to do to end up with that result, I'd do it.

Castrate Adolf Hitlers father, before Hitler was conceived.

I'd make mayer amschel rothschild die in infancy

That West as you know it would not exist if Christianity never comes to past.

There's no way you can remove Jew and kebab without inadvertently removing Christianity

How many of them 'colonists' owned slaves?
I'm pretty sure almost all of them were hard workers.

The first Arab conquests.

Haha good one but no, so our inner cities wouldn't be hell holes.

go back in time and tell Emperor Trajan to completely conquer germania entirely in order to fuel the parthian campaign and after that prepare the heir successor for a huge campaign against the scythian territories and eastward.

and also the importance of roman paganism, importance of complete cultural assimilation among captive populations, and the importance of strict adherence to the mos maiorum and to benevolent leadership. Maybe give him an accurate map of europe and the rest of the world cuz why the hell not?

Either Marx dying at the age of 5 from anal cancer or That Romans prematurely shoah all Jews.

show your real flag faggot

Step on the first fish that crawled out from the ocean

Britain siding with France in WW1

Make Henry VIII and Catalina of Aragon have a boy, imagine a fucking Anglo-Spanish Empire

He's clearly a fucking jew.

Then He could have taken the crown of the Empire.
I've gotta say Spainbro, that's a nice fantasy.

>imagine New Mexico
>now multiply by a thousand
>Jaygoes unironically have wet dreams about this


Having Britain and Germany go to war in ww2 instead being ruled by either the now hyper monarchy of Edward VIII or the British union of fascists under Mosley and forming the eternal Anglo-Germanic Alliance and decimating the Communists to the east alongside the democratic Jews in the Americas. Hail Hitler and God Save the King! (plus mussolini keeps Vincereing it up down south and forms the second roman empire)
- Germany gets central Europe + Russia (under Hitler)
- Britain gets her empire (under Mosley or New monarch)
- Italy gets LA MEDITERRANEO and north negroland (Under VINCERE)

Try and think of a better future than this
>protip you can't

I honestly don't know. Maybe Battle of Ankara but i actually dislike Ottomans. And i don't hate my Seljuk ancestors.
Maybe birth of Muhammad.

Isabel and Juana were older than Catalina, their children would have gone first(and they did)
Maybe you mean Felipe II and Maria I?

I don't know how to tell you this but Western Civilisation was doing prefty well before semitism entered into Europe.
Europe fucking invented modern civilisation.
>muh christianity
Absolute embarrassment. You sound American.


The fall of the Swedish Empire, or at the very leas the overthrow of Gustav IV Adolf.

If France and England hadn't been at war for centuries we would have had a whole lot different world. Those two unifying in the 13th or 14th century would have completely changed the face of Europe and the world. They would have conquered the whole world from the Americas to Asia. We'd be conquering the solar system by now, or better.

Western civilization is Christian, lad.

Britain can't be a superpower if the continent is dominated by one overwhelmingly powerful state. At best we would become a glorified tributary (which the present case anyway).

>Ancient Greece and Ancient fucking Rome were Christian at their peak

>can't tell where I'm from
Are you just thick or are you actually retarded?

Its just that, lad ; "ancient".
Rome and Greece are to this day part of the more religious parts of Europe. They aren't polytheist and there's nothing that you can say that will make them so. Europe is, in all regards, Christian.

'european' is not a country, mohammed.

letting turks invade europe

see this guy gets it

show us your real flag

I wouldn't bring the jungle bunnies to the americas.



Napoleon should have win

but it was bombed you mongoloid, the entire city was a ruin and it help the infantry btw