Why do people of Latin America and African Americans speak the languages of their oppressors???

Why do people of Latin America and African Americans speak the languages of their oppressors???
In Ukraine we are stopping russian imperialism by undoing centuries of russification. Why don't they do the same?

It verks.

We aren't so retard

Because it was a long time ago, nobody alive was even born back when we were opressed by spaniards, my grandparent's grandparents spoke spanish. Basically the same reason niggers don't deserve affirmative action

>Shakes off russian Imperialism
>Literally rips itself apart only decades later
Worked out fine for you, what could go wrong?

Because they've forgotten their native languages, and they wouldn't be able to communicate with one another if they didn't use Spanish/Portuguese/English as a lingua franca.

Who are you calling retarded, you fucking monkey!

>Changing the language of a country where most people speak it

It's ingrained in the culture now, you can't change it. At least not that easy

Also, be nice to that monkey, you gulag fodder

¿Que opresión?

it is probably better for them than to literally starve to death because of russia.

don't act stupid, Pedro. You Conquistadored Cuauhtmoc's wife

We didn't have our own country for 123 years (about 5-6 generations) we were separated between Germans and Russians who both made much efford to make us Germans and Russians, and we didn't give up.

Your culture was just too weak to surivie, that is why you are a spic now

Which oppressors?

Latin America was colonized by Spaniards. They race-mixed pretty well in the Caribbean, so they aren't really seen as oppressors. Plus Argentina and Chile had white waves which never race mixed, so they are pretty white, not just whiteish.


No one gives a shit about Native Americans in Brazil. Good luck find a Brazilian with more than 9% of native ancestry.

you werent alive 123 years ago
None really, but OP mentioned oppression and if it ever happened it was something that happened when nobody alive could've done anything about it

Like roaches or bed bugs, you Polacks will never truly die out

1 - Brazil barely has Native Americans, native admixture or native looking people
2 - African Americans are all part Irish, they are mutts.
3 - Mulattoes from Americas are mutts, they will never be accepted in Africa.

>Why do people of Latin America and African Americans speak the languages of their oppressors???
>In Ukraine we are stopping russian imperialism by undoing centuries of russification. Why don't they do the same?

Ukraine is a failed state

Bohoo. Fuck off, you dirty hypocrite poole. You literally have no right to speak, you were polonizing us for centuries. That's why Volyn happened.

The cultural, social and practical usefulness of the Spanish language is far greater than any other indigenous language previously spoken in America. Very few of these had any written form so they were replaced. Just like you don't use stone tools anymore, those languages were dropped.










because someone is more retarded than latinos

The mutual intelligibility of Ukrainian and Russian is so high that Ukrainian can almost be considered a Russian dialect so

Wolyn is the reason why Pooland should deport all hohols

all hohols were deported from Poland in 1947, slave labor does not count

Funny thing is that hohols cry a river about Akcja Wisła but boast over Wołyń, how brave cossac warriors murdered 100k of women and children. We should have used ovens in Aushwitz instead of driving them out.

Are you really justifying Volyn right now?
Please tell me you are some sort of shill.

spoken languages have a lot fewer words than written ones, words are often used for many similar things (polysemy), like the same word for tomorrow and the future
a dictionary for most african languages would be about 100 pages

you end up needing a bunch of loanwords, or have a body which agrees upon making new ones

only groups here who seem to keep their languages are ones rich enough to send them to a special school (jews) or weekend course (chinese)

Of course he is justifying Wołyń. Please, remember that it is the only historically significant event that was coused by hohols. It is something they need to claim their national identity and pride. Dont you dare to take it away from them.

wow wtf i hate ukrainians now

Don't get on your high horse yet slavshit, as Pooland's only historically relevant event was getting it's cities razed and cucked by countries from all directions

It's really funny how despite hating each other, poles and russians are always ready to team up against us.
There's no shame in Volyn. And there's going to be another one for your kind when we will take Donbass and Crimea back. Justice must be served.

what is the siege of vienna?

Wouldnt say so. But whatever you believe, bro.

Because it's either Spanish or 1000+ native tongues it's just logical.

I love Mexico : )

Kek ukraine shillbot thinks he is better. Your kind is used here for slave labour force working just for bread and vodka. Literally worst people in Europe but you are good slaves.

What?Killing kids and women?The only enemy you can defeat hohol