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What about a swiss army knife?

So are they going to start raiding kitchens for knives?

Any non-fixed blade of 3 inches or less is perfectly legal (except on state school property and a few other places I expect).

It's a nightmare. We Europeans are scared of gun ban but look at UK! A fucking knife ban!!!!!!!

>Don't be a buffoon, bin that spoon!


I think forks are next, then they close the spork loophole before moving on to spoons.

The logical conclusion is gonna be "Don't be a prick, get rid of that toothpick"

I am bad at haikus but here it is:

Hate speech carry penalty up to 10 years.
Join your local mosque now.

>Don't be a dork, bin that spork!

Don't be a dork
Drop that spork

god damn it I should have refreshed before posting.

>They are still butthurted for not catching Jack

>Don't be a dork, bin that spork!

We're gonna have to put you in a home soon, dad.
The nurses are all gonna be brown-skinned triple-anal whores.
>We voted to surrender our cocks last year!!!

Never mind. LOL. You're gonna love it.

Get back to cleaning my toilet

It's 5-7-5, not 11-6

>get caught with knife
>but officer I was just on my way to bin that knife
>you're free to go

I mean just so we're 100% here, this only really applies if you're walking around town with a knife.

If you're taking a walk in the countryside with a knife in your pocket they're won't arrest you.

>>you're free to go


I thank whatever deity rules this realm that my ancestors left the UK. We may have a completely cucked leader, but at least gun rights and even knife rights (wtf?!) still exist in Leafland.

You could literally sharpen a god damn stick by scraping it on the pavement that would be pointy enough to stab anybody. If you really wanted to stab someone not having a knife would not stop you.

HAHAHAHHAHAH disgusting inbred islander limey faggot brit-kikes going all out to out-sven the Sven, hahaha.

You snaggletooth vermin, why didn't Hitler obliterate you, oh well thankfully Achmed will rape you, your teenage daughters (I condone that) and then it will be turned to caliphate, so all the limeys will be forced to bend over at tea and biscuits time.


When I was studying to become a chef I used to carry 8 different knives in my school bag every day.
What will happen to UK's student chefs?

You know how police deliberately randomly set speed traps in hidden places on safe stretches of roads in order to raise money through fines? I wonder if they will use the same asshole tactics with knives?

They will have an undercover officer hanging around the cutlery section of Tescos, informing armed officers hidden outside every time someone buys a spoon, instantly fining them as soon as the customer steps outside. Meanwhile, the drugged-out-his-mind immigrants cuts off a 5-year-old girl's head with a machete he brought with him from Africa, and desecrates the corpse while the Guardian cheers him on.

Don't be a fool; bin that tool!

How's that aristocracy working out for ya bongs?

When will they ban brollys?
My umbrella is the only thing that makes me feel safe walking through shithole neighbourhoods.

Don't be a pussy, kick out that muzzie

>What will happen to UK's student chefs?

They'll prepare a traditional meal of fish asshole casserole, folowed by a a plate of snails.
Then, they'll profusely apologize to the french, and a bunch of niggers who still eat rock soup (same thing, but it makes dad feel better).

Expect no less than 6 Netflix Documanteries about this next year.

So a basic allround kitchen knife, like pic related, is classed as illegal?

Fucking hell, Brit cooking is just gonna get worse isn't it. All tinned and frozen, an Iceland on every high street..

Also would be fucking mad if anyone tried to take my expensive high quality knife from me for such shitty reasons..

whats that mate?




fuck britain. either overthrow your government or get buried alive you retards.

How did anglos went from bloodthirsty conquerers out for the blood germanics to sisssfied pussies?

What the fuck? That can't be the case, a knife is one of the most important tools we have. I literally cannot make food without one.

but what about my katana forged with nippon steel that's folded over ten trillion times?


>get buried alive

The epicenter of disgusting boomerism seems to have made this choice already.

>So a basic allround kitchen knife, like pic related, is classed as illegal?

Are You Trying To Start A Civil War?

You need a license for toilet paper in bongland, these days.

>Are ye plannin' to wipe your arse or blow up the palace, ya git?

>Fucking hell, Brit cooking is just gonna get worse isn't it. All tinned and frozen, an Iceland on every high street..
Doner kebab is easy to make even without knives like that.
So Ahmed will still be able to supply them with healthy food.

Brits and germans are examples of what hapened if there were no men in a country.

Youll need it to protect you from the acid

>visit Britain for a few weeks for work related reasons
>figure I'll splurge a little and go out to eat
>on my way there several men with assault rifles screaming about Allah shoot up the street
>run out of there with bullets whizzing over my head
>police are waiting around the corner with foot long plastic batons and 20-volt stun guns murmuring to each other about how when the terrorists run out of ammo or get bored of shooting people they'll get "a real walloping"
>stumble into grocery store figuring I'll just cook a porkchop or something at home
>there are no porkchops because sharia is in effect for miles
>get a steak and some cutlery
>on my way home a truck speeds down the street and crashes through the window of a bar
>people screaming everywhere
>start sprinting home, people running past me knock the steak out of my hands
>out of the corner of my eye see a CCTV camera watching me run
>two police officers appear out of nowhere, one clotheslines me with his baton
>on the ground gasping for air, one of them points to the cutlery in my hand
>they take turns stomping on my head and spitting on me
>can still hear gunfire and people screaming down the street
>they're both laughing and calling me a dumb yank as I black out
>wake up in jail
>sentenced to 20 years for felony weapon possession
>I was only visiting temporarily so they go ahead and take it down to 5 years + a fine of $7,000 as I didn't have a licence for the television in my apartment
>fine drains my savings, can't even make bail
>years later emerge from prison and return to America
>exit the airport and breathe in the delicious American air
>get shot

To bin or not to bin. That's the real question


Fucking hell, I thought it was fake. Britain gets more cucked each day.

jesus christ i hate that sandnigger cuisine so fucking much
they literally steal gyros and claim they invented something

>lose your life

Jesus fuck bongs, is this real? That's fucking scary.

>Are ye plannin' to wipe your arse or blow up the palace, ya git?
What's more funny is that you can actually make toilet paper knives using oilet paper and candy.

U wot m8?

You forgot the swedes.

>they literally steal gyros and claim they invented something
Well arab culture is made out of whatever they stole during their conquering so pretty much.


Be a real man, cut off your hand

I also just realized that black people can't speak clear english no matter the country.

You are permitted to carry it if you have a "reasonable excuse", but that probably depends on the whims of the copper

truly bongland is hell

plus it's just beef
i don't even understand how millions of people refuse to eat the tastiest animal on the planet
subhumans the lot of em

Why does the UK have such a knife culture? Can't you retards just stop stabbing eachother?

A special kind of shiv found mostly in prisons.
You basically need toilet paper any kind but the more layers it has the less it will break. Then you need something really sticky. This is where cheap candy your relatives send you come in. By candy I mean those "orange" or "apple" tasting bonbons that are hard and really sticky but generally any candy will do if its sticky such as peanut butter, that cream that snickers have or just cheap ass chocolate depending if you have a heat source to melt them or how fast you want to melt them.
You take toilet paper and place it on the ground then you take let's say sticky chocolate and try to form it into sharp cylindrical shape. Clean your hands and wrap it in toilet paper but making sure the tip is sharp so you can harm people with it. Leave it to dry. Stab someone later.

>Oy, you got an ID on you son?

are you stupid
they ban knife carrying in streets

Its 2.5 inch blade here

It's shameful when one people steal the culture and history of another people and claim it as their own

Just kidding Macebro, I've got no dog in that fight

>reasonable excuse
"r u muslim y/n"

>What's more funny is that you can actually make toilet paper knives using oilet paper and candy.

How-To videos are considered Weapons of Mass Destruction in Bongland.
You need to buy a Drip-Drop-Leaky-Fizz license for 100,000 bongs per year in order to tighten a Whizz-Wholloper legally in Londonistan.

God help 'em when they legalize pot and the hippies steal all their Walla-Walla-Bing-bangs.

Here in America something similar is done. They do the same thing but with toilet water instead of candies, then leave them in the hot sun to dry.

So wait I cant even carry a penknife?
Like a small swiss knife kind of thing would land me in jail?

Wew lad

jokes on you faggot
my country stopped with that propaganda since the new party took the gobsment
btw have you met any diaspora maces in ausland
cause they're the biggest larping faggots ever
literally believe all that retarded propaganda

What a bunch of fags. Even in Califagnia you are allowed to OPEN CARRY a knife or sword.

>A knife carried in a sheath that is worn openly suspended from the waist of the wearer is considered open carry and is legal. Penal code section 20200


>let massive amounts of violent mudslimes and shitskins in your county.
>disarm your population

Shit....you guys are in for some fun in the future.

You know it always surprised me that nobody has tried to hijack a plane using that trick. Just lock yourself in the bathroom, make a shiv hold it on the bathroom light when its hard exit the bathroom and go to the pilot's cockpit and crash the plane.
Hell. I'm not even a muslim but its goddamn enticing.
You can pretty much get passed any weapons check anywhere

Hah. All someone would have to do is etch some Koran verses into it and they wouldn't do anything.

Didnt the bongs help defeat germany back in the day? How did they get to this point


Thx asshole.
FBI will not allow toilet paper on places starting today.

pilot doors are always locked from the inside since 911

Does that "mind that child" sign imply there's a child locked that trunk?

It isn't, though. We've got less strict knife laws than most of your major cities, but it basically boils down to "nobody will ask questions if you carry a swiss army knife everywhere you go."

Those cucks can't even carry a knife?/ What in the actual fuck...

Stop defending yourselves bongs!It is ILLEGAL to not get killed by psychopaths now!

Calm down. I could've blown up the White House using nothing but pebbles. I just don't feel like it.

If I get suicided i just want everyone to know that I regret nothing in my life

The FBI lurks here, and congrats you taught them something to look out for.

Meh if anything I taught their agents how to stage the next false flag. You think they wouldn't take something so simple into consideration?

Don't forget sweets. Oh and glue

At most you probably taught the newbies something.

See? Psychos can be useful to society.

>We took your utensils
>Now we're looking at your pencils

I'm 7/8 Brit and 1/8 Maori. I think I'll start "identifying" as Maori from now on. Fuck white people.

This is bullshit. You can carry a large knife if you have justifiable reason. If you're into bushcraft you can carry a bushcraft knife given that. 'It's not concealed on your person.' It's a tool and not a weapon. If no one could carry any knife builders, carpenters and carpet layer would be fucked.

it doesn't mean shit when there are routine air cops on plains and locked pilot doors
you're delusional

Haha paki subhuman keep trolling boi

Never thought about it like that.

don't be a dick, bin that stick

The fuck are you on about?

And a Swiss army knife, is not really a knife. You know this to be true. It's blade is about as useful as a pair of nail clippers, and letter opener.

Australia has already banned any form of self defense, UK is just following us and our pseudo-fascist goverment

Misclicked the mudslime flag in the last thread I was in.

What about the airlocks? You can always fight your way to one and get it open provided it doesn't have lock. Also you can probably make a few shivs for your friends and toss them some to help you take over the plane. If what you say is true I doubt crashing it is possible without makeshift explosives or acid using present materials on the plane or from the luggage. Anyway you can always go on a stabbing spree on a plane and that's enough to instill terror.

Even the family dogs are armed nowadays in Bongistan, jesus.