US sailor stabbed date 119 times when he found out she was transgender


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i've dated a tranny before and the first thing i was told was that she was born male.

if this tranny was honest from the start she'll probably be alive now

that's a lot of stabs

>i've dated a tranny before

Here come the (you)s

Looks like said sailor just kept the Oath taken, to defend the US enemies within.

>sucks his dick
>t-this is me

Literal rape

>mfw Trump pardons the based Sailor

But did she died?

He sure has committment, I'd probably get tired after a couple dozen stabs.

"She" also wouldn't have made it to a date with him. He knew this, which was why he lied and said he was a woman. Hopefully more fags die like this, so trans get the message that regular men don't want them.

A girl pretended to be a guy in this country, so she could fuck girls.

She got jailed for rape.

>He said Whigham picked him up at the gate of Keesler and the two went straight to the hotel where Whigham was staying. He said after they had a form of sex at the hotel, she told him she was a transgender woman.

That faggot raped him by deceit. I would have done the same.

Have a (you). No need to thank me. It's a gift. Take it. It's not a bomb lol, I'm not a fucking sand nigger. Just an user looking to suck a little dick that's all.. oops did I say that out loud?

Shouldn't even be against the law - Trannies need to have a duty to disclose prior to physical contact, and if they don't - it's on them.

Given how black men and women look pretty much the same I can't really blame him for making a mistake like that.

if this isn't proof men are fragile as fuck with reptilian brains i don't know what is

he literally went over one hunnid on XER! XDDD

The sailor probably had a load of semen in his mouth, the tranny sucking his dick, when he finally snapped... realizing he was a faggot.
That many stabbings is a crime of passion.
I'm willing to bet anything that they found goat loads of cum in this sailors teeth.
All Navy are closet faggots.
t. Marine
Schlempfer Fly!

You dated a mentally ill dude, you faggot

That's one hell of a knife hand, shipmate.

Don't reply to the trannyfucker. He just wants (You)s

Bragging about being fucked that many times in one night? Degenerate as fuck.

she told him she wanted to be penetrated

I dunno if he deserved to be stabbed to death, but having sex with someone without telling them you're actually a guy should be a crime.

How did I know it would be a nigger

This. Murder isn't right, but neither is that degree of deception.

When you get alcohol and that degree of sexual dishonesty involved, it's bound to end poorly.
Ancient humans had sex with non humans
The research found that humans had sex with other members of the hominins group.

Gokcumen found "wildly different" genes in DNA of humans living in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Did he stab her 119 times with his pork sword?

>119 times

good riddance

no. i will NOT apologize for such a beautiful act being committed. a faggot freak was culled from the gene pool. im raising a drink to that

>t. marine

you're bringing a new meaning the the word cum shot

>actually a guy
your definition of sex and gender is outdated. chromosomes are not an objective measurement of sex, neither are genitals.
what constitutes a "real woman"? the ability to bear children? then does that make women with ovarian cysts men?

Thanks burgerclaps for sending your tranny assassins. If I recall we've had the pleasure of one of these incidents here.

if men didn't want to have sex with trans people, why are so many raped then killed?
it's the product of a heteronormative macho culture. these men feel shame for having sexual attraction to something that isn't socially acceptably female, then carry out their anger to regain some deluded sense of masculinity.
it's a lose/lose for all parties involved, trans people die and closeted males stay in denial.

there's a lot of anger inside you that you gotta get resolved. i'd be fucking pissed too if i had to fill out all these bullshit captchas.

but traps arent gay


Nice try EuroCuck, but that shit is low quality as fuck, go back to whatever hole you came from and think of some better bait for the next tranny thread

Was she cute or a hideous troll doll?

>did he died?


119 stabs?
What did he mean by this????
Also, I hax old girlfriend( aka bitch I used to fuck) whom I had not seen in 5 years because I moved away and really didn't care to be in contact.
When I saw her I start angle way to get her pussy again.
After a couple weeks she is close but not yet. She confessed she has confirmed genital vagina herpes. She will fuck but not during outbreak.
I say ok let me think about it. Search the hell out of Herpes/sex/contagious. Go back and tell her NO, to anything between us.
Tell her she should have told me this right away as I was trying to get in her pussy.
She says sorry.(she got disease from her new bf after meh) trys to say it is not contagious if sores dry.
I say it doesn't matter, I wouldn't chance my health fucking her.
I tell her to make sure and tell the next guy she gets attention from that she is diseased before it goes any further. She says it doesn't matter she wont admit if she feels like it....
... She would get stabbed if some guy got diseased from her and I would laugh my ass off about that conniving bitch desu

Wouldn't have happened if they didn't trick someone into getting into bed with a person whose gender they are not attracted to.

Guy signed up for a woman, then he found out that he basically did gay stuff because he kissed a man and who knows what else before he found out.

It's Sampler fie, not schlempfer fry

t. real marine


>chromosomes are not an objective measurement of sex, neither are genitals

So this vivisected beast raped someone and the victim was naturally upset. Justice in action.

Sailor killing trannies instead sucking them off?

maybe he would of had now problem if it was a dude but after he started butt fucking it he noticed he didn't give it a reach around and didn't want to get a bad rep for not giving back


>what constitutes a "real woman"?
2 X chromosomes, and ONLY 2 X chromosomes, meaning no XXY.
Pretty simple really.

>chromosomes are not an objective measurement of sex, neither are genitals.

>chromosomes are not an objective measurement of sex, neither are genitals

for xim

>chromosomes are not an objective measurement of sex, neither are genitals

jesus fuck...

who took the time to count?
morticians don't bother when the body shows up looking like swiss cheese.


This one always reminds me one of this and two, the stutter guy out of a fish called wanda

I would like to stab it 119 times with my penis if you get what I'm sayin.

shut the fuck up. kill a commie for mommy.

Sorry, you have a wound

C'mon now

It's murder when you kill humans though.

i couldnt even begin to list the amount of things wrong with this post on a hundred hands

What the fuck is the point of the word "sex" if nothing can be used to definitely determine it? Sex quite literally means whether you have all the necessary parts to be able to procreate with the opposite gender. It's purpose is to help us choose our mates in a way that ensures that at least some of us procreate and guarantee the future for mankind. God, you're so fucking stupid.

My sides are in orbit

It's every soldier's duty to protect America from threats domestic and abroad. Moment of silence for a hero.

First off, kill yourself.

Second, the LGBT community advises trannies only targeting straight cis males, they say bi and people that already admit to liking transgender people will just fetishize them. Then with no sense of irony, chase only what their fetish is. But straight cis males don't like dick. We don't like it at all. LGBT community calls us bigots for that. The trans stance is literally that straight cis men should all like penis or you're a nazi.

This has gone too far, they are bating and lying and catfishing when they claim to be women and they fucking know it. No straight guy is going to suck your dick. If you are really passable, then the longer you wait to tell a straight guy, the more pissed he's going to be.

Date other evolutionary broken people. We're straight because we aren't broken and I won't tolerate any partners pretending to be one of us.


Is Ukropistan pro-transgender?

Kek, he probably was smaller than her

because rape is about power and domination

Regardless if the victim was a woman or a man, stabbing someone 119 times is clearly a sign of mental illness. Did he take breaks between the stabbings? 119 stabbings would makes your arm quit sore I'd imagine.

119 times has some connections with twin towers???

omg did >>>>>>>>she died?

Just, what I mean is, if you think trans should tell people from the start then you are hardcore on the right side of the argument, the left says they should keep it secret and spring it on straight males. They actually encourage this. Just read their insanity.

we Bantz you as crayon eating retards but at least you're not a faggot sailor



Now this is a Based Black Guy™

Top kek.


You part of Asia has been so fucked up in the head m8.
Dirty pedo-celebs using it as one giant brothel.
That then creates an industry and people chase the money.
It is a shame.

Sorry it wasn't 120?

>drop a redpill
i droped a few already. here's another

>Toll Payment Status

>Hickerson said in court on Thursday that he and Whigham had been chatting online for a couple of months but had never met in person.

>He said after they had a form of sex at the hotel, she told him she was a transgender woman.

>“I lost. I lost it,” he said, saying he really didn’t remember much afterwards.


Fucking tranny only told him she was actually a he after he gave him a BJ.

more like bailey gay

and this is what he got 119 stabs

>that moment when you realize your tranny fantasy is a skinnyfat balding beta male

Rape isn't somehow more socially acceptable, your explanation lacks internal consistency. If that's a motivator, then you'd expect these men to just leave and cut contact. Also, about half the US would praise you for sucking a trans dick so your argument is really only against a "deluded sense of masculinity" of which there is no evidence for. The men doing this seemed normal before the event. Since much more of society finds rape unacceptable compared to mtf trans, I'm going to have to call bullshit.

This whole "sense of masculinity" you talk about, it's basically nonsense. For one you have basically no evidence of it at all.

Imagine you are on a dry spell, that you want to fuck bad, you are seeing someone and it finally gets close. Then it tells you it really has a dick and was tricking you. First off, it's the worst kind of catfishing. It's like when women are 200 lbs more than their profile picture and didn't tell you. It's gross but you can leave. This trap stuff gets sprung on you in a bedroom after you were just making out.

1. The trans knows you are straight and not into dick. Decides to trick you anyway.

2. It's manipulative to wait so long, they want to shame and or blackmail you into fucking them. Tons of fantasy stuff is written about trans coercing a partner.

Being horny makes you do weird things. You are into stuff you normally wouldn't be. You sometimes watch porn and close it right after you get off and go, what the fuck. I'm not into that.

Same here. I think these are guys that got tricked into something bizzar that they are uncomfortable with, and as soon as they aren't horny they can't stand it.

This isn't about masculinity, it's basically the left forcing conversion therapy on straight men. They want to convert us on the spot and manipulate us with social pressure, peer pressure, lies, shame, and sometimes blackmail. These people might still be aroused, but also pissed off. What do you expect horny pissed off people to do?

I took a bite out of an apple and was shocked to taste citrus. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was an orange masquerading as an apple. I'm allergic to oranges. Apples can't be oranges. Oranges can't be apples.

do you own a dog by chance?

>why are so many raped then killed?
because if you killing him un-gay you


>raped then killed
but men cant be raped, user


they mention creep/creepy/creeper in a lot of comments.

not even trans people accept robots

>what is a non sequitur

Well done. Cheers

It means the same thing in this context as it does when a woman uses it.
Namely, "weirdo that I'm not attracted to."
Trannies are like all the most fucked up parts of women multiplied by 10, so if you tingle their mutilated nuts, they'll be all over you no matter how weird you are.