Why is Sup Forums so scared of trans people?

why is Sup Forums so scared of trans people?

>• Approximately 0.6% of adults identify as transgender, or 1.4 million adults.

>• There are differences in the percentage of adults who identify as transgender among the states. Hawaii (0.8%), California (0.8%), Georgia (0.8%), New Mexico (0.8%), Texas (0.7%), and Florida (0.7%) are the states that have the highest percentages of adults who identify as transgender.

>• The states with the lowest percentages of transgender-identified adults are North Dakota (0.3%), Iowa (0.3%), Wyoming (0.3%), Montana (0.3%), and South Dakota (0.3%).

>• Young adults are more likely than older adults to identify as transgender. Among adults ages 18 to 24, 0.7% identify as transgender; among adults ages 25 to 64, 0.6% identify as transgender; and among adults ages 65 and older, 0.5% identify as transgender.

inb4 muh god

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It's a mental illness. Mental illnesses are to be eradicated, not tolerated, encouraged or normalized.

I'm not scared of them, I just think they're degenerates who don't deserve rights

yet no other 'mental illness' gets anywhere near the attention here, so there must be something special about it?


Yes. This particular mental illness is being shaved down our collective throat.

>why is Sup Forums so scared of trans people?
No such thing. If you can be transgender then you can be transracial, trans species, etc. It's all crazy. Even my gay uncle doesn't accept it.

Because, gee, I dunno. Perhaps the part where assholes want us to celebrate it?

I've never been called a bigot for believing a paranoid schizophrenic is a danger to himself or others.

Categories are the basis of reality. Your identity is made of the categories you fit into. Without them, there is no reality and no self.
The body cannot live without the mind. The mind cannot exist without its gender.

There is, as of yet, no movement to normalize other mental illnesses. Note how hoarders are publicized and receive sympathy and pity and treatment, not encouragement. But if you try to criticize the medical practice of mutilation for aesthetic alteration in trans people, you are labeled a monster. In reality, any doctor who bends to the will of his patients mental illness and aids it, rather than helps to destroy it, is a traitor to himself, his creed and his patient.

I'm not really a fan of broccoli. Therefore, I must be afraid of broccoli.

t. Your logic



are you retarded?

because this is what it looks like after they mutilate their parts


are you suggesting that the act of normalising cock & vagina mutilation in the name of social justice isn't something to be afraid of? next you people will try to normalise paedophilia as a sexual orientation.

We have our own mental illness: autism.
And autism wants you to leave it the fuck alone, and you dumb fucks just won't leave us alone. You have to be in our fucking faces and in our video games and in our fucking space. All you have to do is stay the fuck out of our space and we will forget about you, but you won't. You just keep coming back.

Mess with the bull you get the horns.
mess with the autists you get the REEEEEeEEEEEEe


Fear and revulsion aren't the same thing, fag.

>We will never have doctors surgically giving hoarders kangaroo pockets

there is a reality you dip shit, it's just constrained by your lack of imagination and consideration for ppl's whose experiences don't correspond/are familiar with yours

Multiple reasons.
1. It's narcissistic. "You gotta use my made up words and made up genders when addressing me". That's not only narcissistic, it's totalitarian as well, enforcing thoughts and word use on others.
2. It's a mental illness. You want to be a girl but aren't, tough shit. I want to wear women's clothing but doing so publicly is an act of exhibitionism, and degeneracy, and I would be forcing things down other people's throats they don't deserve to deal with. Bicycle fags and their spandex is also being a dick to others. Recognize you have a mental illness, and deal with it, most of us do.
3. There's no line. When Jazz is literally experiencing child abuse on camera, and is permanently damaged because of Munchausen by proxy causing a micropenis which will never be useable for either "bottom" surgery or for regular use, and nobody was ever able to voice any disagreement with what was happening, you know we've lost something.

Transgenderism, and the enforced tolerance and acceptance of the left will cause far more harm then being an asshole and hurting someone's fee-fee's would. Fat people are miserable, trans people are miserable, and feminist cat ladies that "can't find no good man" after riding the cock carousel, all of those could be avoided, or minimized if we were able to tell our friends and acquaintences not to be degenerate hedonistic fucktards.

>why is Sup Forums so scared of trans people?

Hell of a lot of noise being made by the filth media
considering it's only .6% of populations
And this place pushes the trans LGBTX crap as if every second person is gay, trans, a latex doll addict, a paedo, etc
Makes you wonder why ugly men in frocks are such a fixation with the (((media and governments)))
Almost as if politicians are being (((paid))) to focus attention on a miniscule percentage of the population

We create reality when we stay within our categories. We destroy it when we leave them. If I lie and say I'm not American, I destroy reality by denying the category of nationality.

It is spread by abuse and indoctrination. You mentally ill people either are victims of the agenda at hand or complicit, weather it's knowingly or unknowingly is as of yet undetermined.

70% of the US population is medicated. archive.is/E0cft
Global pharma market will reach $1.12 trillion in 2022. archive.is/uBRF9

AFA and medicare mandate trans "treatment."
List of lobbyists supporting Affordable Care Act heavily populated by pharmaceutical companies.

Even without gonads, HRT is a life-long subscription
>Life-long repeat customers

Of the top 25 pharma companies by global sales, only 4 do not include transgender-inclusive health insurance benefits

In 2015 three of the top ten corporate funders of lgbt issues were biopharmaceutical companies: Gilead Sciences, ViiV Healthcare, and Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
>Gilead (Hebrew gil?ad) en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilead_(Bible)
>(Tela)ViiV jointly owned by Pfizer, Pfizer whomst funds send-jews-to-jew-camp archive.is/Lt63d
>Bristol-Meyers Squibb
[add cohencidence here]

well the ammount of irrational, aggressive backlash looks a lot like fear I would say.
especially if you consider the tiny 0.6% percent that actually suffer from the issue.

>they indoctrinate vulnerable children into hating their body, gender, and sexual organs
>they enforce gender roles (lol I like dresses I'm girl now) while pretending to eschew them
>they are socially an annoyance at best and a burden at worst
>they are men disrespectfully pretending to be women
>they are women disrespectfully pretending to be men
>sometimes they disrespect the female gender so much they don't even try to become men but attempt to be androgynous "nonbinaries" to simply be Not Female
>they are inventing new snowflake identities every second that basically make a joke out of the rest of the LGB community
need I go on?


Those anons are wrong. We should fear transgenderism as we fear schizophrenia or depression, especially considering the comorbidity of body dysmorphia disorder. We should fear a world where psychosis bends reality to its will, rather than the reality being championed by the society and used to consistently fight delusion at every turn.

nobody is SCARED of trans people.
A) horribly disappointed (parents)
B) disgusted
C) groupthink supporters, most of which don't genuinely enjoy trans folks themselves, they just say they do to remain apart of the insider group-- they're using you for self preservation.

It's mainly disgusted intuition.
Normal folk are instinctively cynical of someone capable of thinking "mutilation of my most private, most sensitive, and most socially valued body-parts will bring me true happiness and peace of mind." They're clearly unhinged, dysfunctional and incapable of thinking like a stable person. the entire need to want such a thing stems from a massive preoccupation/obsession with your "body being wrong."

Evolutionary psychology has theories of inclusive fitness that explain such natural repulsion from trannies. It's because they cut themselves out of their family's inclusive fitness. Thus they have to entirely rely upon altruism of friendship-- and altruism basically stands on the expectation that the receiver will return the favor at some point. Trannies are so preoccupied with themselves and their persecution complex and their entitlement that stems from it-- that the highest likelihood of doing them a favor will result in ZERO return for you. THAT is why nobody does them any favors and THAT is why families typically shun them-- they're nothing but more weight and added responsibility without any of the benefits or rewards aside from "w-well you get to keep your 'son-who's-no-longer-your-son-but-is-now-a-woman-man-thing.'"

The disproportionate pride you see with trans kids' parents is actually compensative cognitive dissonance for the sheer amount of shame, disgust and humiliation they constantly feel at having such a fucked up child that they can't relate to, can't control, and can't prepare for the real world. So much to the point they spend all their interaction with that kid deluding them and themselves about the outside world.

so, threatend masculinty, got it.
makes sense in the most cishet place on the internet I guess. :^)

Liberals confuse disgust (an emotion they don't feel), with fear (which they feel all the time).

swipes at masculinity and oversimplification like that is a paper dragon you construct out of arguments for you to slay to simplify truths you simply just don't want to acknowledge.
When people like you do things like that to arguments-- you're already admitting you've lost and we've won because you're practically saying "i don't want to face that."

Nothing in my post even mentions masculinity or femininity and you know it.

Keep drifting on your raft built on self-delusion and cozy strawmen arguments through life as the world and society changes around you, never knowing why.
Just drifting, drifting, drifting. Your depression will deepen as well as your utter lack of insight into how anybody could possibly question, deny, or have distaste for such degenerative dysfunction throughout society.

>0.6% of adults identify as transgender
Horseshit, it's FAR lower than that.

>how come this?
>why is that?
funny how liberals never understand conservatives, but conservatives understand liberals just fine.

No one here is scared of them. It's just a mental disorder.

Also did you know that a lot of teenagers and young adults eventually lose their dysphoric symptoms if it's not encouraged? Funny how no one ever talks about that little nugget.

why should 99.4% of the populous expect a change that would necessitate millions in spending. take your tits and go home private.

>Don't want them around
False equivalency. I don't want people who smell terribly to be around me either, it is not a fear. It's disgust.

what a load of bullshit you got off the internet ahahahahha


Three years after operation and the tranny's flesh wound still hasn't healed. Why would any sane person do such things?

I'm not scared of them.

I'm sad for them, they don't realize the logical conclusion of alienating yourself from your own body. Hint: it's suicide.

while I am trolling at this point your post oozes threatend masculinity between the lines;
>mutilation of my most private, most sensitive, and most socially valued body-parts

also the (supposed) option to opt out of 'being a man' seems like it is a threat to the very idea of masculinity.
eg why would someone do that? Is there something better? etc. etc.

so yeah, if people wouldnch value on penis and other associadet stuff, maybe someone wanting to lose his wouldn't be such an issue to others that are not directly affecterd by such an act.

you can be disgusted at any number of things, but why be so vocal about this specific thing?

> 0.6%

>but why be so vocal about this specific thing?

More than half of them attempt suicide.

Why would you want people to go down that path?

I'm guessing the 0.6% figure includes shit like cross-dressers, which is a completely different thing than actual tranny shit but is dishonestly lumped together to make the numbers higher.

trans people are rare as fuck
ive been trying to find a qt white trans and it's been harder than getting a qt white girl