All Brazilians get the fuck out!

All Brazilians get the fuck out!

Other urls found in this thread: prank&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzzMOi9KzVAhWMipAKHY7jCsAQ_AUICigB&biw=770&bih=716

Get 'em out


Any brazil bros., source for this cromagnon? Have a few pics but he's hilarious, use him to bust my friends nuts.

oh STFU all are welcome here for debate except those who pull a paycheck to be here like shareblue fags.

You are all a mixed race metrosexual fags.

He's just tanned.

Dont commie scum believe that all humans are equal?

Life comes at you fast

Communists raped my country, take responsability!

Spic detected. Go back to san juan, Juan.

They believe all humans can be used for their goals of world domination.

kek i remember that dude from way back, there was a time when he was one of the weirdest looking people on the internet, now he looks almost normal.

And now you post nazi videos,what the fuck?

I said it and I will say again,nazis and commies are fucking socialists and have to be exterminated

German you faggot and I can kill you with a fucking finger. and all illegals can get the fuck out.

What compared to other Brazilians.

Another cuck german. Who would of thought.

Brazilians are good people, overall. I have never had a bad experience with them in San Diego and Los Angeles. It IS a different culture and the rapid immigration makes assimilation to American culture more difficult to achieve. We need to show them who we are and why its better to be more like us, while simultaneously opening ourselves to new experiences which enrich our lives. There is much to learn from other cultures. Delicious things that make life wonderful. Brazil has that, too.

Im a anarcho-capitalist. I believe in the free market and no social rules. You guys should all die. fuckin scum.

Typical fag post.

Not losing our monkey culture is our culture. Check your privilege.

All you going to response fagman or just larp as a stupid american, "Muh german heritage".

Get the fuck out!

When are going to hand over the midwest to the mexicans. Just like the Germans handed over the rhineland to the muslims.

Did my research, like kangz say, and the guy is known as afro hulk in Brazil. Thanks for nothing huehuebros.

Fuck off mexican fag!

I made a thread for you german pussy.

Uma delicia.

>Has Hammer and Sickle flag
>People fall for obvious bait

Check this new thread in response to the german pussy guy() in this thread. Still has not said anything typical german.

I remember that shit too. Matter of fact, I don't think I have even seen him since then. People used to post him in fit threads on Sup Forums, I think.

larping anarchosluts need no apply.

That's not what America is about. That's not what being a good foreign resident is about, anywhere in the world. Being a good foreigner implies trying to assimilate. It's respectful to the other culture.

Check your own assumptions about what privileges you think you have as a foreigner.

>Commie faggot

You can't even fuck south americans without starting to piss out blood, Columbo' & Co. would know..!
Here, have some arse.

Anything is better than Mexico. The shit stain of North America.

We white nigger.

Is he actually that jacked or is it silicone injections or something? Asking for a friend.

What is it user? Did the Big White Brazillian Cock get you?

Shove some cocaine up your boi pussy.


is brazilian

ye all those liveleak videos of brazilian thugs shooting eachother and murdering or severely injuring innocent bystanders are truly enriching experiences.

brazil is syria in the jungle and everyone is trying to get out of there or at least out of the slums but cant due to corrupt as fuck government and 0 savings.

How can you tell?

Show your true flag

No, Just ugly bitches larping on here.

Fug :DDD

Why did they choose an American as Miss Brasil 2011?

If he is white then I am a space nig.

I do not know ask these fags

I hate commies, but this once I will agree

i think he had synthol injections or something like that as i recall to get that shaved ape look

This is not /fit/ you stupid american faggot.

I agree there are parts of Brazilian society which are explicitly not welcome and common to other countries as well. These are uneducated, criminal, or non self-sufficient people, whom should nearly never be admitted in to our country. But we are talking about cultures and richness... it's a different conversation. I'm not sure what you´re really going on about.

this, like this kraut

please identify that person.

He doesnt look human.

Well, exist 5 major regions on Brazil. The south have a white majority of descendants of germans, italians, polishs. portugueses and austrians. You post ignore this and this prejudice brazilians.

Hue-Hues seem to be very superstitious

Bruh your a commie, like wtf kek G8 B8 M8 3/10

>i am white meme

The average IQ here is too low to understand the basic functionality of nature. The average brazilian believes itself to live in a fantastic world inhabited by entities, spirits, african gods, God and buddhist saints (no kidding). Every random unexplained act in the life of the brazilian (which there are many since your average brazilian cannot even explain to you why it rains) comes as an act of divine intervention or supernatural decision.

Due to this belief in the power of the supernatural, brazilians often don't have a single religion and will oscilate from making tributes to old pagan deities and satanic beings to climbing the ladders of a church for a catholic saint or fasting.

It's actually really fascinating if you think about it.

What is this wizardry? It looks like one image but when I click on it it's a completely different image. It's like magic.

kek did not know that but sorta makes sense

heres some more Brazilians getting btfo by skeletons: prank&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzzMOi9KzVAhWMipAKHY7jCsAQ_AUICigB&biw=770&bih=716

Shut the fuck up faggot hippie.

>new fag detected

> Shitskin detected

Why don't you post your real flag, Pedro?

Only a brazilian would hate brazilians so much.

Do hue lolis actually look like this?