Trump Endorses Police Brutality

Why do you support such an authoritarian, Sup Forums?

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>OP supports stupidity

Denied Ron Paul in 2012. world a fuck

smiling faces
>have to learn the hard way sonny

I work as a Policeman in MA and I just wanna say that I fucking agree. I've asked my chief if we can purchase a water canon next budget coming up for the Boston antifa riots.

Big if true

Because nothing excites me more than liberal blood in the streets.

If he said to shoot niggers on sight he still wouldn't be going far enough

>Water canon

Why not a truck and few big boxes?

As much as I want to... Well water canons are physically harmful and not fatal. Unless you aim for the head, you would break their neck. So maybe ill misfire who knows

I agree, we should have new regulations for police forces.
For example when engaging criminals they should not be intimidating but immediately disarm themselves and lay on the ground shouting "I'M SORRY I MUST ARREST YOU PLEASE DO NOT LET ME HURT YOU" over and over again.
And if they get stabbed or shot they must not, in any case, protect themselves but shout even louder and ask for civilians to desist in trying to help him.
And if for some reason someone tries to help the evil police he should immediately protect the criminal with his own life.
This is just a start obviously.

Not sure if you hicks know this, but we consider Huffpost to be the Breitbart of the left. Useless garbage.

Criminals should protect their own heads when entering a police vehicle. It's time these people learn some individual responsibility

The power of the state should be used to crush our internal enemies. If you cuck out on that principle they'll use the state against you. Authoritarianism is pretty cool famalam.

Death penalty for all crimes its the only way to stop degeneracy and its a pretty common tactic in asian countries.

>an authoritarian
you just answered your own question

Good. We don't tolerate trash here either.

He's securing the loyalty of police rank and file.

This is some roman emperor shit, like an emperor going around making sure the legions are loyal to him.

kek, police brutality. He said maybe not protect their heads when putting them in the back of the police car after they just killed someone.

>patrol the streets never knowing when the next shots fired call will be
>know that each and every one of these niggers could chimp out without warning
>know that the government is on their side, not yours, and will care more about the nigger getting hurt than the cop getting killed
>know that because of the genius liberal rule of the city, your salary is shit and your pension system is fucked so you're not even sure if you'll have a good retirement
>if you even live that long
>but hey you bumped some nigger's head against a car while putting him in it after he shot 3 people and robbed a liquor store so you deserve this

And they wonder why it's hard to find good cops.

No idea why we stopped using these. Europe still does and they're incredibly effective

>cops shouldn't be held to higher standards than average citizens
>cops should rough up people they don't like
>if you do a shit job, you get fired or jailed if serious enough = muh laws protect criminals more than cops!
>average of $45,000 isn't enough to live on

Cops confirmed for niggers.

>"Our new urban police policing is called "Operation Rodney King."

President Trump NO!!

> OP not understanding the concept of a joke


>Why do you support such an authoritarian

Huh. I hope you or your crew broke many antifa bones, or just simply kill them, 1980's South Africa-style.

If he actually did that I would buy ten MAGA hats and walk around my nearest college campus with them stacked on my head.

>the only people keeping niggers in line don't deserve some goddamn respect
The only reason 5 cities don't burn to the ground every time the apes chimp out over a criminal being shot is these motherfuckers

It's ok because they're not white

Who the fuck were they shooting at? Also it seemed to be a lot of Indians in that crowd at the start.

They get paid to do it, nigger. That's their compensation.
Don't like it? Find a new job.

(OP) Let me answer your question with another one, why are you such a faggot?

Because they kill and seriously hurt people.... Oh idk why even bother with free speech.

freedom is just a meme; there's no such thing as freedom to be a degenerate. besides, anyone who is even suspected of committing a crime deserves to have the shit kicked out of them or even to be executed. these kind of people don't belong in society

Commies aren't people.

They are shooting at communists who destroys things and throw rocks at cars, and many of them are kids.

ANTIFA and commies can die for all I care.

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So you're not a person? Move outta your country if you really believe your own bullshit.

Sounds like a good idea man. High enough PSI from one of those water cannons will drive them off.


Fuck you piece of shit corrupted pigs. You faggots will be the first enabler if fascism ever comes to this country, which is on the verge

I hate the concept of water cannons. Waste of water and it doesn't get the job done. Bullets are cheaper, easier and more expendable.

No thanks, nigger.

ok i accuse you of committing a crime

You are next communist faggot. Facism is what we need in this shitty marxist country of ours

this is what we want you stupid faggot

They are WAAAY more fun though.

Why is niggers and antifags getting punished a bad thing?

Don't you have some nice doggies to feed the antifa to?

Doing gods work user
How man y illegals have been arrested on Boston so far?

Law enforcement is pretty fucking stupid overall.
If you're doing a tango with them, it's your own fucking fault.

If you're gonna break the law, do it with intelligence and planning. When you're breaking the law right, it'll be as though you're not breaking the law at all.

Not enough. They always try to block it one way or another. My friend also a partner is a latino american who goes undercover and gets them to say they are illegals. Then we call ICE and they pick em up

Blacks need to be strongarmed.

>waste of water

Did you just finish a documentary or something? How much can one of those trucks hold? Maybe 100 gallons and thats being generous, I blew at least 500 out of a hydrant today just making sure there was no air in the lines. I hope that makes you shudder.

I think you're the shit.
Just invite the fire department, and use what you have. Might as well share the fun, and if they set your cars on fire, you have immediate help.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Why cant people learn that?

Because rule of law is important & the war against the police is real....Everyone has this stupid romantic notion that society can do without laws or law enforcement know what the reality of that dream is? I'm a generous man, I will tell you: Its vigilanteism and militias....gangs....the whole west will be like somalia and mogadishu...that the nightmare of lawlessness.....

The cops didn't do anything wrong either.....the media pumped lies to gain ratings and the liberals screamed for criminals to be legitimized and cops to be demonized.....You don't want to be shot or beaten by police? Don't try to hurt or scare them....millions of police / citizen contacts everyday and goes who gets shot? The bad guys that who....

Breddy fucking badass OP. Your partner is a champ and you are too.

>always block it
Who tried to? Let me guess, Walsh?

He just wants to take you back to the good days. Go to youtube and watch the old school cop videos. They have different editions etc.

dont you already have thousands of 40s&w rounds? stop mismanaging our budget and use what the taxpayers fucking bought you faggot

Man I wish the fire department was on our side as much as people think they are. They use up all our budget and buy like a shitton of useless shit and even take pay when most sleep in the department. They bought like 5 fucking ambulances of tax payers money when we didnt need them

Lawlessness already exists. What, you think there's no police in Chicago?

True law and order only comes from a vigilant and brave population. The citizenry themselves are the only effective law enforcement. Police do zero to alleviate lawlessness. Which makes perfect sense as lawlessness means job security to a police officer.
Police have no reason to reduce crime.

"I will pardon those who exercise second amendment rights in defense of their country." Democratic voters massacred, 1000 year white Empire.

all those cops cheering on Drumpf need to get a psychological evaluation done immediately to prove if they are sane and competent for the job

Sounds good.

Prove to me you're not a pedophile.

Poor police, have it so hard.

All these nonsensical laws, making it so hard for them to kill black men with reckless abandon. If only someone would think about the police!

I see nothing wrong

Please be tender with the illegals.......
They will respond much better and they promise to never cross the border again

Why? You need proof they're a bunch of lunatics?
Think about it. Positions of authority always attract those who are psychopathic. It is inevitable that an authoritative position will attract psychopaths. And psychopaths are willing to cheat and lie to obtain those positions.
This is why government always fails in the end. The very nature of the system allows the wrong people to obtain the one thing you never want them to have.

Anarchy, personal anarchy that is, in the end, is a means for a man to cast off the evils of psychopathic behavior. To focus on inner peace rather than selfish desires.

because criminal niggers and spics deserve it


>given a gun and car
>dealing with criminals, murderers all day
i would love to see you do this you pathetic faggot

Let the boys do their job

I would say depends how the detainee acts, if they are respectful treat them as such, if they are assholes well fuck'em, Do unto others and all that