Is cernovich fake news?

What did he mean by this?

so he really was the leaker?

He means he's out of the west wing and in the Oval Office right now.

Rinse Penis.

The press wouldn't have run stories like
>Scaramucchi outs Priebus as leaker
if he wasn't. The press is so vindictive they would've said,
>Scaramucchi wrongly accuses Priebus of being leaker
To make a fool of him.

When has Mr. Cernovich ever been wrong?


Mooch did what he did to see what the media's reaction would be. If no one defended Penis, then it was proof the Penis dripped.



Fuck the alt-shite.

They were playing baseball and there was a close call at 3rd

In all seriousness, I can't get into Cernovich. Every time I try to listen to him he just seems shady af.
What's his appeal?

He sometimes breaks before msm but
>listnening to him

But .... but .... i haz speshul inside nolledge

becasue he's smart as hell, writes incredible books, and has great scoops.

Or they love the infighting

Thanks Mike!

Big if true


he's a sensationalist/monkey book salesman. The Alt Lite is is all about money. The fact that they're spammed here by shills all day is proof of that


don't meth wif firmovick

Minced Benis out

Seriously what was his folks thinking, fucking riced Prius