
>be american

>drink cancer

Other urls found in this thread:


Good thing I have a natural well and water filters.

who the fuck drinks tap water directly? I live in a shitskin country and even I filter the water atleast 2 times before drinking. Also, better to get drinking water from rain, wells.

>be faggot

>get aids

sort of irrelevant issue at this point in time

>"scientist find new data result of cancer causing rays from the sun, studies say exposure to sun light increases cancer probability by 100%"

>be retarded and poor enough to drink tap water
>get cancer

>be a functional human being and drink milk, soda, beer, purified water, etc. instead
>don't get cancer

>be citycuck
>drink shit and piss

People in first world countries do. I dunno why you suggesting you filter your shitty water is meant to be an accomplishment.

I forgot burgers actually wash their clothes with juice, do the dishes with doctor pepper, and cook pasta with Pepsi.
My bad, you are safe.

its true.
dupont has ruined all of the water in my area.
every couple years we have "do not drink the watere" advisories.
When the goverment lowered the "what is safe" limits on c8 the city next to us instantly went into a don't drink the water panic (even though literally nothing changed).
fish arnt safe to eat out of the river.
was told not to drink rain/eat the snow when I was little.
cant drink the tap water, been on estrogen bottled water for the last 15 years because thats the safest option

The sun does cause cancer, you imbecile. It is a well known fact.

wait.. what the fuck do eurocucks cook with then?

>not dry-cleaning all your clothes
>being too poor to eat all your meals at restaurants with on-the-go snacks inbetween that don't require dishes
>being too dumb to use disposable dishes if you are poor
>being so poor you need to cook your own pasta

cancer is nothing to americans. rub some dirt on it, go home.

>living in a liberal metropolis

They deserve cancer

is there anything that doesn't give you cancer?

I don't see bacon on here!

>live in midwest
>have own well
>ogallala aquifer
>never had to drink chlorine or floride
>killed/grew most our own food
>midwest has higher average IQ
>wonder why

>he doesn't cook his pasta with Pepsi
lol look at this fag

>People in first world countries do
No they don't, idiot. Holy shit, no wonder yuropoors are all turning into weak fags. Stop doing that.

>be faggot
>BE cancer

That's his point. What are you going to do, avoid the sun?

>not filtering your tap water
brita sucks, get at least a zerowater (cheap) or ideally an alexapure (filters last forever)

tap water will give you cancer or make you gay
that's how much the people in power love us

because the midwest is nigger free and doesnt have beady anglo cowards

>be gay
>*sips cum*


>lmao why do you buy spring water
>fluoride is good for you bro
>there's like literally no difference lol
I hate those poor people that grew up drinking this trash and now can't taste the very obvious and glaring difference.

that sucks dude, plastic bottles cause the gay, we may have to change your pronouns

in your case i'd go with reverse osmosis, expensive though, but your water is super shit so while a decent gravity filter like alexapure or zerowater is good enough for regular tap water i might go full reverse osmosis in your case. plenty of water stores in most cities though, if you can maybe pick up a large bottle for a water cooler it would be a lot safer then the soft plastics in disposable bottles

this meme give me goosebumps. I know that face.

>Mohammed Salem
sage. Should read the fucking image after you crop out the source


>Based on extensive reviews of research studies, there is a strong scientific consensus of an association between alcohol drinking and several types of cancer

Only soft plastic. HDPE plastic (it'll say stamped on the bottom of the jug) is a "harder" plastic and has next to no pollution into the water it holds, unless you heat it up to the point on melting.


Just imagine for a second into what kind of shithole the US will eventually devolve into.

>be spanish
>drink tap water all your life
>be the 5th country with highest life expectancy in the world

the only problem where I live is the lime, but that's why I use a filter

>drink milk,
better be organic, monsanto corn is deadly and thats what the cows were fed
probably made with tap water, has three times the suggested daily limit for added sugars in a single can. diabetes etc
high glyphosphate levels in non-organic beer, leading cause of man tits, disrupts masculine hormones
>purified water,
distilled water can suck minerals out of your cells, so be sure to re-alkalize your water if its reverse osmosis or distilled. but otherwise yes
too much sugar in juice. too much coffee on a regular basis (more then 3-4 cups daily) can cause adrenal gland failure. tea has high levels of fluoride (at least its calcium fluoride not the tap water kind but still bad enough in high levels)

basically there's a reason it's difficult to stay healthy. people are trying to kill us

>milk, soda, beer




yea Ive been looking into reverse osmosis.
probably wont be able to work it into the budget for a while though, so until then I guess my pronouns are she and xir

yea I need to look up the different types of plastic. I couldn't find shit stamped on this estrogen bottle other than a 1 recycle mark and some gibberish "827 ne"

This guy gets it

>he doesn't filter

I drink 3L of American tap water a day. Am I fucked?

Wait so are you saying the cancer water will seep into muhclothes?1?

>Do reverse imagine search
>get the gaza strip

Atleast we have readily available water faggot

>drinking the liquid kike

>Have my water hooked up to an actual well

>mahammed salem

I'm American. I don't know if it was due to my family's upbringing but I still end up boiling tapwater in big teapots and the pour the boiled water in large glass containers to be refrigerated afterwards.

Does anybody else do this?

I don't know anybody who drinks water straight from the tap in my neighborhood.

>Not filtering your water in the current year
>Not supporting the InfoWars

Yesterday I had to go outside for a couple hours, it was terrific.

We do because Europe isn't as fucking poor and third world as the USA is. We are civilized. Civilized people drink tap water.

Does boiling my water before drinking it help?

Reverse Osmosis sounds pretty good.




However, you have to find the best filter for your lifestyle and how much money you want to spend.

If you prefer warmed toxins


Distillation Systems

>Distillation Systems use a process of heating water to the boiling point and then collecting the water vapor as it condenses, leaving many of the contaminants behind.

>Distillation Systems have a very high effectiveness in removing protozoa (for example, Cryptosporidium, Giardia);

>Distillation Systems have a very high effectiveness in removing bacteria (for example, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli);

>Distillation Systems have a very high effectiveness in removing viruses (for example, Enteric, Hepatitis A, Norovirus, Rotavirus);

>Distillation Systems will remove common chemical contaminants, including arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, nitrate, sodium, sulfate, and many organic chemicals.

All industrialized nations have been fed cancer for a while now. And now they're trying to monopolize seeds with gmo's

Getting cancer in land of capitalism is of extreme importance for medical business, but by no means is cancer the only thing. One would think that people would get less cancer with time, especially when you have thousands of American university papers on cancer every year.

>distilled water can suck minerals out of your cells

Falling for water filter selling jew so hard, literally a pasta from water filter promo article.
Distilled water doesnt suck shit out of your bones its safe, some island tribes drink almost exclusively rain water (wich is water distilled by nature) and their bones are fine, my father drinks distilled water more then 10 years and his bones are fine, i drink distilled water since birth and im buillt like a truck. Water is not supposed to be the source of minerals you need to drink hundreds of liters to get daily requirements from it. Stop falling for kikery, i cant believe someone can believe that h2o "sucks minerals out of bones".

Thank you.

Anyone have household filters and other stuff to look into?

>drink the bottled water
>become a fag

>drink the tap water
>get cancer

there's no winning

>tfw can safely drink tap water
feels white man, also when i was a kid visiting germony or britain my parents never allowed me to drink tap water there, i wonder why. Face it westerncucks, you're dead


What are you talking about? German tap water is healthy af.

Breathing causes cancer unless you live in some lonely shed in the mountains so literally who gives a shit.
They say eating charred meat causes cancer but that ain't stopping me from stuffing my face with that shit. After all you only carpe diem once.

There's this cool invention called full body clothing that whites have been wearing since they differentiated from proto-shitskins. For whatever reason the past few generations seem to have forgotten it exists.

Who actually drinks tap water? Can you just not afford Coca-Cola?
>inb4 'HURR SODA DEHYDRATES YOU', that's bullshit because it's been the only beverage I drink for the past 30 years

I have my own well system.
>Be Urbanite degenerate
>Get cancer from tap water
How is this a problem?

Only poor people dont have a filter on their city water supply

jesus I know that stare all too well.

Americans eat shit that is way more horrifying than third world infrastructure water.

How are those kidney stones?

Pur is the better filter, Zerowater is 2nd, Brita is shit

99% of all beer is made with tap water

Never had a single kidney stone in my life.


>soda makes you fat
Nah, I'm pretty sure eating 10,000 calories a day is what's making you fat. I'm 6 ft 160lb.

hot tea gives you cancer

lol well drinkers, your filters aint doing shit if gwudisw

boiling water just concentrates pollutants you retard

wouldnt boiling water only work for killing off living organisms like bacteria?

yeah, you cant boil the lead out

Jokes on you, I have Alex Jones grade RO filters.

>Be Eurabian
>Suck Muslim cock

So where the fuck do I get a water distiller? That thing must be huge.



Murica so backwards on everything.
Violence: GOOOOD
Milk comes in fucking plastic jugs.
Butter comes in a big fucking hard block wtf.

Environmental engineer here:

Most of you guys are fucking retarded. Yes, trihalomethanes like chloroform may exist in your tap water but they're required to stay under 80 ppb which MAY increase your chance of cancer drinking a gallon a day over 70 years by something like 1x10^-5, which is one in 100,000 for you retards.

Yeah, no shit.
Anyone who has ever visited the tap water there tastes like absolute shit.
It doesn't matter if your in Miami, Denver, or San Jose.

>mfw normal water contains this shit too
them's the breaks kiddo

Dude, I came from a fucking third world country, and even there I drank water straight from the tap for most my life.
Of course the whole place went down the shitter when they democratically elected a fucking despot.

Glad I have a well.

>be nazi
>get btfo'd

Funny how Americans always complain about Mexican water whenever the topic is brought up

You might get the shits rarely if you're a foreigner but you sure as fuck aren't going to die from cancer

>merinigger US
>first world

It isn't poisonous tho..

>Butter comes in a big fucking hard block wtf.
WTF are you talking about?
The only butter I've ever seen in the US is that shitty sweetened butter that comes in tiny little sticks with 4 per box.

god i wish i had cancer
sadly because im a rural and suburban retard i only have well water

kawai as fuck senpai

You know that wont protect you tho right? All the pig shit and stuff still makes it to your well.