I just got married and will try to have kids

My worst fear is that I have a daughter that becomes a coal burning race traitor. I have not discussed this with my wife but I'm sure she feels the same way.

I am so scared that I am considering abortion if the fetus is female.

Any suggestions?

Pic not me or my wife; just a random nigger and coalburner.

Inject the baby with aids, so when she fucks black kangz, she infects them with the monkey-nigger virus. Win-win!

Tell her you'll disown her if she does.


Just raise your kid the right way. What in the fuck is so hard to understand about this?

Well if you got married and you're not worried about your wife becoming a coal burning race traitor then I see no reason why a tiny little dumplet would have you worried.
You TEACH em you moron. It's called raising.
Are you sure you should have kids???

It's not common.

Quit being a pussy and set a good example of how a man should behave. If you do that she will respect herself and won't be attracted to dindus. Unless you married a subversive woman who will shit talk about you to your daughter behind your back.

Private traditional catholic school but she may become a nun

too obvious, nice try but still kys

dont do that. you will just make her want to do it more. women get a thrill out of doing things they think are rebellious.

op the only solution is to move somewhere where everybody is white and have many children so that at least one of them wont turn out to be a fuck up. you should be having lots of children regardless

I understand this is Sup Forums but maybe keep these threads in plebbit

you literally can't stop it, cuck

Time to move to Eastern Europe, only subhumans raise white children in america

You're handing your kids off to the brown machine grinder

The best thing you can do for your daughter, or son for that matter, is show them examples. Positive and negative examples. Show them what happens when...or when....etc...Explain that THIS is how we do things for THESE reasons.

I have two girls. Internalizing memes and believing in them is idiotic. They are what you make them.

Do niggers usually leave when the coalburner is pregnant or right after she gives birth to ensure the black genetics were successfully implanted into a white host?

Chances are high that the race war is already going hard once she is of age.
Just give her a female friendly weapon like dagger or an mp


>cuck poster
Not surprised in the least, I have to say.

You Lost it Cracka, Accept it

I dont see a down side.
Not like her sons will carry his name anyways.

grow up and embrace the new normal

Show your flag, Amerifat

raise her well. don't specifically tell her not to touch niggers, cause every girl goes through at least one rebellious phase and you don't want to give her any ideas. if she does then just disown her. if you're smart you'll have more than one kid so you can afford to have at least one fuckup. I'm planning on having at least 6 kids so if I can get even 3 of them right then I'm batting .500 which is HOF level
>I am so scared that I am considering abortion if the fetus is female.
well that sounds unnecessary

Just tell her truth. Her kids will be hideous with low intelligence and the dad will be gone before the baby is born, then the only men she'll ever get henforth out will be spineless cucks who cannot protect her and she'll end up raising them herself.

lmao, yeah

>4 U

>Any suggestions?
Be a good father and don't give your kids everything they ever want.

what's wrong with that map? I welcome it


t. Abdul

lmao, you couldn't even make it more obvious you are an Americuck, even if you tried


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Yeah, and just ignore the social/political climate of the day and let her get white girl friends that have black boyfriends and talk about how great the BBC is... good luck with that.

God, this thread is gold! I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.

maybe you can try not being a racist asshole for once lol

>I'm sure she feels the same way
*breathes in*


Best way to guarantee she'll do it.

My toddler daughter (beautiful blonde hair blue eyed aryan princess) is about to hit school age, so my wife and I are shopping around looking for a place to put her in.

Unfortunately we live in a heavily "diverse" part of Dallas and the schools are at least 70-80% black/mexican. Fortunately, my wife is completely against race mixing (must be the german heritage) and she's scared of our daughter going to any of the available schools. Now we're looking at expensive private schools that we can barely afford, but I think our daughter will be better off there anyhow because she's insanely intelligent.

Anything to avoid being the racist parents that has to tell all the black parents obscure excuses as to why our daughter won't be going to their kids sleepovers or birthday parties.

>not an argument
Atleast America was less cucked than Krauts

this is going to be your daughter

Just move somewhere without blacks. Honestly, that's the best option whether it's a girl or not.

This source of your Problem is found at the local sin-a-gog. Found it and have a chat with what's in there. Take a MR 15 with and a few 100 rounds as back-up...God be with you.

Your daughter will submit to the might of the foot long ebony dong.

that's the fear, man :( fuck

OP just dont get divorced while your daughter is

It will be beautiful.


The problem is that you can spend your life savings in private (white) schools only for her to get BLACKED in college.

Move to the most homogeneous community around, pick a correct private education, teach her core white values, do not spoil it, keep an eye of her friends, dissuade her away from nigger music and culture, dissuade her away from pop whore culture.

Living under the Jew really did its number on you. Now I feel sorry for you. Sad!

Well done, you are doing the right thing, if we don't sacrifice for the future of our children then we are doomed.

Imagine having a daughter, raising her, showing her nothing but love. You watch her grow, you look on as her body transforms into that of a woman: she grows breasts, her figure takes shape. She's beautiful, innocent, sweet. She goes to school. She gets good grades. And then she meets a nigger. He treats her brutishly. He touches her in front of you, makes you seem small. He laughs. You laugh too. It's only banter, you think to yourself. One day she tells you she's pregnant. You don't say anything, even though it feels wrong. As the months pass, you watch as her stomach swells with his nigger seed. She shows her bump off to the family, you're too disgusted to show an interest, although maintain an outward sense of enthusiasm. She gives birth to a woolly-haired niglet. It has none of her features. It has none of your features. The nigger leaves soon after. Slowly, the realisation that you've failed as a father sets in. It falls to you to raise this child that looks nothing like you. One day you take it to the park. You see the other grandparents with grandchildren which look like them. You look at the small brown hand which is in your hand. You sigh.

>I am considering abortion if the fetus is female.
are you Chinese? Just grow her up properly, you stupid nigger. Girls with daddy issues are the ones who had little contact with their fathers.


there is a difference between dating a black person or a nigger.

if your daughter brings home a class act negro like clarence thomas or david clarke, you should be proud, not discouraged. i don't consider those women coal burners.

That doesnt make any fucking sense; born female and (((transitioned))) to a man but still wants to birth a child which is a distinct female ability

If she starts dating a black, tell her not to see him ever again. Parents do this all the time if they don't approve. And if she's over 18, then disown her until she smartens up (don't support her in any way). It's also wise to have more than 2 kids to ensure at least one isn't a failure.

If that happened you'd be well within your rights to never interact with her again. She can pay for it herself, completely cut her off. The only problem is if you're divorced and she lives with her mom but even so once she turns 18, disown her.

Tell her the truth, if she dates a nigger she will probably end up with AIDS, a black eye, some broken ribs and a retarded little monkey baby and then he will run off

> inb4 rebel modus activated teeehe

>she meets a nigger
All that watching and good grades was for nothing, because THIS is where YOU fucking failed.

>you've failed
Why? As much as you try you can't shape 100% how people turn out. They are self-thinking humans that get influenced and shaped by many other outside factors, not programmable AI.

>It falls to you to raise this child

You sound like a fucking faggot buddy. Consider necking yourself.

Why would you even care? Honestly, I would have no problem with it as long as the black boyfriend is a decent guy,

Girl who lived in my neighborhood started burning coal, so her parents threw her out until she ended it. That's one way to deal with it

Fuck your daughter and impregnate her.

Also don't: buy her a cell phone, let her use social media or watch any (((propaganda))) shows/movies. Be strict: make sure all her girl friends are good influences. This isn't drastic or anything- it's how people used to be raised. Females can't think logically and need to coddled like this.

Enjoy your ugly low-IQ grandkids.


Sex dolls will replace women,days with women are counted

She most likely already banged a black guy, she'll never tell you because it was in her past and it would just cause unnecessary trouble. Accept it and move on. She's with you now, that's all that matters. Put your balls back on and quit being a bitch.


Too late; she's already BLACKED.

Nothing can wash that off.

Everytime it's an american who posts that stuff.

Just raise her properly and she'll become a good citizen. The corrupt women you see nowadays were raised by single mothers and weak willed fathers. If you behave like a man and your wife like a woman, your children will turn out completely fine.

be very subtle about it, just expose her to negative images of black people.

for instance, if you know a chimpout is in progress, make sure your tv is on and say something like "people like this are just never going to stop being violent". bit by bit you'll implement the idea that niggers are animals. work through it. My sister once told me about how she saw some blacks in london screaming something like "YEAH WHITEY THERE'S BLACK PEOPLE IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD", and I just passively mentioned "that's how they get power" making her think about how niggers don't really care about her. before she left for london i mocked her a bit and made muezzin sounds and told her to get ready for it. this was years ago so the constant terrorist attacks set her mind straight with the idea that was already planted in her. she is currently dating a very well mannered aryan guy.

White girls only racemix if they have a bad relationship with their fathers. If she sees you as a protector, she'll seek out a man just like you.

The problem is that women's nature is to like "bad boys" and teenagers rebel.

based tips bro
protect Portugal, protect Europa

Here is what my dad told me:

He said that half kids live a cursed in between life. Black people resent them for being too white, white people look down on them for being black. They have nothing grounding them in their identity, and it's cruel to bring someone like that into the world.

I mean, obviously my dad just didn't want black grandchildren, but he was smart enough to come at it from a sympathetic angle when addressing his young daughters.

Having kids at this point is not saving muh white race, it's wilful ignorance and cruelty.

You've got to know when to fold them.

Honestly, keep your kids active at all times. If you get lazy at parenting then you only have yourself to blame if she ends up fucking a nigger. Push your daughter to do sports and non-degenerate but time consuming activities.

red pill your child about tryone.
but if she becomes a coal burner kill yourself along with the child.

raise her to hate niggers as soon as she opens her eyes!

>g*rman calls "amerifat" a cuck

Stop being a scaredy little beta and raise your kid properly, ESPECIALLY if it's a girl (problem solved to degeneracy). Move to an area that is culturally western and white. Man up. It's not that fucking hard.

If one could make the consequences clear and the behavior understood, especially through long term exposure to ideas, history, current events, you shouldn't be worried. reality has a racist bias. this is always however the problem of rebellion being part of a particular person's nature... it becomes case by case at that level. just gotta admit when someone's a lost case too.

>a bunch of ugly niggers get cute girls

Thanks jewish brainwashing, can't wait to pick the prime qts of the non-jew'd generation coming up

You are arguing with a literal cuckold, my Southern European friend.

i've been ridiculously well timed though, like when i told her gay mexican friend to not trust islam and then a few days later the pulse shooting happened. In the same argument i asked the guy what the word "islam" meant and there was just silence. people know this stuff, they just bury it.

That'll make her want to.

I just took my daughter into the ghetto a couple times and when she asked why its all run down and why is everyone scary looking I just told her thats how black people live and we usually try to avoid them but sometimes you have no choice but to interact. Now she just hates them because she associates them with poverty and crime.