What was their downfall again?

What was their downfall again?

winning two world wars

no one knows

Jews, pretty much



WW1: Millions dead ranging from the working class right up to members of the extended nobility. Accrue massive debt with the USA to win, default on that debt prior to WW2.

WW2: Don't lose so many men but have to basically sell your Empire to the USA for them to trust you after you failed to pay debnts the first time.

We should have just made peace in 1940.

Britain is the only country that lost World War 2.

The French helped a lot.

They got too comfy.
They dominated a third of the world, now the third world is dominating them.
The cycle continues.
Godspeed, Anglos.

Their red coats.

Do you want the truthful answer or /Pol answer or maybe even the /B answer?

What's the Sup Forums answer? Porn?

No, Germany came off way worse. Millions of ethnic Germans cleansed from Eastern Europe, country divided an so half of it ruled by communism for 40 years, and now their population is terrified of nationalism and is now the most pro EU and pro migrant country in Europe. We may have lost the empire, but at least our genetic, cultural and spiritual legacy lives on in the Anglosphere.

/B answer is because op is a faggot. Which is all I've learned from them in the past 7 years.


Not like it was bound to keep going either way. The UK was increasingly hard pressed to keep its fleet large and modern which was the most important precondition for their empire as well as economical and political dominance, which was diminishing either way.

The coup de grace was delivered by the US during the Suez crisis.

>fight tooth and nail on bitches and beaches and shit whole world be damned to preserve your empire and your empire's future protects to be bigger meaner empire
>sell it away and disband it few years later
>then enjoy getting gangbanged by niggers and pakis
someone explain this as i don't get it at all

allowing the continental army to escape over the east river after the battle of brooklyn

I'm seriously trying to come up with another answer besides the gods chosen but it really actually is the jews.

Germany got treated with kid gloves after Versailles Treaty and was rebuilt with American money. Meanwhile Britain was having to import Carribean darkys and pakis to rebuild their country with their money. I should not have said Britain lost the war but they came out worst of anyone except maybe Eastern European countries under Soviet rule.

We bailed out West Germany massively. West Germany was more prosperous under our aide than in the times of Nazi Germany. Modern Germany is an example of burgerbux welfare

Ungentlemanly Tactics

It always comes down to the Jews doesn't it?

World War One and the subsequent destruction of the Edwardians.

This. As well as allowing the USA to become dominant. And by dominant I mean so dominant that it literally told the Brits to stay out of their own canal in Egypt just because it could do so.
The Brits accepted it.

But mainly the world wars was too much of an effort.

They didn't force their colonies to form their own local aristocracies under English crown. That meant that London had to do all of the administration and so it because over-extended. The Canadian Nickle Resolution is a good example of a grievously bad misstep for the Empire.

A single continental power would eventually spell the end of the empire either way.

There are two things the UK made damn sure to follow;
1.It will have a fleet twice as large as any other power
2.It will never allow a dominant continental power in Europe


basipally winning is raycis

>buying into anti-anglo memes



You should have gassed the kikes, signed a non-aggression treaty with Hitler and sipped tea while he destroyed the Soviet Union.

I miss this type of warfare senpai.

They started giving a shit about the subhumans they conquered.

Fucking peace. Your post is like watching France happen after the napoleonc wars

Jews, US Jews in particular. Had to break up that Imperial trading block which was so unfair, how could they ever make any shekels when the British had such a trade advantage with their dominions.

That's not an anti-anglo meme, that was the policy of the British government. That's why Britain literally signed the 100:35 agreement with Germany (Anglo-German naval agreement) without even consulting France.

This could have worked as the USA only cared about Britain, Australia and Canada.

This. Never anthropomorphisize the subhumans.


>Roosevelt and his kike friends cared about Britain.

They cared about making the world free for Jewish banking driven internationalism, and America fucked Britain out of its Empire after WWII. If anything an Anglo-German alliance would have been to ward off the U.S.

Part of winning as "good guys" i suppose. How would they look it one of the supposed liberators if Europe smacked India and Ireland hard?

If the WWII didn't happen they'd do just that.

+ Singapore, Hong Kong & the Falklands

The USA was Anglo and Germanic at this point. Also the USA had a lot of investment in Britain and only became a superpower due to being in wartime production.

The US was neutral on the Falklands due to friendliness with Argentina

They were already a paper tiger by 1930, thier "empire" was only continuing by habit at that point, dispire what the movies tell you, they really did fuck all in ww2, lost china, lost Burma, lost Singapore, lost India, with barly a shot.
Didn't help the Chinese army's vs Japan at all. Just some of thier worthless paper mostly. They really didn't do much on the western front either.

I should probably elaborate, Mayer R had couriers deliver the news of Napoleons defeat to his cohorts in London. Everyone knew the Rs had a clear word, so when their cohorts started selling Royal bonds, the other holders panicked and sold their stake. The R bought them up cheaply. Shortly after the central bank of England was founded, and the rest is history.

They were dragged over the finish line by US boys not only once but twice.

We had a lot of help both times.

bad camouflage

You could say the war of 1812 was a proxy war between the Rs and the Romanovs.

The Dreadnought.

They built a ship that made their entire fucking armada useless, and that other nations could copy. This sent them into a panic that never ended where they did everything in their power to fuck up the rest of Europe to keep them from competing because they could no longer depend on the good ol' ruling of the waves. They ended up fully embracing the Nosepeople's ways and bank tactics to accomplish this new form on domination.

And it ended up destroying their own empire. They got so caught up in it that they overplayed their hands, got entangled in absurd alliances, and lost a generation in WW1. Then lost their remaining strength and vitality in WW2, again, for similar reasons.

The Anglo thought it was the puppet master. But like a bad JRPG, they were just a faux boss, and the real final boss controlled and used them all along.

Nice AOE 3 art btw

It wasnt embraced persay. More like the Empire was bought.


The population maybe but not the government, kikes like Warburg and Morgenthau were pulling Roosevelt's strings.

I guess trading your empire for a world war isn't a good deal.

>Be me and not someone else
>Playing Napoleon Total War
>Usually play as Prussians or Austrians
>Invading bongistan
>Have the redcoat, rotjaw bastards trapped in a fortress
>Make a seige army and a supporting artillery army
>Don't even attack the wall
>Launch volley after volley of quicklime behind the wall
>Gas the anglos like filthy jew rats
>Raze the city and move on
>Then the best part....I liberate Ireland and give London to the mics
>MFW every time

Thought's on Empire Vs Napoleon Total war?

Hitler's attacking the ussr was the dumbest thing ever. They would of had peace on the eastern front for a long time if they hadn't done that.
>mah oil
Is a retarded reason, bellum se ipsum alet was a useless doctrine sense 1898

Naps is more polished Empire has more content.