Blade Runner - Final scene

Did this scene indirectly describe White genocide? Was it deliberate?

>deteriorating city, i.e. Western civilization
>Aryan looking guy is dying, i.e. White genocide

As the Whites die off civilization is deteriorating more and more...


>being a slave

i.e. to manipulating kikes. Since about the 60s in the US...

Other urls found in this thread:


We will be remembered as Villians but as the only ones who stood up and stabilized the world


Read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep."

The scene was meant to say that the lives of both androids and humans, through all our pleasures and pains and experiences, we all pass out of time like tears in the rain.

You never watched blade runner did you?
You could probably find undertones of white genocide in teletubbies


I did a long time ago. Just meant indirectly.

I will.

I liked the part where they're sword fighting and Kurrigan knocks Connor's katana out of his hand. Then Connor grabs some random metal pipe and starts using it like pugil stick. lol


It must have been great to grow up through the 80s

Probably this. Although I don't want to be defeatist.

Just to clearly. I don't think that they were talking about White genocide... but looking at this scene now and looking at what is happening - well it's spot on.

OP here btw.

my bad. in that scene Brenda (the metallurgist working for the police department) throws Connor the metal pipe.


i once read a literary criticism of the book wherein the author made the case that the androids were actually jews and that philip was anti-semitic.

couldn't find it but there's this

>teletubbies live by themselves in an isolated area(separated white ethnostate)
>teletubbies have light skin
>clearly the last remaining aryans on planet earth, they've since used genetic engineering to develop fur of varying colors and brain antennae to amplify their mental capabilities

Not intentionally, but it could be interpreted that way.

who wants...

to live....


Huh, interesting. Thanks.

Fuck, that's a good scene.
It's been a while since I've seen it last, what was the good edition again?


Off topic but I saw the trailer for this game and it reminded me of Blade Runner a lot.

>the androids were actually jews

>Phillip K. Dick explicitly intended the Androids ("Replicants", as they were called in Blade Runner) to represent "Nazis".

>According to Kike Paul M. Sammon, author of Future Noir - The Making of Blade Runner:

>"Really the impetus of that novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, were some Nazi diaries that Dick had come across while doing research at the closed stacks of the University of California at Berkley, in the library. And he was reading the journals of an officer, an SS officer, who had worked in one of these camps. And one of the entries really caught his attention, and the entry was, 'The screams of children keep me awake at night.' And from that little seed he began thinking, 'This person is not human. He cannot associate what he has just written.' In other words he's being bothered by the fact that they're exterminating all these thousands of people around him, because... And he can't get a good night's sleep. So from that Phil inferred that basically these people weren't human. The Nazis were a synthetic organism. They were completely dissociated from human intercourse And I think that really is the spur of the entire Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Blade Runner story started out as."


Can you feel the quickening? When will you guys try and kill me?? THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!

pretty shit analysis. he misinterpreted the quote, stuck his his as far up his own asshole as it could go, what we see is the end result.

the SS guy didnt mean the literal screams kept him up, it seems infinitely more likely he was speaking metaphorically (i.e. guilt keeps him up at night). germans are autistic and mechanical as fuck, if the screaming was literally too loud they would have re-engineered the barracks so screams couldnt be heard.

the SS officer was reflecting on whether or not he was doing the right thing, but considering he continued to do it, it's pretty reasonable conclusion that he didnt feel bad enough to stop.

your average nigger or muslim doesnt think twice about doing something heinous, they dont possess the self awareness too. but yeah the Nazis are totally the non-humans.

Good edition?

Yeah we just call it Confirmation bias. He understood what he wanted to believe

Don't lose your head, brother. We will wait for the time of the Gathering.

only if you're doing a racial criticism of the movie. post-racial criticism wouldn't have ever considered this.

There were several different endings and revisions to the film.

directors cut or final cut.

Really? I've only seen two versions of the first Highlander.

Thanks m8

Blade Runner, ya window licker

Wait there are two versions? For reals?

yeah, one version doesn't include the scene of his shooting an SS officer. that's the only difference i remember.

Damn nice, gotta find it. I've seen the one where he shoots the SS officer. Guess I'm googling a bit tonight.

Highlander 2 is so bad it's good.